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From: Ching-Hsiang Chen <>
Subject: Dial-in and kill -HUP 1
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 11:46:59 GMT

 Thanks to those who were so kind to help me in modem dial-in
problem. Since the getty_ps program needs M4 to compile the
manual pages and I am so lazy, I adopt the original getty
approach. I created the following 4 files to make things easy.
To allow remote dial-in, I just give the command 'dialin' and
to restore the modem and/or to allow dial-out, I use 'dialout'.
One small problem is that the 'init' and 'kill' from MCC-INTERIM
0.96 root disk can not work together to allow 'kill -HUP 1'
to kill the spawned getty. I need to retype 'kill -HUP 1'
several times or to kill the process by its job ID in order
to make it disapper under 'ps gu'. Any idea?

Steve Chen

   file name 'dialin' (put in /root/bin )
=========================== cut here =================
#! /bin/sh
cp /etc/inittab1 /etc/inittab
echo ate0s0=2 >> /dev/ttys1
kill -HUP 1
=========================== cut here =================

   file name 'dialout' (put in /root/bin )

=========================== cut here =================
#! /bin/sh
cp /etc/inittab0 /etc/inittab
echo ate1s0=0 >> /dev/ttys1
kill -HUP 1
=========================== cut here =================

    file name 'inittab0' (put in /etc)

=========================== cut here =================
tty1:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty1
tty2:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty2
tty3:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty3
tty4:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty4
=========================== cut here =================

    file name 'inittab1' (put in /etc)

=========================== cut here =================
tty1:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty1
tty2:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty2
tty3:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty3
tty4:console:/bin/getty 9600 tty4
ttys1:vt100:/bin/getty 2400 ttys1


From: Mark Komarinski <>
Subject: Re: Schedules
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 12:30:19 GMT

On Aug 13, 2:35am, Rick Sladkey wrote:
| A rule that I picked up from somewhere is quite useful in such situations.
| "Bump up to the next unit of measurement and muliply by two."
| So when you hear a schedule like: Expect:
| 1 hour 2 days
| 2 days 4 weeks
| 1 month 2 years
| Sad, but often true.

So how long is Real Soon Now? :) (That is about when SLIP will come to


- Mark Komarinski -
[MIME mail welcome]
The only candidate worth voting for is Bill the Cat.  He might not
do good, but that's never been a requirement.


From: (Rick Miller) Subject: Where can I get linux-logo.gif or GhostScript(for Linux)? Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 12:22:26 GMT

I'd love to see the Linux Logo... but I get "Permission Denied" when I try to "get linux-logo.gif" from tsx-11:/incoming.

Where and how can I get this file???

I don't have a PostScript printer, so GhostScript will probably come in handy in the future as well... where can I get it for Linux (or DOS)?

Rick Miller <> | <>


From: (Juhana Kouhia) Subject: Re: Stabilizing Linux Date: 14 Aug 1992 12:21:04 GMT

Well, I have no much experiences in software system engineering and I don't know about the heart of Linux, but I suggest:

1. All common sources for the various different Linuxes are checked to a master version.

2. Those features which are in one Linux only is directly copied to master version; if this is not possible to do directly, people rewrite them.

3. Those features which overlaps in Linuxes is added to master version either by switches or choosing best one or writing a compromise.

About 1: I don't know what different program parts (modules) there are and how they communicates together. It could help to organize if those parts (or program modules) are listen down -- at least if I have to organize Linux again, I would like to write a list (or program tree) about what is there. Then it could be easier to check where programs overlaps and helps to design more modular system.

By these differences I don't mean different versions of GNU emacs or zoo or such :-)

Actually, does somebody know what features are different in the different Linux releases (MCC, etc.)? We could list only those in the first place.

As I said I'm not experienced software developer, so no flames, instead an educating critisms, which I have allready read from this group, are welcome.

Juhana Kouhia


From: (Julien Maisonneuve) Subject: X11 and the joys of modes Date: 14 Aug 1992 12:01:24 GMT

OK, I grabbed X11 a bit late, but I just received a new video board (pvga based) to replace my trident.

My problem is that I can't get my monitor to sync properly using the modes I found in Xconfig and vga.dbase. Horizontally, things look right, but vertically, I get flying superimposed pictures (Color is OK though :-). I can see xclock jumping a bit (two superimposed pictures) but can't do any better. The (numerous) changes I could make in the mode settings didn't do much, and the mode I made using the video.tutorial doesn't seem to handle things better than the others (not much worse either). Despite the tutorial, I figured out what the mode values meant, but I can't find the proper values.

The clocks.exe reports only four clocks for my vga (something like 25 29 65 36) and X11 does NOT find the same at all when I leave the clocks line out (reports 8 lower values, max is at 40). I try to use 65 (large values intuitively suggest better resolution...).

My SVGA board & monitor can do a neat 1024x768x256 non interlaced picture under DOS. Isn't it possible to write a DOS program that reads the vga registers in a given mode (this very one) and tell the appropriate video timings ? That would help a great deal the poor X11 installers with uncommon hardware.

That kind of help message seems to have disappeared from c.o.l, so most people have likely solved the problem: I couldn't, someone please HELP !!!

Usual praises & kudos about Linux and X11... -- _________ / _ _ _ ...!uunet!inria!corto!julien / /) ' ) ) ) INRIA : 33 (1) 39 63 52 08 __/_ // o _ __ / / / _ o _ _ __ __ _ _ _ / / (_(_(/_(_(<_/) ) / ' (_(_(_(_/_)_(_)_/) )_/) )_(<_(_(_( \_)-(<_ (_/


From: davidsen@ariel.crd.GE.COM (william E Davidsen) Subject: Re: Stabilizing Linux Date: 14 Aug 1992 13:22:32 GMT Reply-To: (bill davidsen)

In article <>, (Drew Eckhardt) writes: | In article <> (bill davidsen) writes: | >In article <>, (Drew Eckhardt) writes: | > | >And the person trying to install on a new machine can't rebuild the | >kernel, so s/he needs another working system to get going. Bleh. | >Relocation at load time might take 1-2 sec of cpu. Big deal. Without | >loadable device drivers you must have a working system to generate a new | >kernel. | | Most Unices distribute the distribution kernel as a generic kernel, | ie one with support for all device drivers compiled in. It gets a little | bloated, but if you can boot it, you can run anything.

Sounds to me like you think the Linux kernel as distributed contains all the devices anyone would ever want to use, so there's no need for being able to support new devices.

It also sounds like you're trying to say that you think it's too hard, and you personally don't need it, so you want to convince everyone it's a bad idea.

-- bill davidsen, GE Corp. R&D Center; Box 8; Schenectady NY 12345 I admit that when I was in school I wrote COBOL. But I didn't compile.


From: rwb@Turing.ORG (Robert W. Bingler) Subject: How safe is Mtools? Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 12:50:03 GMT

Hey, Can anyone tell me just how safe it is to use mtools on my 130 meg dos partition? I don't want to have to go the expensense of messing it up. I have been hesitant in the past, so I just use a floppy. It would make things much easier if there is no real chance of damage being done.

Thanks, Rob

+--------------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+ | o \ / <o> o | Robert Bingler | .sig Virus Disenfector | | _/|-' | | _/|-' |-> | | | / \, /o\ / \ / \, | | To envoke type: | | ` ` | | rm .sig | +--------------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+


From: (Scott A. Taylor) Subject: Re: Buffer corruption problems. Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 13:31:32 GMT

In article <> (Cory West) writes: |In article <> | (Craig Burley) writes: | |> ...I believe there is a bug in Linux that has the following behavior: |> |> - causes Linux to "misread" one 1024KB chunk of data from a disk-based file |> so that what your app ends up with is some _other_ 1024KB chunk |> (apparently from the same file) |> |> - occurs only during very heavy disk access, such as megabytes accessed |> continually |> |> - is intermittent, but happens enough to reproduce fairly easily |[Etc...] | | I have noticed some abnormalities, but I have been writing them |off to a disk block in the process of going bad. Here's what I have |noticed: | | - Under heavy and prolonged disk I/O (in this example, while compiling |gdb from scratch) there seem to be problems with the buffer cache. After |compiling for a while, gcc will choke with a TON of strange errors and die. |However, if I just restart make, the compiler will continue successfully |with the file that it had just died on, but it will die a little later |down the line (after some more intensive I/O) under the same circumstances. |After a couple of tries, I can usually get through the entire make. | | - I am running on MFM drives on a 486-33 with 4 Megs RAM (gcc 2.2.2d and |gcc 2.2.2 and Linux 0.97 PL1), so while compiling large things, my disks never |stop to breath, especially if I am trying to do something else while the compile |is running. | | - The errors always include the same file (which is why I thought |perhaps that that particular file was living on a disk block that was going |belly up. I plan to rename that file to .deadblock and putting a new copy |of the file in the directory to test this theory). I am also going to run some |more large compiles to see if I can reproduce this error elsewhere in the |system. | | I don't know what it is yet, and I'm not sure if it's anything, but |I'll see what I can reproduce and hopefully we can determine if this is an |OS bug or a hardware bug and whether or not it has anything to do at all with |the above problem. | | Anyone else out there having problems? | | | | Cory West |

I am running 0.96c pl2 with the latest SCSI drivers from woz.headrest.colorado. edu, and I have not had any problems like this, even under heavy load (i.e. building a new kernel in one VC while compiling groff, GNU file utils, text utils, etc. in another). I have 8 megs of RAM and an UltraStor 14F w/ 213 MB Maxtor disk in a 386-25 with no cache. I do not have swapping enabled. Maybe this problem is paging- or cache-related?

I have used (and abused ;-) ) linux pretty heavily in the past, and it has been solid as a rock (Thanks Linus and everyone else involved!). -- Scott Taylor | (512) 795-6837 | "Well, I wanted to work with gymnasts." -David Byrne | ** NI pays me to write their code, not their opinions, and that's what I do **


From: davidsen@ariel.crd.GE.COM (william E Davidsen) Subject: Re: Stabilizing linux Date: 14 Aug 1992 13:32:17 GMT Reply-To: (bill davidsen)

In article <>, (Mark Komarinski) writes:

| Why not have both? Whipping up some on-line manuals that can be printed | or viewed should not be that much trouble, and everyone will benefit in the | end.

I think you should be the one to do it, then. I've written 40-50 page user manuals, and many programs of that size, and I can tell you that a quality manual takes about 2x longer, per page, than code. That insuring that the notation is consistent end to end, the style is uniform (chatty or dry, but consistent), that every fact is correct, exceptions are noted (this works with 0.96a and 0.96b, but not later versions), and that there are clear examples for all sections which a user could possibly misunderstand.

My recent experience with asking for the location of docs rather than useful hints was revealing; on two questions I got a total of 31 answers (Linux people are the nicest on the net!), but I got 30 "I don't have docs, but this worked for me," and one "thaere's a doc on tsx... but it's not very clear, this is what I think it means." So I now have a few more lines of notes in my KWS notes file, but no new docs.

This could really be a huge job, you've been warned. -- bill davidsen, GE Corp. R&D Center; Box 8; Schenectady NY 12345 I admit that when I was in school I wrote COBOL. But I didn't compile.



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The current version of Linux is 0.97 released on August 1, 1992

End of Linux-Activists Digest ******************************