From: Hajime Saitou (hajime@jsk.t.u-tokyo.AC.JP)
Date: 05/19/93

From: hajime@jsk.t.u-tokyo.AC.JP (Hajime Saitou)
Subject: Trouble installing Linux
Date: 19 May 1993 13:13:51 GMT

Like all the other people with installation problems, I am also a new
user ( or trying to become a new user ) to linux.

Everything seems to be Ok until the

INIT version 2.0 booting

message, but after that nothing happens.

The configuration of my PC is as follows.

motherboard 486DLC-33 with a UMC chipset with ISA bus.
harddisk alps 105MB IDE
graphics card ET4000
no ethernet card
no sound card.

Please help.

    University of Tokyo
    Faculty of Engineering

           Hajime Saito