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Starting: 08/13/92
Ending: 08/20/92
- (no subject) (12/31/69)
- Re: Trying to compile ps-0.97 Zeyd M. Ben-Halim (08/13/92)
- Re: Buffer corruption problems. Cory West (08/13/92)
- GDB is possessed -- Any ideas? Cory West (08/13/92)
- Linux Logo James P. Callison (08/13/92)
- Pointers to a list of Graphics Cards for X386 M. Ganter (08/13/92)
- Re: Message for arl... James P. Callison (08/13/92)
- Re: FAQ? Wim `Blue Baron' van Dorst (08/13/92)
- Re: linux-logo, gif version uploaded to tsx-11 Yuan-Yin Wu (08/13/92)
- Re: Shared Libraries Considered Harmful Eric Youngdale (08/13/92)
- Troubles compiling lilo v3 Chris Newbold (08/13/92)
- Re: NEW linux ftp site (banjo ressurected) Jonathan Magid (08/13/92)
- Re: SLS: Free Linux Distribution. James da Silva (08/13/92)
- /lib/libc.2.2.2 problem resolved Kevin Schroedel (08/13/92)
- Screen Capture Little Kenny Hamer (08/13/92)
- Re: Linux CDROM (Was stabilizing Linux) Bill Henning (08/13/92)
- large compress, not enough memory... Troy Hildebrand (08/13/92)
- Where can I get a copy of linux os and how big is it Andriod (08/13/92)
- Errors building tools/build.c Kevin W. Hammond (08/13/92)
- Re: shared libs Hubert Bahr (08/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #627 (08/13/92)
- Shrinking buffer sizes... Doug Mayfield (08/14/92)
- Logo in hand-hacked PostScript Jeffrey B. Moore (08/14/92)
- Re: Linux logo Joost Helberg (08/14/92)
- Re: GCC 2.2.2b problem with shared libraries - Fix available? Joachim Sprave (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #628 (08/14/92)
- PTYP/TTYP programming.. Anthony Rumble (08/14/92)
- tlA: reggae's Incoming dir must be chmod ugo+x... Tero Laakkonen (08/14/92)
- Re: loadable device drivers Joost Helberg (08/14/92)
- Dial-in and kill -HUP 1 Ching-Hsiang Chen (08/14/92)
- X11 and the joys of modes Julien Maisonneuve (08/14/92)
- Re: Stabilizing Linux Juhana Kouhia (08/14/92)
- Where can I get linux-logo.gif or GhostScript(for Linux)? Rick Miller (08/14/92)
- Re: Schedules Mark Komarinski (08/14/92)
- How safe is Mtools? Robert W. Bingler (08/14/92)
- Small system compile woes John B. Jr. Rogerson (08/14/92)
- 64Mb on HD limit? Christopher Aaron Ekberg (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #629 (08/14/92)
- fdformat on 5.25 drives. Nhut Nguyen (08/14/92)
- Re: What the 17" monitor reviews never tell you Patrick Taylor (08/14/92)
- Re: root disk vs. mj disk, also hd.c patch Martin Junius (08/14/92)
- shared libs - can everyone be happy with this? william E Davidsen (08/14/92)
- X questions: how to run x-program on other machine? Jiansheng Zhao (08/14/92)
- AMD386 and LINUX Bill Broadley (08/14/92)
- Can't Compile Kernel 0.97 Sakari Aaltonen (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #630 (08/14/92)
- 0.97 WORKS with SCSI ! [attn NEWBIES] peter.j.fillingham (08/14/92)
- Need Help: TeX Jing Huang (08/14/92)
- Diamond Speed Star SVGA card Matthew A. Lewis (08/14/92)
- large caches ona 486 Matthew A. Lewis (08/14/92)
- Re: Hey! Linux fs on DOS partition! Werner Almesberger (08/14/92)
- Small patch for "grey keys" (usefull for VMS connections) (08/14/92)
- New address Matt Welsh (08/14/92)
- Re: The Third Degree Steven Bairstow (08/14/92)
- Another Logo Russell Nelson (08/14/92)
- Problem w/ folppy boot when CD-ROM is attached to scsi controller Ing-Tsau Chiu (08/14/92)
- Installing Linux w/o destroying existing partitions Ing-Tsau Chiu (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #631 (08/14/92)
- Need Help! tyrone.shiu (08/14/92)
- (none) Linux-Activists@BLOOM-PICAYUNE.MIT.EDU (08/14/92)
- kermit in X, not otherwise Thomas Dunbar (08/14/92)
- **** Epoch is here **** M. Saggaf (08/14/92)
- Compiling 0.97 Copernicus (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #632 (08/14/92)
- Notebooks and linux Jon Solworth (08/14/92)
- Re: Modem dial-in procedures needed James L. Paul (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #633 (08/14/92)
- Linux Project Registry (Friday, 14 August, 1992) James P. Callison (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #634 (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #636 (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #638 (08/14/92)
- Using mtools Dane Beko (08/14/92)
- pointer in focused window for keystrokes? Thomas Dunbar (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #641 (08/14/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #645 (08/14/92)
- My apologies *again* for another mail loop.... Theodore Ts'o (08/14/92)
- Re: Why GNU cp is flakey under Linux Steve M. Robbins (08/14/92)
- PLEASE READ ME (Re: Troubles compiling lilo v3) Hongjiu Lu (08/14/92)
- Re: Xenix (tm) emulation for Linux almost works :-) Doug Evans (08/14/92)
- tcsh James Michael Chacon (08/15/92)
- LILO and DOS TODD CARROZZI (08/15/92)
- Re: AMD/motherboard experiences... Richard Alan Brown (08/15/92)
- Getty security bug ? Paul Douglas Page (08/15/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #652 (08/15/92)
- /lib/libc.2.2.2 and smail/elm/mail James P. Callison (08/15/92)
- Re: Linux Logo III: The Search for FreeHand James P. Callison (08/15/92)
- Jump Tables: A Mystery Sakari Aaltonen (08/15/92)
- KA9Q now works with WD80x3 Ethernet controllers Charles Hedrick (08/15/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #653 (08/15/92)
- Announcement: poeigl 1.5 and admutils 1.2 available Peter Orbaek (08/15/92)
- VGA DVI file previewer for linux available for ftp P A Broadbery (08/15/92)
- [misc.books.technical] A non-exhaustive list of Unix books ... Michael Haardt (08/15/92)
- killing a process Mark D. Rutherford (08/15/92)
- SeaHaven Towers uploaded A. Friend (08/15/92)
- linux on floppy? Andriod (08/15/92)
- Headers, Headers, whos got the Headers Ray Balister (08/15/92)
- SCSI drivers Bruce Trvalik (08/15/92)
- ps-0.97 error creating psdatabase James L. Paul (08/15/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #654 (08/15/92)
- New ftp location for the folding editor Origami Michael Haardt (08/15/92)
- AMD386 vs. Intel386 & external cache problems Bert Sainz (08/15/92)
- LILO: Version Alpha.4 Werner Almesberger (08/15/92)
- SLS: now available (for testers) Peter MacDonald (08/15/92)
- Amount of Hard Drive Space... Carlin Wiegner (08/15/92)
- Looking for shared libs for GCC version 2.11c William A Jones (08/15/92)
- SLS typo, and an antecedent to device drivers Peter MacDonald (08/15/92)
- quick MGR question... Eric J. Grabowski (08/15/92)
- AMD-40 Cycle Timing Problems Knight of Tossing and Turning (08/15/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #655 (08/15/92)
- Linux Standards (was: Stabilizing Linux) Daniel AMP Carosone (08/15/92)
- Keeping track of Linux system configurations David Boyce (08/15/92)
- another request Eric J. Grabowski (08/15/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #656 (08/15/92)
- Problems with GNUPLOT Bill Jones (08/15/92)
- Re: Linux documentation Ben Cox (08/15/92)
- Questions about the problems with AMD386/40's and where is rawrite? Larry Butler (08/16/92)
- Ack! Ignore my GNU cp post.. Jawaid Bazyar (08/16/92)
- a patch for free in the ps-0.97 package Richard Sharman (08/16/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #657 (08/16/92)
- Re: Can't fdformat James Henrickson (08/16/92)
- README: gcc 2.2.2d is out Hongjiu Lu (08/16/92)
- Re: minicom and szrz, help! joef (08/16/92)
- Re: Problem exiting X joef (08/16/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #658 (08/16/92)
- Long reply to (Re: SLS: now available (for testers)) Partially Grown Rhododendron (08/16/92)
- GCC 2.2.2d and Linux version The Wyvern (08/16/92)
- Re: UUCP Werner Almesberger (08/16/92)
- GCC 2.2.2d omission? (08/16/92)
- A few hopefully easy questions Greenfie (08/16/92)
- Re: Linux Documentation (08/16/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #659 (08/16/92)
- Paradise256K X success! & a mouse Q. Nick Vargish (08/16/92)
- GCC 2.2d Jonathan Magid (08/16/92)
- Re: lilo works fine! (At least for me :) Werner Almesberger (08/16/92)
- Does anyone have GNU fax working? David Tucker / KC4ZGO (08/16/92)
- --> META-FAQ: Where to find information about Linux (13 Aug 1992) <-- Lars Wirzenius (08/16/92)
- Routing mail Greg Naber (08/16/92)
- Re: Problems compiling Elm and mail Mark Tomlinson (08/16/92)
- Problems installing GCC-2.2.2d William A Jones (08/16/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #660 (08/16/92)
- Why does scrolling sometimes mess up? Rob Huehn (08/16/92)
- Re: =.97 patch1 available on nic Bernd Meyer (08/16/92)
- Linux 0.97.1 rootimage uploaded. Jim Winstead Jr. (08/16/92)
- Re: Can someone please compile the Xaw3d widget for Linux? Bernd Meyer (08/16/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #661 (08/16/92)
- src of gcc 2.2.2d is on tsx-11 Hongjiu Lu (08/16/92)
- FAQ for gcc 2.2.2d Hongjiu Lu (08/16/92)
- How does one set default font sizes in X? Erik Collin (08/16/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #662 (08/16/92)
- Few Questions Rafal Kustra (08/16/92)
- Re: The joys of 0.97 PL1! Kenneth J. Hendrickson (08/16/92)
- porting xditview to Linux, take 1. A.X. Ivasyuk (08/16/92)
- Bootable LINUX Dan O'Reilly (08/16/92)
- Re: Why ZIP/UNZIP slower than DOS version? Cave Newt (08/17/92)
- Re: Bus Mouse Tester David Giller (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #663 (08/17/92)
- efsprogs alpha 6 Remy CARD (08/17/92)
- hash -r missing from install.2.x for GCC John Epstein (08/17/92)
- Re: Ctrl-Alt-Del in linux, doesn't work. Ulrich Pegelow (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #664 (08/17/92)
- problem with ecvt() and 2.2.2 Michael Cain (08/17/92)
- absolute minimum requirements? Roger White (08/17/92)
- Origami (08/17/92)
- Which mouse should I buy?????? Klaus Espenlaub (08/17/92)
- HELP! -- Internal Compiler Error Xue-Jun Pei (08/17/92)
- INSTALL PROBLEMS SCSI ? Arthur N. Olsen (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #665 (08/17/92)
- New comer.HELP ME| E59387@TRMETU.BITNET (08/17/92)
- fsck naming schemes Claude Morin (08/17/92)
- Splitting c.o.l (Was: SLS: now available (for testers)) (08/17/92)
- PLEASE READ ME Hongjiu Lu (08/17/92)
- New install is on tsx-11. Hongjiu Lu (08/17/92)
- Re: Help - Cyrix processors, anyone know for sure? Keith Rohrer (08/17/92)
- Fixing mount to mount msdos filesystem under 0.96c pl 2 Scott A. Taylor (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #666 (08/17/92)
- What/where is syslog.h David Tucker (08/17/92)
- another bug in install.2.x Hongjiu Lu (08/17/92)
- Test Case for 1K-Block Corruption (Long) Craig Burley (08/17/92)
- fcntl(F_SETLK, ...) implemented Doug Evans (08/17/92)
- Xenix filesystem available for Linux Doug Evans (08/17/92)
- New version of X Byong Pak (08/17/92)
- Running X11 on a plain VGA? Kenneth Falck (08/17/92)
- FAQ request R. Cage (08/17/92)
- X (08/17/92)
- where's the new mount.c? Ed Carp (08/17/92)
- Help: rawrite.exe does not put EOF Boris Vaysburg (08/17/92)
- Re: Bus Mouse Tester > not working Allan Kim Schougaard (08/17/92)
- Source for the rootdisk programs. Where? Warren R. English Jr. (08/17/92)
- Whining...I don't want to hack on the kernel Thomas Dzubin (08/17/92)
- Is XView 3.0 available for Linux/X386 ???? Jaime Jofre (08/17/92)
- Repartitioning and using DOS again Chris Jackson (08/17/92)
- 32mb patches for Linux 0.97.pl1 now available Rik Faith (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #1 (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #2 (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #3 (08/17/92)
- Linux support BBS- what happened? Jay Mottern (08/17/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #4 (08/18/92)
- Unexplained crashes - possible cause Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz (08/18/92)
- Diamond vs. Orchid Wade Hasbrouck (08/18/92)
- header woes with 2.2.2d Jean Liddle (08/18/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #5 (08/18/92)
- ka9q telunix (incoming telnet server) patches q.p.liu (08/18/92)
- Jumptable Performance (Was: Re: shared libs - can everyone be happy with this?) Rob Hooft (08/18/92)
- Bug in mount + Mouse question John Romein (08/18/92)
- on reggae: another Linux Logo David Giller (08/18/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #6 (08/18/92)
- how to put bootimage on hd? (faq?) Olaf Schreck (08/18/92)
- Another mount-bug? L. Kunz (08/18/92)
- HELP: Pvga1/512k in 800x600 mode??? (08/18/92)
- Re: Can I use dd on my UNIX system instead of Rawrite? Steve Palm (08/18/92)
- GCC questions Ching-Hsiang Chen (08/18/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #7 (08/18/92)
- Need mouse info Andrew F. Gunnesch (08/18/92)
- C-A-D and AMI BIOS works shutdown Epstein@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL (08/18/92)
- How to install man page for linux? Kuo-Chen Chang (08/18/92)
- Need Help: MGR Jing Huang (08/18/92)
- Re: One-line patch and 0.97 p2 (was: Whining...) H. Peter Anvin N9ITP (08/18/92)
- complaints, flames, and public burnings John Stump (08/18/92)
- Re: XView, olvwm, and OLI Copernicus (08/18/92)
- problems getting X running Richard Briggs (08/18/92)
- TCP/IP and Utilities James J. Bahm (08/18/92)
- mount errors when booting from HD, ok booting from diskette Hal N. Brooks (08/18/92)
- ps-0.97 patch 1? where? Jiansheng Zhao (08/18/92)
- Buying a VGA card: Will any ET4000 do? Rogier Wolff (08/18/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #8 (08/18/92)
- GCC2.2.2d Compiles Kernel 0.97pl1.5 Sakari Aaltonen (08/18/92)
- mkfs -c /dev/hda3 results in Kernel panic during install to HD Hal R. Brand, LLnL, 510-422-6312 (08/18/92)
-'t download MGR stuff Rafal Kustra (08/18/92)
- More info: mkfs -c /dev/hda3 results in Kernel panic during install to HD Hal R. Brand, LLnL, 510-422-6312 (08/18/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #9 (08/18/92)
- Would Anyone Working on a Linux CD-ROM please contact me Randy Burns (08/18/92)
- Does Linux allow more than 8 partitions on a single drive? Ing-Tsau Chiu (08/18/92)
- How do I get rid of vt100 graphics chars? Dan McGuirk (08/18/92)
- Tar barfs on filname > 14 char. Duperval Laurent (08/18/92)
- anyone have bootb.exe? Peter MacDonald (08/18/92)
- A few basic questions... Dan M. Liebgold (08/18/92)
- HELP! File system problem Duperval Laurent (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #10 (08/19/92)
- reusing linux-ized disks for DOS Vince Skahan (08/19/92)
- Re: HELP! File system problem Charles Hedrick (08/19/92)
- another proposed LINUX logo Peter Williams (08/19/92)
- xsetroot Jae Won (08/19/92)
- going back to text after an x session Jae Won (08/19/92)
- Re: Paradise256K X success ... (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #11 (08/19/92)
- probelms Alfred Terwindt (08/19/92)
- flex Scott Dunn (08/19/92)
- compiling error in gcc.2.2.2d Kuo-Chen Chang (08/19/92)
- Wang video & TCP/IP Justin B. Harvey (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #12 (08/19/92)
- Help wanted - LINUX does not boot on PS/2 Arrie van der Vliet (08/19/92)
- Re: DDEBs (DON'Ts, DON'T EVERs, & BEWARES) Chip Salzenberg (08/19/92)
- Macro package for man page? william E Davidsen (08/19/92)
- SLS Installation Question David Lee Williams (08/19/92)
- Re: Archive Tape Kevin Cummings (08/19/92)
- Who can use SLS Peter MacDonald (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #13 (08/19/92)
- Re: Paying off Linus' PC (was: Linux Standards) H. Peter Anvin N9ITP (08/19/92)
- Lucid GNU Emacs 19.2 available Dirk Steinberg H tenhagen (08/19/92)
- X386-1.2E-1.0.1 server binary (for hackers only) Dirk Steinberg H tenhagen (08/19/92)
- A question about Kernel system call mechanism Ron Prediger [Velociraptor] (08/19/92)
- Please get this: fix for gcc 2.2.2d Hongjiu Lu (08/19/92)
- reggae has a name change!!! Jonathan Magid (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #14 (08/19/92)
- Tar to write proctected floppies ? r b willmersdorf (08/19/92)
- mj-release: new stuff Martin Junius (08/19/92)
- TeX, Linux, and Dot Matrix (help request) Nick Vargish (08/19/92)
- BUG: crashing program kills file system Martin Junius (08/19/92)
- first handcode Linux logo Keith Rohrer (08/19/92)
- Mtools and AccessPC Paul H. Hargrove (08/19/92)
- multiuser, multidisk questions from novice Gary Blair (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #15 (08/19/92)
- Can't compile xloadimage with gcc 2.2.2d Larry Butler (08/19/92)
- SLS update Peter MacDonald (08/19/92)
- Motif Window Manager on Linux?? Jae Won (08/19/92)
- DOS FS deleting large files? Tim Russell (08/19/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #16 (08/19/92)
- Two problems. (Elm/Smail/lib/libc.2.2.2, shutdown) James P. Callison (08/19/92)
- New version of the serial driver.... Theodore Ts'o (08/20/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #17 (08/20/92)
- conflicting serial ports jane lynette cosham (08/20/92)
- how do I get a lpt1 device Hauke Hess (08/20/92)
- Problem linking XV with gcc2.2.2d ??? Arnd Gehrmann (08/20/92)
- Where's the FAQ ? Simon Crosby (08/20/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #18 (08/20/92)
- A newsgroup for newcomers - using alt.uu.comp.misc? Jyrki Kuoppala (08/20/92)
- Re: What happened to Jyrki Kuoppala (08/20/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #19 (08/20/92)
- Help: fail to mount /dev/fd1 Ing-Tsau Chiu (08/20/92)
- Where to get awk for linux Boris Vaysburg (08/20/92)
- A technical question on CONTEXT (TASK) SWITCHING by the Kernel Ron Prediger [Velociraptor] (08/20/92)
- Standards List Aggelos Keromyths (08/20/92)
- mailpak12 Brian E. Gallew (08/20/92)
- Need help with programming ET4000 David Willmore (08/20/92)
- Where are these DIGESTS/ how to use them? Frank Pikelner (08/20/92)
- reorganize linux ftp sites ??? Vince Skahan (08/20/92)
- Re: Xenix (tm) emulation for Linux almost works : -) Mark B. Alston (08/20/92)
- Linus security/Non root access Frank Pikelner (08/20/92)
- lp1 timeout errors. Mark B. Alston (08/20/92)
- Staker like file system FORD CREWS (08/20/92)
- Need Help: Mtools Jing Huang (08/20/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #20 (08/20/92)
- How do I get >14 characters in filename ?? (FAQ?) William A Jones (08/20/92)
- Re: Who can use SLS..NOT! Tommy Thorn (08/20/92)
- Job control flakey? Peter MacDonald (08/20/92)
- Re: lp1 timeout errors Denise Tree (08/20/92)
- How to measure the VGA clocks Sebastian Hetze (08/20/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #21 (08/20/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #22 (08/20/92)
Last message date: 08/20/92
Archived on: 01/26/01 CST
635 messages sorted by:
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