From: Rick Miller - Linux Device Registrar (
Date: 05/19/93

From: (Rick Miller - Linux Device Registrar)
Subject: Where can I find a list of "-<toolkit options>"?
Date: 19 May 1993 12:57:12 GMT

I've just started messing with X Windows under Linux, and I've run into this
"-<toolkit options>" thing in the man-pages of a number of X clients.

Where can I get a list of these options? Is this only an "xview" thing?
(If so, would some kind soul show me how to set it up under Linux?)

Rick Miller <> | <> Ricxjo Muelisto
Send a postcard, get one back! | Enposxtigu bildkarton kaj vi ricevos alion!
          RICK MILLER // 16203 WOODS // MUSKEGO, WIS. 53150 // USA