Date: 08/14/92

Date:     Fri, 14 Aug 1992 18:15:29 EDT
Subject:  Linux-Activists Digest #632

Linux-Activists Digest #632, Volume #2 Fri, 14 Aug 92 18:15:29 EDT

  Installing Linux w/o destroying existing partitions (Ing-Tsau Chiu)
  Problem w/ folppy boot when CD-ROM is attached to scsi controller (Ing-Tsau Chiu)
  (none) (Linux-Activists@BLOOM-PICAYUNE.MIT.EDU)
  Re: The Third Degree (Steven Bairstow)
  Re: SLS: Free Linux Distribution. (Ken Glover)
  **** Epoch is here **** (M. Saggaf)
  Need Help! (tyrone.shiu)
  Re: What the 17" monitor reviews never tell you (Steve Pershing)
  kermit in X, not otherwise (Thomas Dunbar)
  Notebooks and linux (Jon Solworth)