From: Remy CARD (
Date: 08/19/92

From: (Remy CARD)
Subject: Re: complaints, flames, and public burnings
Date: 19 Aug 1992 08:26:10 GMT

In article <> writes:
>| From: tytso@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Theodore Ts'o)
>|> From: davidsen@ariel.crd.GE.COM (william E Davidsen)
>|> At the risk of sounding as if I'm complaining (rest deleted...)
>| Don't take the newest version then! (flame flame flame...)
>My my. Aren't we getting rather jumpy lately? I'm not trying to single
>these two out, but there has been a lot of "complaining" and flaming
>responses in return. comp.os.linux is turning into a regular shooting
>Do we all drink too much coffee? May I please suggest to those who are
>awful quick to post flames and counter-rebuttals that we are over-
>theory #1> Most of the folks who allegedly "bitch" are new to either
>unix, usenet, Linux, or social skills. These naive, innocent people
>do not deserve the pouncing on they sometimes receive.
>theory #2> Some alleged "bitching" are from people who are making
>casual observations or bringing out to light some ideas that might
>make things easier or more understandable. These people do not deserve
>soap box speeches on how they should do it themselves or take a hike.
>theory #3> Those posts which are true-blue complaints that have no
>excuse, should either be ignored, or flamed in private (e-mail).
>The poor sap could easily ignore the flaming responses in the
>newsgroup, but if you fill up his mailbox or however he gets his email,
>it's not so easy; therefore, it is more effective. Don't clutter the
>bandwidth with it.

        Perhaps, we should create comp.os.linux.flame ;-)

>It is a shame that the psychology behind the net allows otherwise
>mild-mannered people to turn into raging fiends and bash and burn those
>who "irritate" them, all because they are hidden behind the fascade of
>the network.
>So, please, gentlepeople, I beg of you: think twice about flaming that
>poor soul who made you believe that you are so superior. We are all
>human. Just ignore him. He'll go away. Or send (email, not post) him/her
>a polite message in an honest effort to straighten him out. If you need
>to blow off some steam, then write an inflamatory note using four-letter
>words that would make a sailor blush, and then mail it to dev/null.

        I completely agree with this (so I can't start another flame war ;-) ).
I think that we should all remember that we have been beginners one day and
accept the fact that some other people don't use Linux for hacking. If I
didn't like hacking, I think that I would even use Linux because it looks
so much like Unix(r), it runs weel on a 386 PC and it is free. Remember
that very few free (or cheap) Unix-like systems exist for PC (of course,
one day, there will be Hurd but we don't know when ...) and that Linux is
a chance for lots of people to learn Unix. So please, don't start more
flame wars than really needed or, at least, put the word 'Flame' in the subject
of the news.

>Oh, and don't flame me because I fall into both theories 1 and 2.
