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Starting: 05/13/93
Ending: 05/21/93
- where is for xdtm ??? Sohail M. Parekh (05/13/93)
- How to mount floppy?? =====Pete Hsu===== (05/13/93)
- Re: fdisk/ext2fs/64Meg-limit problem Marc G Fournier (05/13/93)
- a1 Chien-Ping Yu (05/13/93)
- Driver for Creativa Labs CDROM Gregory Humphreys (05/13/93)
- No sync in linux DOS file system ?? Der-Hua Liu (05/13/93)
- Re: IDE vs SCSI and intermixing the two. Drew Eckhardt (05/13/93)
- Re: compiling tcx - solution HJ Lu (05/13/93)
- ANNOUNCE: Installation Support Mike Jones/Mountain Alternative Systems (05/13/93)
- X monitor/tracer wanted for debugging John Keane (05/13/93)
- Why termftp so slow? Savio Lam (05/13/93)
- Re: Inane question about mounting CD-ROMs Drew Sullivan (05/13/93)
- Re: HELP muchos problemos Vince Skahan (05/13/93)
- Help!!! I can no long login! lisong chen (05/13/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #139 (05/13/93)
- Known ext2fs problem? Dennis Chapman (05/13/93)
- Re: mke2fs hangs, does nothing Steve Fuller (05/13/93)
- Remote display question? Steve Jorgensen (05/13/93)
- Re: Cant shutdown after X! M. Saggaf (05/13/93)
- Re: term099 and X Hansjoerg Toepfer (05/14/93)
- *** READ THIS BEFORE POSTING *** Ian Jackson (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #140 (05/14/93)
- logging on over the serial port (reply by e-mail) Arthur Klassen (05/14/93)
- Dumb SLS newbie question re: a2 disk Paul Christopher Workman (05/14/93)
- Re: help big time. Erik Geertsema (05/14/93)
- possible memory leak in libc 4.3.3 iostreams? Jason Deines (05/14/93)
- [SOLVED] Can not mount msdos /dev/hda1 The Graphical Gnome (05/14/93)
- SLS 1.01 problem! Simon Johnston (05/14/93)
- Re: Printing on a Remote SPARCPrinter (kernel 0.99pl9) John Paul Morrison (05/14/93)
- xpaint goes technicolor Sukoco Arif (05/14/93)
- Is Linux tough on HardWare ? (CRC error on root-floppy). Ole Nomann Thomsen (05/14/93)
- Re: X emulator - xdos02 Dennis Cheng-Zen Yang (05/14/93)
- Re: floppy overbuffering P D H (05/14/93)
- using clone Joerg Pommnitz (05/14/93)
- gethostbyname() difficulties Barracuda (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #141 (05/14/93)
- Re: How do I remove LILO? Carsten Schiers (05/14/93)
- Re: Sharing a swap partition: Linux and Windows? Peter Herweijer (05/14/93)
- Help: X server and french keyboard Andre April (05/14/93)
- Re: dial-in over a serial line, some answers//dial-in dial-out Larry Strickland (05/14/93)
- OLEO: Getting past io-edit.c error? Leon Dent (05/14/93)
- Re: Dangers of password shadowing fuer@PROBLEM_WITH_INEWS_DOMAIN_FILE (05/14/93)
- HELP ! X and SPEEDSTAR Markus Billich (05/14/93)
- how to install ne2000 Sheu Wuu_long (05/14/93)
- Re: Looking for simple GIF viewer /w vgalib Erik Troan (05/14/93)
- Re: csh for linux Erik Troan (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #142 (05/14/93)
- Linux drivers for DEC DEPCA Ethernet cards (05/14/93)
- Need help with XConfig (05/14/93)
- Help compiling xdtm ? Robert Bingler (05/14/93)
- uugetty timeout (05/14/93)
- Password protection when changing VC's ?? Joel M. Hoffman (05/14/93)
- Bug ?! in tcp 99pl9 getpeername Olaf Schlueter (05/14/93)
- Ignore, testing Stephen O. Berger (05/14/93)
- NFS: Old Unices: Invalid client credential Gerhard Schneider (05/14/93)
- Re: IDE vs SCSI and intermixing the two. Wilko Bulte (05/14/93)
- HELP: re Error 0X04 Noll (05/14/93)
- where to get ka9q for Linux ? Georges (05/14/93)
- Video Card questions Bradford Mott (05/14/93)
- need working lpd (05/14/93)
- [TERM] problem with tredir and telnet david.a.cuka (05/14/93)
- Installation Support Apology Steve Fuller (05/14/93)
- Re: Monitor settings for X list? Charles Anderson (05/14/93)
- WHO'S IN CHARGE OF FDISK?? -- please someone answer Scott D. Heavner (05/14/93)
- stat() replacement? Marc G Fournier (05/14/93)
- Re: Virtual consoles available when running X? Keith Barrett (05/14/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew Stevens (05/14/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Ian Kluft (05/14/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew Stevens (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew McGregor, rm ,ext (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew Berry (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Paul Lin (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Ian Kluft (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Ian Kluft (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Anthony Rumble (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew McGregor, rm ,ext (05/16/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Mark Evans (05/17/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Mark Evans (05/17/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew McGregor, rm ,ext (05/17/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew McGregor, rm ,ext (05/17/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Rick (05/17/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Andrew McGregor, rm ,ext (05/17/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Matti Aarnio (05/19/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Ian Kluft (05/19/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Jamie Honan (05/19/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Rick (05/20/93)
- Re: ISDN - Linux's killer App Wolfgang Zweimueller (05/20/93)
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Tin v1.2 GAMMA PL0 for LINUX (nov & xover aware) Iain Lea (05/14/93)
- General questions, hardware and xview/motif similarities Brian Olsen (05/14/93)
- unzip.exe on dosemu0.48, a question Scott Little (05/14/93)
- [Q] DECNET & LAT Drivers 4 Linux? Bryan T. Vold (05/14/93)
- ATI GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO + 486 REBOOT Nick de Ruyter (05/14/93)
- Re: Printing; Communications; Keith Walker (05/14/93)
- Re: ftp message: bind: address already in use Kevin Sanders 3602 (05/14/93)
- Re: Why more than one user? (Was: Re: Windows NT) Magnus Y Alvestad (05/14/93)
- Parallel Port SCSI Drive? Doug Burke (05/14/93)
- Re: Let's Try To Make It Easy!! william E Davidsen (05/14/93)
- Re: WD8013 timing out ?!? Przemek Klosowski (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #143 (05/14/93)
- DROP GodTom (05/14/93)
- Re: fax with ZyXEL under Linux Keith Barrett (05/14/93)
- SLS 1.01 setterm colour weirdness/ man: can't stat file Gord Vreugdenhil (05/14/93)
- [Q]: 0.99pl8 (SLS 1.01) TCP/IP fails with "potential" IRQ 9 conflict Dan Kesch (05/14/93)
- [Q] Where can I find lib for Xconquer Ken O'Connor (05/14/93)
- Angband, fixed for Linux Greg Wooledge (05/14/93)
- Re: the Ultrastor 24F, partitions and swap. Marvin L. Taylor (05/14/93)
- What is Linux/Pro? Miguel de Icaza (05/14/93)
- Fast linux hardware? Patrick K. Ferrick (05/14/93)
- Postgres port to linux [WANTED] Carlos Riveros (05/14/93)
- Re: extreme beginner Georges (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #144 (05/14/93)
- HELP...NEC mouse problem! Luong Vinh La (05/14/93)
- Re: Khoros 1.0 Marc Verreault (05/14/93)
- mmap() not working with SLS 1.02? Markus Kuhn (05/14/93)
- Luser! Jim Maas (05/14/93)
- Re: How about a Linux kernel that uses the BIOS for harddrive I/O Barzilai Spinak (05/14/93)
- New to Linux need advices Patrick Laberge (05/14/93)
- LINUX & ESDI hard drives Wayne P. Myers (05/14/93)
- Re: Let's Try To Make It Easy Lars Wirzenius (05/14/93)
- linux 0.99p9 BUGS !!! Ryan Wong (05/14/93)
- mount: ... rpc: timed out !!! Michael Mikulandra (05/14/93)
- Install X with OAK (rev 77) H.-Dirk Schmitt (05/14/93)
- Re: ** Linux documents explained ** (a flame) Wolfgang Schelongowski (05/14/93)
- dosemu probs ! Michael Mikulandra (05/14/93)
- Re: file systems/defragger David Fox (05/14/93)
- Dos Emulation for Linux Jerome 'TofuSoft' Chan (05/14/93)
- Motif WM Alex (05/14/93)
- Re: PS on Epson-9Needles (was: Re: Printing Latex/PS on HPLJ2P) David Fox (05/14/93)
- Actix GE32+ 2MB, XS3 & Random Dots John Zafiris (05/14/93)
- Linux OI beta testers wanted Warner Losh (05/14/93)
- uucp - defining ports Robert Wachter (05/14/93)
- lockf Matthias Hammer (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #145 (05/14/93)
- left-handed mouse buttons for X Laszlo Herczeg (05/14/93)
- XCONFIG John Seung (05/14/93)
- Re: It was a *joke* ! Sigh. Ian Jackson (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #146 (05/14/93)
- Handling login failure Kaizhi Yue (05/14/93)
- Linux on SPARC Larry McVoy (05/14/93)
- Re: buffering under linux (limitations possible?) pmkierst@flash.LakeheadU.Ca (05/14/93)
- Help: Xdm only allows root login Timothy Writer (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #147 (05/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #148 (05/14/93)
- Re: Perplexing printer problem Carl Johnson (05/14/93)
- what preprocessor symbol is used for LINUX? P D H (05/14/93)
- Up and running - few problems, some questions mike batchelor (05/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #149 (05/15/93)
- Help! Dean White (05/15/93)
- Internal modem doesn't work Mark Schwabacher (05/15/93)
- BUG in extfs (SLS 0.99pl9) Andreas Almroth (05/15/93)
- AHA-1542C Bug on external connector???!!!??? Andreas Lemke (05/15/93)
- buglet in xc version xc+rz (latest version) christopher williams (05/15/93)
- Re: IDE vs SCSI and performance Peter da Silva (05/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #150 (05/15/93)
- RE: LONG LINES IN VI (ELV Arnaud Debonald (05/15/93)
- Re: LILO with floppy gives errors (0x04) Risto Kankkunen (05/15/93)
- Central Data Scsi mux or DigiBoard driver Joe Carvalho (05/15/93)
- Re: open look tools in linux Savio Lam (05/15/93)
- Re: Elk port available? Andreas Zisowsky (05/15/93)
- How to format 1.44MB in 1.2MB drive? Savio Lam (05/15/93)
- Question about how to install Linux from tape using SLS Daryl Coulthart (05/15/93)
- X386 Rob Naccarato (05/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #151 (05/15/93)
- mtools won't work! "cannot initialise device" Cameron Newham (05/15/93)
- Linux version of RIPEM encryption Mark Riordan (05/15/93)
- Re: [Q] How to colorize directory listings? Thomas Wieckhorst (05/15/93)
- Request for Comments on Metro Link's OSF/Motif Hal N. Brooks (05/15/93)
- Help compiling xdtm 2.5 please!! Savio Lam (05/15/93)
- Re: ATI Wonder XL - XCONFIG??? harp (05/15/93)
- Linux and my Maxtor 7120a IDE drive Richnut (05/15/93)
- help: SCSI woes cont :( Noll (05/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #152 (05/15/93)
- IPC with shared memory and message queues? Shawn P. Stanley (05/15/93)
- Re: [Q] unTCX Laszlo Herczeg (05/15/93)
- remote X11 clients and portmap zombies Andrew Ukrainec (05/15/93)
- ATI Ultra Pro Linux Support Marc Verreault (05/15/93)
- Re: EXT2-fs warning Stephen Tweedie (05/15/93)
- a script to check for duplicate executables Nicolai Langfeldt (05/15/93)
- fdisk, disk, and SCSI problems...... David Lesher (05/15/93)
- Re: Which ist the best file system for 245 MB? Stephen Tweedie (05/15/93)
- Making your keyboard return a backspace (patch included) Mark (05/15/93)
- Printing on HP DeskJet Le Mauvais Sophiste (05/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #153 (05/15/93)
- Internal compiler error: Hardware Failure? Marcel Knol (05/15/93)
- Re: HD write_intr error Gene Scogin (05/15/93)
- new user needs help Christopher R. Moewes (05/15/93)
- NIS servers Marc G Fournier (05/15/93)
- How to prevent Linux from setting Numlock? David Hinds (05/15/93)
- need your help -- from a new user Ming_jih Lai (05/15/93)
- ESDI controller problem? Wayne P. Myers (05/15/93)
- Re: Linux available on di Stephen Balbach (05/15/93)
- Summary: Ultrastor 34F or Adaptec 1542B for Linux??? Don Allison (05/15/93)
- ESDI compatability problems Wayne P. Myers (05/15/93)
- e2fsck in /etc/rc? Philip Perucci (05/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #154 (05/15/93)
- X locks up system Christopher Weiland (05/16/93)
- mashusta scsi cdrom drive (05/16/93)
- Jove for linux? David W Fraser (05/16/93)
- REQUEST: To SLS Distribution Team Steve Fuller (05/16/93)
- Help with getty_ps and RINGBACK Ryan K. Losh (05/16/93)
- Digiboard and Future Domain questions (05/16/93)
- Help: Can't compile Pcomm 2.0 Walt Crittenden (05/16/93)
- Re: Ok, sounds good but what now? J.J. Paijmans (05/16/93)
- Problem with ghostscript 2.5.2 on epson 9pin Jan Richert (05/16/93)
- Re: Oberon 2?? Leon Dent (05/16/93)
- relaynews: set[ug]id failed (Operation not allowed) Buddy Cook (05/16/93)
- Problems with compiling (Segmentation fault) on 386SX Anarchy-X (05/16/93)
- Deltas between SLS 1.0 and the current release Robert L. McMillin (05/16/93)
- Re: Linux Available On Di ren_just (05/16/93)
- LINUX CD-ROMs ren_just (05/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #155 (05/16/93)
- Can a running program be signalled by a hardware interrupt? James MacLean (05/16/93)
- Re: non-scsi cd-rom Alfred Longyear (05/16/93)
- SLS a1.5 install problems... Steve Wampler (05/16/93)
- In need of a X based File Manager for Linux Patrick Laberge (05/16/93)
- Xconfig for Trident 8900c at 1024x768 Keith Walker (05/16/93)
- problem with 'finger' Who cares? Jason Ting (05/16/93)
- Help compiling xdtm? (need more help) -Kevin Smolkowski- (05/16/93)
- [Q] Automatic login through modem using linux Jimmy Huang (05/16/93)
- Sites help... Rivaldo Rustam (05/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #156 (05/16/93)
- Interested in NFS Client (DOS) for LINUX Server Mark Lange (05/16/93)
- Re: How about a Linux kernel that uses the BIOS for harddrive Jonathan Naylor (05/16/93)
- PLIP - Parallel Line Internet Protocol Edward Vielmetti (05/16/93)
- DESKJET 500 Mark Hale (05/16/93)
- ipc, semaphores and shared memory?? Jeffrey Wiegley (05/16/93)
- Re: od gives "Is a directory" when used on dir files Lars Wirzenius (05/16/93)
- emacs- certain keys do not work Who cares? Jason Ting (05/16/93)
- Linux, Taylor uucp and TCP Joe Carvalho (05/16/93)
- Linux bootup and internal modem prob. Yiu Pang (05/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #157 (05/16/93)
- CURRENTLinux's install questions ! new user ... (05/16/93)
- disk quotas - sample shell solution ALEX W WADDELL (05/16/93)
- term + emacs (was Re: Worth of an emacs hack?) Gary McTaggart (05/16/93)
- Linux BBS and FTP List #22 (LONG) Zane H. Healy (05/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #158 (05/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #159 (05/16/93)
- SLS 1.02 and gratuitous user ID changes Brandon S. Allbery (05/16/93)
- XFree 1.2: Where'd xev and xmh go?! Brandon S. Allbery (05/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #160 (05/16/93)
- INTERNET VIA SLIP Sysop (05/16/93)
- Escape sequences for Taylor UUCP are not being recognized. (05/16/93)
- X11 HELP!! Lance Mehle (05/17/93)
- uemacs with 132x44 screen Corey Wirun (05/17/93)
- installing adlib support Corey Wirun (05/17/93)
- Socket freezing ? Markku Sievanen (05/17/93)
- Help find LINUX CDROM's BARRY TITMARSH (05/17/93)
- Re: Eiffel on Linux ? Wilmsmeier (05/17/93)
- becker ethernet + reboot BARRY TITMARSH (05/17/93)
- Printer filter for Canon BJ Thomas Hiller (05/17/93)
- Linux on PS/2 Thomas Uhl (05/17/93)
- Other hardware platform stephan hoffmann (05/17/93)
- vgalib, mono & vga card problems 9135529 Mostert A. Mnr. (05/17/93)
- Seeking opinions on Comtrade EISA/VLS (05/17/93)
- Logitech Mouse Problem Wolf Paul (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #161 (05/17/93)
- ANNOUNCE: config 0.1 uploaded to tsx-11 Hans B. Wiezorke (05/17/93)
- NCFTP client BARRY TITMARSH (05/17/93)
- "free" command in linux (05/17/93)
- Compiling 3.1 on linux with g++2.3.3,libg++2.3 & libc4.3.3 Thomas Malik (05/17/93)
- Linux on second disk Paul Johnson (05/17/93)
- Re: Shadow passwords Problem Safuat Hamdy (05/17/93)
- XConfig for WD90C30 Hiren Doshi (05/17/93)
- Re: Graphical sysadmin/UNIX tools for Linux Roger D Binns (05/17/93)
- Signals cause write errors. Bug? Brian McCauley (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #162 (05/17/93)
- Xconfig Settings for 486D/66 1024x768 Resolution Mike Hopkirk (05/17/93)
- libc4.3.3 problems?? arthur.c.smith (05/17/93)
- Any suggestions for a "dream" linux machine? Gregory Humphreys (05/17/93)
- rlogind not working Alex Bron (05/17/93)
- [Q]: /etc/fstab sensitivity to tabs/spaces (e2fs) Bryan T. Vold (05/17/93)
- Swap file causing lockups when starting X -- Help! Jonathan Badger (05/17/93)
- File permissions in SLS Stefan Weihe (05/17/93)
- Re: SOLVED: Adaptec1742A-Problem Goetz Schuchart (05/17/93)
- dvi previewing on console Karl Brodowsky (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #163 (05/17/93)
- 3c503 and 99.9 kernel - assistance (compiling) needed Jeff Wallace (05/17/93)
- Re: JANA/cdrom bimonthly Roscoe Rush (05/17/93)
- console trashed when exiting X - 8514 driver Mike Kelley (05/17/93)
- Re: Escape sequences are not being recognized. Sang Y. Yum (05/17/93)
- Re: ********* Let's ! ***************** (05/17/93)
- Re: TCX, a compiling problem. Daniel Aaron Supernaw-Issen (05/17/93)
- Re: How do I kill LILO? Lars Wirzenius (05/17/93)
- Unable to run aXe-5.0 Balaji Natrajan (05/17/93)
- wd8013-problem with 99pl9 Tilo Schuerer (05/17/93)
- Has anybody received Metrolink's Motif yet ? Stephen O. Berger (05/17/93)
- Multiple SCSI H/A Running? Jeff Wallace (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #164 (05/17/93)
- OSF/Motif for Linux is here! Enrico Badella (05/17/93)
- help on library SLS .99.pl9-1 VMS Default User Template (05/17/93)
- fuser - where ? Phil SysAdmin Parallel Research (05/17/93)
- C-News via NNTP Sang Y. Yum (05/17/93)
- Re: IDE vs SCSI and performance Yousuf Khan (05/17/93)
- sysinstall diff tigger@tigger (05/17/93)
- Re: Bernoulli - Linux setting? Frank Chen (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #165 (05/17/93)
- Re: Internal compiler error: Hardware Fail Cameron Spitzer (05/17/93)
- Help: C-function `uselib', gcc -fPIC Andreas Sorgatz (05/17/93)
- MAXTOR DISK Drive Problems Philip H. Jones (05/17/93)
- wierd df message Darren King (05/17/93)
- crashing under SLS1.02 Ian A. Verschuren (05/17/93)
- SLS 1.0 --> 1.02 Upgrade? Sheldon Bainwohl [Co-op] (05/17/93)
- Re: 386/486 disassembler? Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Re: Does "find" work with CDROMs ? Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Re: Fs performace & HD Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Serial Devices. Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Re: Gzip prob with SLS disk a2 Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Re: linux for public access? Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Re: [Q] "Cannot execute /bin/*sh: Permission denied" prevents login Derek Bischoff (05/17/93)
- Public access linux system Nathan Laredo (05/17/93)
- [Request] XS3 server for GENIE users Ken O'Connor (05/17/93)
- Zombie processes Ricardo Schmutzer von Oldershausen (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #166 (05/17/93)
- [Q] KERNEL Compile Problem SLS 1.01 Ken O'Connor (05/17/93)
- MCA linux drivers [was How about a Linux kernel that uses the BIOS] Jonathan Magid (05/17/93)
- Installing SLS from DOS hard disk partition Deryk Barker (05/17/93)
- Getting X-Windows to work with OAK card Michael Humphrey (05/17/93)
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Xm++/CommonInteract UI Development Sys Tom J Parry (05/17/93)
- WD8003 problems Chien-Ping Yu (05/17/93)
- Linux and VAXstation (05/17/93)
- Man pager package for Linux ?? (05/17/93)
- Orchid VA/VLB - compatible? Ty Wesley Boyack (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #167 (05/17/93)
- Using LINUX the booklet Andrew Warner (05/17/93)
- Pre-Installed Set Up Linux BOX for sale Gregory Humphreys (05/17/93)
- Drivers for AT&T LAN CARDS Bradley E. Smith (05/17/93)
- Attaching terminals Brian Preble (05/17/93)
- fax progs wanted Wolfgang Schlegel (05/17/93)
- [Q]: Problem with ATI Ultra and MCC release WILLIAM D YOUNG (05/17/93)
- Multi-Processor Architecture Tony Dal Santo (05/17/93)
- Did anyone get rc(1) to pass the test under Linux? David Fenyes,Neurobiol/Anatomy,5705,7137901935 (05/17/93)
- Nodelist compiler source? Bruce Guenter (05/17/93)
- Make_error =====Pete Hsu===== (05/17/93)
- Public domain business software for linux Marius Hancu (05/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #168 (05/17/93)
- Re: Trouble installing SLS Vince Skahan (05/17/93)
- Boot Image to Big on Kernel build Michael L. Bird (05/17/93)
- Need help with printing *.ps on 24-pin Epson... Sean Chan (05/17/93)
- Make_errorII =====Pete Hsu===== (05/17/93)
- QU. X and Linux, configs,ati,mem,swap,emacs Dustin B Rogne (05/17/93)
- elm error.. Ian A. Verschuren (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #169 (05/18/93)
- Need XConfig for NECMS2A Christopher Weiland (05/18/93)
- networking on SLS: how? Synchem proj acct (05/18/93)
- *** READ THIS BEFORE POSTING *** (1.8) Ian Jackson (05/18/93)
- becker ethernet code BARRY TITMARSH (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #170 (05/18/93)
- KHOROS port to Linux--experiences Wolfgang Ruppel (05/18/93)
- WD90C31 and CRSYTALSCAN 1024NI working with X11? Tacettin Koprulu (05/18/93)
- philips cdrom? Marc Teutelink (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #171 (05/18/93)
- TCP/IP driver f. NI5210 (Interlan) ??? Markus Billich (05/18/93)
- gcc-2.4 Holger Burde (05/18/93)
- file bug Knaff Alain (05/18/93)
- Xconfig Trident tvga9000 Ingo Massen (05/18/93)
- Linux META-FAQ (05/18/93)
- SLS 1.02 Mail & Mouse Problems Wolf Paul (05/18/93)
- Questions re: Bad Block Handling Wolf Paul (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #172 (05/18/93)
- D.Becker ethernet code help BARRY TITMARSH (05/18/93)
- dvi ---> HP LJ 4? Philip Perucci (05/18/93)
- SLS INFO wanted David Leslie Garrard (05/18/93)
- unsubscribe (05/18/93)
- OOOPS! -- console trashed when exiting X - 8514 driver Mike Kelley (05/18/93)
- rsh problems Michael Mikulandra (05/18/93)
- Wanted : structure of a.out, .o, and .a files John Burton (05/18/93)
- MAKEDEV (Re: WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE, ANYWAY?!?) Nick Holloway (05/18/93)
- Lilo Linux and DOS Subbarao Chitturi (05/18/93)
- Starting X windows Subbarao Chitturi (05/18/93)
- LPR (Q) Jeroen Bosters (05/18/93)
- Building shared libraries under linux Tom J Parry (05/18/93)
- NCR 77C22E video card driver for XFree86 needed Rachid BELMOUHOUB (05/18/93)
- automatic old-file compression Andrew Tefft (05/18/93)
- Let's write a wordprocessor. Tom J Parry (05/18/93)
- "Dream" Machine setup complete. listing follows: Gregory Humphreys (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #173 (05/18/93)
- Want to write a word processor ? Tom J Parry (05/18/93)
- ATK for Linux Kursteilnehmer (05/18/93)
- Wordprocessor under Linux ?? Luca Fini (05/18/93)
- One csh problem fixed Andrew Tefft (05/18/93)
- mount/fstab question (noauto option?) Andrew Tefft (05/18/93)
- [Q]: 0.99pl8 kernel recompile fails -- inline functions in io.h? Dan Kesch (05/18/93)
- Trouble with my ATI busmouse Joerg Lenneis (05/18/93)
- Help needed on install Steve Wampler (05/18/93)
- Seyon with 14.4 modem? Jon Rossie (05/18/93)
- new user ! install questions ! SLS Linux (05/18/93)
- Newbie question Balaji Natrajan (05/18/93)
- Linux and serial transmission Gerrit Gehnen (05/18/93)
- Re: networking with 3c509 Ying-Hsuan NMI Sun (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #174 (05/18/93)
- Philips Non-SCSI CD-ROM in Gateway 2K? Bryan Sparks (05/18/93)
- How to run xdtm? DRAGONBALL-Z NG HOM (05/18/93)
- UID and GID probs with sendmail/ida... help Rice Cube (05/18/93)
- Smart multi-serial cards under linux (05/18/93)
- Linux and Racal NICs Fernando A. Barrios (05/18/93)
- X11 screen dumps to HP LJET Dave Gavin (05/18/93)
- Improved patch for colorizing ls output Patrick J. Volkerding (05/18/93)
- Books for inexperienced users. Juan A. Varela F. (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #175 (05/18/93)
- Newbie seeks help with IBM PS/Value Point: disk doesn't show up (05/18/93)
- Re: The free software myth and the commerical myth rodrigo vanegas (05/18/93)
- networking and linux faq needed David Barletta (05/18/93)
- login before init on bootup? WHY? Jason LaPierre (05/18/93)
- trouble gunzipping some files from a2 rodrigo vanegas (05/18/93)
- TeX driver source/binary for LaserJet 4 uploaded Thomas Dunbar (05/18/93)
- HOSTTYPE=i386 even for 486? Jason LaPierre (05/18/93)
- important ls patch info Patrick J. Volkerding (05/18/93)
- Driver for "intelligent" Digiboard PC/xe's?? Kevin Porter (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #176 (05/18/93)
- Re: Which is better for Linux: 486DX2/66 or 486DX/50 (05/18/93)
- Re: How to put e2fsck before mounting harddrive in SLS? Kevin Campbell (05/18/93)
- Mouse problems in X Kevin Campbell (05/18/93)
- HEEELLLPPP! (05/18/93)
- Can't find math.h routines Rob Levin (05/18/93)
- Re: Installing SLS from DOS hard disk part Mark Rauschkolb (05/18/93)
- Wanted: source for free and Xmem Tom Laird (05/18/93)
- NR_INODE / NR_FILE Goetz Schuchart (05/18/93)
- Re: "Dream" Machine setup complete. listing follows: Vince Skahan (05/18/93)
- The Best Disk Partitiion Michael Yue (05/18/93)
- Linux not booting from 2nd drive Barracuda (05/18/93)
- df: can't read table of mounted fs's short-timer! (05/18/93)
- Archive 525MB SCSI tape compatible with Wang 5525? Tim Slagle (05/18/93)
- PLP line printer problems Clarence Wilkerson (05/18/93)
- CirrusL Logic SVGA cards and X Angelito So (05/18/93)
- /bin/mail gets owners wrong?? Andrew Tefft (05/18/93)
- will 387 help linux? Robert Yetman (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #177 (05/18/93)
- Memory leak in gcc??? Uwe Hollerbach (05/18/93)
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] utile-1.5 now available Rik Faith (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #178 (05/18/93)
- Can someone send me info on MOTIF? R.X. Getter (05/18/93)
- Re: Any database for linux available? Tim Posney (05/18/93)
- 387 problem Fong Chang (05/18/93)
- Kernel Panic message / Boot Failure / What happened? Uday Ivatury (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #179 (05/18/93)
- What is "Wild Interrupt IRQ7" Patrick Jordan (05/18/93)
- Re: Improved patch for colorizing ls output [fix] Patrick J. Volkerding (05/18/93)
- Which printers work with LINUX? Narayana Behera (05/18/93)
- lilo_problem =====Pete Hsu===== (05/18/93)
- NT was Re: The free software myth and the commerical myth Anna Pluzhnikov (05/18/93)
- Source to X8514 with scaleable fonts? Kenneth Hamer,,, (05/18/93)
- Why don't some X progs work with TERM Bob Hruska P840 (05/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #180 (05/19/93)
- Re: df: can't read table of mounted fs's [possible mount/libc433 bug] John B. Thiel (05/19/93)
- shadow password suite Christopher R. Moewes (05/19/93)
- moving files across file systems Steve Fuller (05/19/93)
- Request: ATI Ultra Pro X386 driver. Timothy E. Neto (05/19/93)
- Linux mono monitor support outside of X? Jordan Hazen (05/19/93)
- IPCC 93 Paper: The Cooperative Development of Linux Don't Panic! (05/19/93)
- gdb 4.9 and core files A. V. Le Blanc (05/19/93)
- mv(1) behavious with msdos. needs to be changed Mark (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #181 (05/19/93)
- questions on Linux for more than a couple of people... Scott Farrand (05/19/93)
- Re: [Q] HD-controller reset??? Julio Sanchez (05/19/93)
- XDOS/DOSEMU Queries Wolf Paul (05/19/93)
- Is a LB-board with ET4000 hicolor LB OK? Gerard_Heuvelink_+Cees_Wesseling (05/19/93)
- HELP!! rlogin problem! Alex Bron (05/19/93)
- vgalib version of ghostscript Oeyvind Flaam (05/19/93)
- sh /dev/tty or kernel problem ? Nicolas Tripon (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #182 (05/19/93)
- News/uucp for linux jason bishop (05/19/93)
- modem mud & linux works! Paul Atreides (05/19/93)
- fdisk problems Wolfgang Schmitz (05/19/93)
- Help TELNET into LINUX Eildert Groeneveld (05/19/93)
- Printing questions: SLS 1.02, HP-IIIP, dvilj2p C M Brough (05/19/93)
- Using tape-streamer under Linux Edward v/d Jagt (05/19/93)
- <None> Paul Henning (05/19/93)
- MAILTOOL for OpenWindows HEINZ,STEFAN OLIVER (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #183 (05/19/93)
- Summary: Ultrastor 24f + Linux Dawood Alam (05/19/93)
- lpr send files to bit-bucket if printer is off. Why? Joel M. Hoffman (05/19/93)
- Re: Pr. w 0.99.9 and tcsh (RE: grep | more -- logs me out) Ketil M. Malde (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #184 (05/19/93)
- Re: Has anybody received Metrolink's Motif Patrick Sweeney (05/19/93)
- Where can I find a list of "-<toolkit options>"? Rick Miller - Linux Device Registrar (05/19/93)
- System wide mail aliasing.... Mikemoe (05/19/93)
- Should I create a Linux lpd FAQ? Brian McCauley (05/19/93)
- Trouble installing Linux Hajime Saitou (05/19/93)
- Settings for X Klemens Schnattinger (05/19/93)
- Who to install LILO? Klemens Schnattinger (05/19/93)
- /dev/cua0 Error: Device or resource busy (SLS1.01) Hans Schligtenhorst (05/19/93)
- X-clients: doc, ghostview, olvwm (SLS 1.01) Hans Schligtenhorst (05/19/93)
- XDM with shadow passwd C.N. Richardson (05/19/93)
- Two minor problems with SLS 1.01 Erwin Embsen (05/19/93)
- [Q] Is renice available JAMES LEWIS NANCE (05/19/93)
- VC's & X (Different Question) Mark Morley (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #185 (05/19/93)
- Xterm that does ANSI color? Mark Morley (05/19/93)
- How to format /dev/hdb10 Tai-Kang Shing (05/19/93)
- Trouble building make Drew Moseley (05/19/93)
- WANTED: a better curses(3X) package for LINUX Riccardo Pizzi (05/19/93)
- HELP!! rlogind not working! Alex Bron (05/19/93)
- Video prob on X11 exit Timothy J. Barton (05/19/93)
- Mailtool and FTP-Tool for X, where can i get it ? BOOS,HANS-CHRISTIAN (05/19/93)
- Adaptec AHA 1542 problem Thomas Scheunemann (05/19/93)
- Re: Want to write a word processor ? (this was tried with troff) J. Scott Farrow (05/19/93)
- Help on XDM... Rivaldo Rustam (05/19/93)
- Linux SVGA modes Tom Denham (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #186 (05/19/93)
- Exiting from X back to text mode Krug (05/19/93)
- Bus Mouse and X The Twilight Zone (05/19/93)
- Re: SLS problem? LILO? 0x04? Rob van Nieuwkerk (05/19/93)
- **Please help** I'm a newbie (05/19/93)
- Swapping kernels, can it be done? John B. Lee (05/19/93)
- [Ans.] Re: How do I kill LILO? Cameron L. Spitzer (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #187 (05/19/93)
- I'm outta here... Alex Dumitru (05/19/93)
- Linux User's Groups - now there's a channel (was Re: Phoenix linux user's group) Rusty Carruth (05/19/93)
- Can't mount ext2 partition HELP gil filer (05/19/93)
- Help! can't mount ext2 file system gil filer (05/19/93)
- Re: Driver for Creative Labs CDROM Rusty Carruth (05/19/93)
- T8900c + bmousems Yves Morin (05/19/93)
- [Q]: Why can't I 'make dep' with 32 MB of virtual memory?!? Dan Kesch (05/19/93)
- Installing Metro Link's Motif Chris Flatters (05/19/93)
- Copy & Paste between virtual consoles Who cares? Jason Ting (05/19/93)
- more info on term and X problem Bob Hruska P840 (05/19/93)
- How to Uninstall LILO -o How to boot D Randy Rinker (05/19/93)
- starting a clisp shell in emacs. Krug (05/19/93)
- Postgres won't run Ernie Elu (05/19/93)
- Problem with term 1.07 and X on HP system Bob Hruska P840 (05/19/93)
- getty won't respawn a dropped line Ernie Elu (05/19/93)
- Linux on a AT-286 with 386 upgrade board? Stefan G. Berg (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #188 (05/19/93)
- ET4000/3000 -- Brand or Standard ? Jason King (05/19/93)
- Re: Help needed on kernel hacking Darin Wayrynen (05/19/93)
- 2 problems: SCSI tape & /dev/cua? Gerry George (05/19/93)
- config package- where is it? Who cares? Jason Ting (05/19/93)
- A serial lpd question -- not the norm :-) Jeffrey M. Simon (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #189 (05/19/93)
- ftp w/ term Parag Batavia (05/19/93)
- 386BSD Release: Contributors Only Please... William F. Jolitz (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #190 (05/19/93)
- X compiling in 4 meg (05/19/93)
- MetalBase on linux... Kristian Stark (05/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #191 (05/19/93)
- selection- how to make it work Who cares? Jason Ting (05/20/93)
- Is there a newer version of xmem available?... Duperval Laurent (05/20/93)
- SLS, compilers, and upgrades Christopher R. Moewes (05/20/93)
- Linux "is" good. But, "bug"... Benjamin Ketcham (05/20/93)
- Help me with Kermit Subrata Sarkar (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #192 (05/20/93)
- ** Linux Documents Explained for Newbies ** Weekly Post J.A. MacDonald (05/20/93)
- package list Enrico Scotoni (05/20/93)
- MDQS on linux Enrico Scotoni (05/20/93)
- Internal compiler error: Enrico Scotoni (05/20/93)
- Custom boot disk (05/20/93)
- Microfield Graphics T8C card, Monochrome 19" monitor Leon Oninckx (05/20/93)
- Interested in Movies? Sakari Aaltonen (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #193 (05/20/93)
- about mailing system lau kwok kei (05/20/93)
- Finger bug? Kristian Stark (05/20/93)
- Serial ports confused by uucico and uugetty Robert L. McMillin (05/20/93)
- smail lau chun (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #194 (05/20/93)
- Re: Linux "is" good. But, "bug"... John Henders (05/20/93)
- 10 second timeout, taylor configs..HELP!! Anthony Rumble (05/20/93)
- [Q] fpu-emulator precision (where is float?) Frits Daalmans (05/20/93)
- Serial Login Albert King (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #195 (05/20/93)
- KHOROS Dawood Alam (05/20/93)
- more help needed logging in by serial port (e-mail please) Arthur Klassen (05/20/93)
- yellow pages for linux Joe Ziskovsky (05/20/93)
- Where are the fixed fonts for the XFree I grabbed from mcc? Daniel Supernaw-Issen (05/20/93)
- Using linux for a course? Benjamin Yu (05/20/93)
- No "out of memory" message? Tom Bj|rkholm AT (05/20/93)
- FAX Software... What is available? Adnan C. Yaqub (05/20/93)
- HELP! rdev -v /Image -3 doesn't have any effect! Dinda Peter (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #196 (05/20/93)
- Linux SQL database? Perry Statham (05/20/93)
- [ADVICE]: Need page scanner for linux. Greg Wettstein (05/20/93)
- launching apps with xdtm Bob Spratt (05/20/93)
- Diskette Changed (was: Re: Linux "is" good... (05/20/93)
- Linux suppliers Warner Losh (05/20/93)
- are automount & nis available ? Christoph Adomeit (05/20/93)
- Swap sharing, still something missing Kan Mongwa (05/20/93)
- [Provisional ANSWER: Sharing a swap partition: Linux and Windows?] Stephen Tweedie (05/20/93)
- Error in xxgdb? what does it mean Onnei Cheng (05/20/93)
- LILO and OS/2 Boot manager Deryk Barker (05/20/93)
- Amoeba fs under Linux De Jongh.TI-tel-1670 (05/20/93)
- [ANSWER] re: No sync in linux DOS file system ?? Stephen Tweedie (05/20/93)
- [ANSWER] Re: NR_INODE / NR_FILE Stephen Tweedie (05/20/93)
- CFD: termcap vs. terminfo Andrew Bray (05/20/93)
- perl for linux Dave Wright (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #197 (05/20/93)
- Tape backups for Linux: beginner's question!! jeffc@vnet.IBM.COM (05/20/93)
- Diamond Viper, "To Hell with it!" PAPCC@CUNYVM.BITNET (05/20/93)
- Linux on disk $43 Stephen Balbach (05/20/93)
- Re: Linux on SUN3 (was:SPARC) Michael Neuffer (05/20/93)
- 386BSD Contributors Please... William F. Jolitz (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #198 (05/20/93)
- Modem handshaking DMTSI@CUNYVM.BITNET (05/20/93)
- Linux friendly computer dealer in Silicon Valley wanted Jeffrey Kegler (05/20/93)
- Weitek Video card & X11 Andrew R Cook (05/20/93)
- dosemu report memory checked Jon Durrant (05/20/93)
- Swapping kernels John B. Lee (05/20/93)
- Anyone using an Exabyte 8mm tape drive? Ron McAllister (05/20/93)
- [Q] Is there a gopher client/server available? Andrew Ukrainec (05/20/93)
- Term and UUCP questions DALE BABIY (05/20/93)
- A Better WordProcessor Idea Rick Miller (05/20/93)
- Network unreachable !!! Raghunath K. Rao (05/20/93)
- [PROBLEM] SLS 1.02, GCC -> missing linux/types.h Bob Bagwill (05/20/93)
- Linux IPC Jeffrey P. Bakke (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #199 (05/20/93)
- Good & Cheap Tape Backup Aaron Michael Cohen (05/20/93)
- Thread Package for Linux Dragon (05/20/93)
- Screen-Oriented Text Processor ALEX W WADDELL (05/20/93)
- Maxtor Drives...which one(s)? Eric Cartman (05/20/93)
- Sound cards, answer to core problem? Digital Phantasmagoria (05/20/93)
- High performance motherboard or system? Ted Goldblatt (05/20/93)
- Maxtor XT8760s as /dev/sdb1 and SLS 1.02 problems... Help plz. Ron McAllister (05/20/93)
- rlogin broken? Alex Freed (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #200 (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #201 (05/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #202 (05/20/93)
- WANTED: Xvgr binary. Dae-Kyun Yoon (05/21/93)
Last message date: 05/21/93
Archived on: 01/26/01 CST
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