Date: 05/18/93

Date: 18 May 1993 15:39:29 -0600

   I need help with the installation of SLS on a 486/33mhx 4meg system.
I am getting frantic since I was able to get create a disk partition, a
filesystem and got the boot disk to work okay. I used the a1.5 boot/root disk.
now I want to install the rest of the packages a1-c3 but am having a
problem making linux recognize these packages. I am trying to install
them from floppy disks. The error I get is that the floppy
disk is not a linux.minix filesystem and then it tries to install the files
but doesn't recognize the files even though they are on the disk.
The floppy disks are DOS formatted. I am using the sysinstall -series ??
command. The files are *.tgz and I ftp-ed the files as binaries. I am
at my wits end about what to do to get this installed. I would like to
hear how others with similar machines loaded SLS off of floppies. I would
also appreciate any suggestions or comments on how to install the rest
of SLS. Note: I am not yet proficient in UNIX/LINUX and am wondering if
there is some command I am unaware of that will allow me to do what I want.

please send replies to ---->

                                        Jaime Mantel