From: Linux-Activists@BLOOM-PICAYUNE.MIT.EDU Subject: (none) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 20:38:42 GMT
|From Linux-Activists Fri Aug 14 15:45:12 EDT 1992 remote from BLOOM-PICAYUNE.MIT.EDU
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Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 15:45:12 EDT
Subject: Linux-Activists Digest #631
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Linux-Activists Digest #631, Volume #2 Fri, 14 Aug 92 15:45:12 EDT
AMD386 and LINUX (Bill Broadley)
Re: shared libs - can everyone be happy with this? (David Engel)
Re: Troubles compiling lilo v3 (Charles H. Barry)
PTYP/TTYP programming.. (Anthony Rumble)
Small system compile woes (John B. Jr. Rogerson)
Re: SLS: Free Linux Distribution. (Hannes Faestermann)
Need Help: TeX (Jing Huang)
0.97 WORKS with SCSI ! [attn NEWBIES] (peter.j.fillingham)
Can't Compile Kernel 0.97 (Sakari Aaltonen)
Diamond Speed Star SVGA card (Matthew A. Lewis)
Re: FAQ? (Wim `Blue Baron' van Dorst)
Re: Pointers to a list of Graphics Cards for X386 (Matthew A. Lewis)
large caches ona 486 (Matthew A. Lewis)
Re: Hey! Linux fs on DOS partition! (Werner Almesberger)
Re: large caches ona 486 (JMS)
Re: Buffer corruption problems. (Chris Newbold)
Re: Linux Logo (James P. Callison)
From: (Bill Broadley)
Subject: AMD386 and LINUX
Date: 14 Aug 1992 16:11:12 GMT
As far as I know there are no documented bugs in the AMD 386.
If there were you would be sure that INTEL would brag about em.
I have run all the tests mentioned and has absolutely no problem
with my motherboard with AMD396-40.
I often use my machine hard and leave it processing for more then a
Maybe the motherboards in question should really be 33 MHZ, and not pushed
so fast, and were not designed with the AMD in mind.
I have heard that the AMD 386 is faster then an INTEL 386 at the
same clock, so maybe the motherboards are depending on the delays in the
INTEL 386 which is a pretty flakey thing to do. Anyways I am very
happy with my AMD386-40, I recently added a Cyrix 387, nothing
seemed to change except floating point speed. I.e. 1.0+ Mflops with
the flops.c benchmark.
Just one more datapoint.
-- Bill 1st> <2nd 3rd>
From: (David Engel) Subject: Re: shared libs - can everyone be happy with this? Date: 14 Aug 1992 16:22:50 GMT
william E Davidsen (davidsen@ariel.crd.GE.COM) wrote: : If you didn't want to use the jump tables, you don't load the module : and you get linked to the real routines directly in memory in the slib. : The advantage of this is that you get all the benefits of the current : slib implementation in terms of performance.
Actually, we've already done that in the latest test release.
David -- David Engel Optical Data Systems, Inc. 1101 E. Arapaho Road (214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX 75081
From: (Charles H. Barry) Subject: Re: Troubles compiling lilo v3 Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 17:42:16 GMT
I've been having the same problems compiling Lilo and ps-0.97 after installinf v0.97 and v0.97pl1. Could someone please post or email me a description of the correct usr/include structure.
I've tried linking /usr/src/linux/include/linux to /usr/include/linux, but that doesn't work. All I get is a lot of redefinition errors because both sys/types.h and linux/types.h are being included. I've also tried linking the sys directory in similar fashion but that doesn't help either.
Thanks, Chad Barry
From: (Anthony Rumble) Subject: PTYP/TTYP programming.. Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 10:04:01 GMT
Im sure this is a common problem, but.. i have no information to help me with this..
I am writing a small client to do something, that uses PTYP/TTYP pairs..
The client opens the ttyp open("/dev/ttyp0", O_RDWR) etc etc
and then fdopen's two streams (one for input, one for output)..
well.. anything that is sent to /dev/ptyp0 for some reason ends up on the client twice!!?!?!
the client only does this as yet..
while(1) { ch = fgetc(datin)l printf("%c", ch); }
If in another VT.. I do this echo hello >/dev/ptyp0
I will get
Hello Hello
I get it twice?!?!
Any ideas..
Thanx in advance
-- Anthony Rumble aka SmilieZ "Anything is possible.. If there is enuf money in it"
From: jbrogers@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (John B. Jr. Rogerson) Subject: Small system compile woes Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 13:05:20 GMT
I would appreciate any help on the following two problems.
1) For the virtual terminals, the linefeed appears to be interpreted as only a linefeed, not a carriage return/linefeed pair. That is, the cursor moves to the next line down but stays at the same column position.
2) Defining the root device in /usr/src/linux/Makefile seems not to be effective. That is, build always creates a kernel that looks for the root directory on a floppy. Make prints out the build command and the last argument is my root device (/dev/hda3), but build seems to ignore it.
Thanks for any help. Jack Rogerson
From: hfaester@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Hannes Faestermann) Subject: Re: SLS: Free Linux Distribution. Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 16:47:15 GMT
glover@dvinci.USask.Ca (Ken Glover) writes:
|erc@unislc.uucp (Ed Carp) writes: |: Peter MacDonald (pmacdona@sanjuan) wrote: |: ...complaints about biz posting deleted...
|Read the original post again, it is available by anon ftp if you have access. |There is nothing wrong with distributing it by disk. If you don't like it, |compete with it.
Hmm, am I blind or what ? I can't find an address for ftp in the posting. Or was this meant only for a few special people until a ftp server is found ?
Still interested in SLS