From: (Erik Geertsema) Subject: Re: help big time. Date: 14 May 1993 07:18:26 GMT
Randy Baer ( wrote:
: Hello all!
: Ok, I have read all the readme's and etc which came with
: 3rootdisk, .99pl7 , HJ's base1 2 3 , GCC and lib4.3.. 1&2. I made a
: small cpog...
: #include <stdio.>
: main()
: { printf("hello"); }
: cc randy.c
: hard drives spins and whirls.. a.out is produced.
: zsh: command not found : a.out
Instead of typing :
$ a.out
$ ./a.out
(current dir. isn't automatically searched for commands !)
: Next question..I have a 2400 baud pratical perhirials modem on com1.
: How do I get miniterm to reconize it???
Sorry, dunno :)
: Groetjes,
: randy
: * Origin: Tetragrammatton Enterprises (1:3603/310)
Groetjes terug enzo,