From: Nick Holloway (
Date: 05/18/93

From: (Nick Holloway)
Date: Tue, 18 May 1993 12:23:03 GMT

In <> (Rob Levin) writes:
> Actually, I consider that Rick is making order out of chaos by actually
> *listing* what all the device major and minor nodes are--and I don't
> think a MAKEDEV program would be nearly as useful. Maybe there's
> someone out there who believes it would be useful enough to make it
> worth doing, and hence would make the ideal candidate.... ;-)

I think that a MAKEDEV program would be useful. Rather than having to
grope through the list to find the major, minor information, then work out
the incantation for mknod, and reasonable owner, group and permission, you
can just run MAKEDEV to create the device. This doesn't remove the need
for the device list -- it is a more readable reference for the devices.

In fact, I think that it is useful enough for me to have gone and created
one. I have taken Jim Winstead's MAKEDEV and Rick Miller's device list
and created my own version.

I plan to make it available (by sticking it on tsx-11 and announcing in
c.o.l.a.), but I have a few TODO's to do. The main one being waiting
for Ted T'so to have some input on the naming of serial devices. Here is
the current TODO section.

    # TODO:
    # o add the guts to extra serial lines (really awaiting input into
    # naming scheme from Theodore T'so).
    # o add scsi tapes
    # o add NET-2 devices
    # o would like cleaner naming for virtual terminals -- suggestions?.
    # Also, to create them in one entry (as done with others).