From: (Vince Skahan) Subject: reorganize linux ftp sites ??? Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1992 19:33:03 GMT
Might it be time to consider reorganizing the directory structure
of the Linux ftp sites? So many people are working on so much
and being so successful that it's virtually impossible to figure
out where to get what. Is it reasonable to expect people to read
an upload announcement of 'freds utilities assortment' and understand
that it's the exact thing they need ?
I was thinking that maybe there needs to be an organization more
along product lines so it's obvious where to grab stuff. The
current usr.bin doesn't do much for me. If you don't know where
it should go, you can't figure out where to grab it.
There are basic things in any working system and other things that
some users don't feel are as essential. I come up with this:
- kernel (sources/patches/docs too...)
- basic utilities (/bin)
- added utilities (/usr/bin)
- X11 and stuff
- communications packages (terminal emulation, not uucp)
- uucp and e-mail packages
- usenet software
- compilers
- text processing
- editors
- maybe a whole branch for gnu ?
- incoming stuff...
- compilations of various kits (mcc, mj, [r|b]ootimage)
It might be worth considering moving goodies around to make the
directory structure a little clearer. Each file in the archives is
there to do something, indicating what it does by its place in the
tree on the archive sites might be somewhat self-documenting...
Also, each tree should have something like:
- binaries
- sources
- patches from the 'normal' sources
- info files (readme's, etc.)
So, you want to grab a copy of smail3.1 ?, cd to /pub/linux/mail
and grab bin/smail3.1pl25 for binaries, src/smail3.1pl25 for
preconfigured-for-linux sources, etc.
thoughts ?
-- Vince Skahan (here) (work) (home)