From: Ernie Elu (
Date: 05/19/93

From: (Ernie Elu)
Subject: Postgres won't run
Date: 19 May 1993 23:27:33 -0000

I downloaded the binaries and other parts of Postgres for Linux the other
day but I can't seem to get it to build the default database.

My kernel is .99pl9 and I have compiled it with the ipcdelta patches as per
the postgres installation instructions. I tested the ipc stuff with the
msgloop program and that all seemed to work o.k, then I installed Postgres
as per the postgres.README doc. When I do an initdb it gives the message

UID: read-only variable

and then seems to go through it's setup, however when I try and run postgres
it displays the folowing:-

**** Transaction System Active ****
Init Postgres()..
FATAL 1:May 19 23:14:54:database eO6
 does not exist, bailing out...

If I run postmaster and then type creatdb demo or cratedb postgres etc. I
get the following:-

FATAL1:May 19 23:20:35:user eb is not in pg_user
createdb: database creation failed on postgres

In both the above examples the e in e06 an the e in eb are the alt character
set e with the little quote thing ` above them. I don't know what the correct
name for the character is or how to type it on my keyboard.

The localhost is set up fine I can ping telnet etc. But still can't get
further than these messages.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

- Ernie.


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