From: william E Davidsen (davidsen@ariel.crd.GE.COM)
Date: 05/14/93

From: davidsen@ariel.crd.GE.COM (william E Davidsen)
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: Installation Support
Date: Fri, 14 May 1993 17:07:13 GMT

In article <>, (Mike Jones/Mountain Alternative Systems) writes:
| Mountain Alternative Systems has an Installation-Service for those who
| are new to Linux and have never installed or used a UNIX-like system before.

  Here's an interesting question: a number of us have recently been
"empowered to explore career enhancement elsewhere," and one company
wants to hire a bunch of us to do UNIX support on a 900 number. Assuming
that we do this, what's the feeling about the utility of such a service
for Linux, assuming that Linux would be one of the supported systems? I
mentioned it to people locally, and got a mixture of "great idea" and
"but I already HAVE your home number." I might try to convince the
client that this is a good service to have, but only if there are people
who would pay for an answer now.

bill davidsen, GE Corp. R&D Center; 518-387-6489
    Look for a new corporate affiliation, coming to this space soon.