From: glover@dvinci.USask.Ca (Ken Glover) Subject: Re: SLS: Free Linux Distribution. Date: 14 Aug 1992 14:50:52 GMT
erc@unislc.uucp (Ed Carp) writes:
: Peter MacDonald (pmacdona@sanjuan) wrote:
: : Linux is already available from a distribution service (commercial
: : found at the end since none of you will want to use it).
: I don't think that c.o.l is the place to be putting advertisments for
: commercial ventures, which is what this is. Take it to the biz. groups.
: Ordinarily, I wouldn't care, but this gets on my nerves, and NSFnet (and
: other gateways) get unhappy about commercial advertisments on non-commercial
: newsgroups.
Read the original post again, it is available by anon ftp if you have access.
There is nothing wrong with distributing it by disk. If you don't like it,
compete with it.
Ken Glover