Date: 05/15/93

From: nho@nguyen.gun.de
Subject: Re: mtools won't work! "cannot initialise device"
Date: Sat, 15 May 1993 22:11:25 GMT

Cameron Newham (cam@DIALix.oz.au) wrote:

: hi,

: I'm trying to use the mtools to access floppies but I get an
: error message whenever I try - "mdir Cannot Initialize 'B:'"
: for example.
 Was it a 720K Disk ?

: I initially installed Linux and these worked. I later did a
: reinstallation and now they don't work.

: What is going on and how do I fix it?

: any help appreciated.
: c.

I had the same problem and solved it when editing the
file /etc/mtools for autodetecting disk type.

It looks like :
A /dev/fd0 12 0 0 0
B /dev/fd1 12 0 0 0


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