From: Emmett Sauer (
Date: 08/19/92

From: (Emmett Sauer)
Subject: Linux Standards (was: Stabilizing Linux)
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1992 19:27:00 -0800

MF> Ok guys, what say someone organises a whip around to pay off
MF> this beast.
MF> It seems to me that there are an awful lot of people around
MF> that are
MF> using Linux, and getting a lot of fun and interest out of it,
MF> and for a
MF> small trouble we could pay off the machine, and allow Linus's
MF> mind
MF> fuller scope to spend on the problem in hand rather than the
MF> monthly payments
MF> on the box. Perhaps as a gesture of saying 'thanx'. I realise
MF> that there are many
MF> other people that also contribute, but after all, Linus started
MF> this game.
I fully agree.... add my thanks to the list... for a super system and


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