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Starting: 01/13/93
Ending: 01/20/93
- SLS fix: a4/zafix.taz (adds /bin/touch) Peter MacDonald (01/13/93)
- Re: PS/2 mouse driver problems Dean Troyer (01/13/93)
- Non-FAQ questions from a linux newbie The Highlander (01/13/93)
- Re: SLS, why don't you use gzip for compression ? Jean Liddle (01/13/93)
- Source for "free" in perl. Apply within. Janne Himanka (01/13/93)
- Where to begin? Scott Weintraub (01/13/93)
- Weird group problems under .99.3 The Wyvern (01/13/93)
- Re: SLS 99.2 problems Jonathan Stockley (01/13/93)
- scsi w/ 99p2 mIgh'wI (01/13/93)
- SOOO close, but no Cigar! Ron McAllister (01/13/93)
- SOOO Ron McAllister (01/13/93)
- X-HELP-NEEDED Ron McAllister (01/13/93)
- A Task for Linux Laurence Culhane (01/13/93)
- Re: X-Tree for UNIX Peter Cupit (01/13/93)
- Re: new to linux and X11 problem Theodore Ts'o (01/13/93)
- Re: Parallel port irq's Nigel Gamble (01/13/93)
- cron & mail questions Robert Osterlund (01/13/93)
- Re: Annoying Linux developer habits. Craig I. Hagan (01/13/93)
- Help Needed On Linux Android (01/13/93)
- OS/2 2.0 Boot Manager Gregory W Denisowski (01/13/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #24 (01/13/93)
- SLS a4 Math? Basic the Root of Insight (01/13/93)
- Re: Backspace in EMACS under X11 Sunando Sen (01/14/93)
- Re: Problem compiling CNews under Linux Thomas Neumann (01/14/93)
- Re: Yet some more X questions Jochen Liesche (01/14/93)
- Re: ANNOUNCE: linux-0.99 patchlevel 3 Joerg Pommnitz (01/14/93)
- new game in alt.sources Joerg Pommnitz (01/14/93)
- Disk OrGanizer Allen Morris (01/14/93)
- ANNOUNCE: patch to mailpak-1.4 - cu -e doesn't work Ed Carp (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #25 (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #26 (01/14/93)
- Re: Error in Sunsite SLS package Julio Sanchez (01/14/93)
- Re: NFS: problem: cannot execute from mounted partitions Mark Evans (01/14/93)
- Re: Annoying Documentation Lars Wirzenius (01/14/93)
- Re: Internal compiler error while building kernel Hakkarainen Kimmo (01/14/93)
- lilo and OS/2 bootmanager: (non-fa)q Fritsch_Wolfgang (01/14/93)
- Origami for Linux on tsx-11 problem (01/14/93)
- Re: Reducing traffic on c.o.l.; splitting c.o.l Lars Wirzenius (01/14/93)
- How does the new gcc handle -g and shared libraries? Mark Dobie (01/14/93)
- Serial I/F w/o CTSRTS Karsten M. Winkovics (01/14/93)
- Program to convert to iso9660... NGO HIEN D (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #27 (01/14/93)
- x11 problem with ET4000 (VRam based) Juergen Klotz (01/14/93)
- Traffic on C.O.L. David Megginson (01/14/93)
- Problem with %g in printf()? Martin Grundy (01/14/93)
- SML/NJ can do floating point under 0.99.3! Niels Skov Olsen (01/14/93)
- compiling xfractint & povray problem massimo rossi (01/14/93)
- installation of Linux M.J.M.Schmitt. (01/14/93)
- Re: Kernel FP Math bug? Kristian Koehntopp (01/14/93)
- menu in SLS not working correctly. Where is source? Bernd Wiebelt (01/14/93)
- Re: ingres03 and 0.99pl2 ? Udo Christ (01/14/93)
- ***** README: How to find answers to your linux questions. ***** Nicolai Langfeldt (01/14/93)
- FUTURE DOMAIN Scsi card Erik Proper (01/14/93)
- Re: linux and tokenring hardware and MCA hardware Patrick Naubert (01/14/93)
- Xman???? Douglas W. F. Acheson (01/14/93)
- xenix device drivers J. D. La Coursiere [Jeff] (01/14/93)
- Re: SUIT (ftpable) Bradley E. Smith (01/14/93)
- Re: Standalone two-floppy linux can run ftp, fix hard disk Stephen Tweedie (01/14/93)
- Re: New in gcc 2.3.3 James Michael Chacon (01/14/93)
- gcc library source? Philip Perucci (01/14/93)
- Where to find utree and xtree Romano Giannetti (01/14/93)
- HELP WANTED -- WE DON'T NEED LIBHARD.A ANY MORE? Kuo-Chen Chang (01/14/93)
- Re: xmkmf problems James Michael Chacon (01/14/93)
- CD-ROM interface on Sound Blaster Pro Edward C.P. Chan (01/14/93)
- Re: libm James Michael Chacon (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #28 (01/14/93)
- ANNOUNCE: New release of XView libraries, OL[V]WM and tools Kenneth Osterberg (01/14/93)
- Re: SLS update: more info Ed Saffle (01/14/93)
- Re: [NON FAQ] A few questions. James Michael Chacon (01/14/93)
- New user: anyone know this machine? Simon Johnston (01/14/93)
- How to install a ram-disk Peter Stoehr (01/14/93)
- FDFLUSH [was Re: Leaving light on mounted removable devices] Stephen Tweedie (01/14/93)
- Pt 1/6: SLS 99.2 problems James H. Cloos Jr. (01/14/93)
- Pt 2/6: SLS 99.2 problems James H. Cloos Jr. (01/14/93)
- Pt 3/6: SLS 99.2 problems James H. Cloos Jr. (01/14/93)
- Pt 4/6: SLS 99.2 problems James H. Cloos Jr. (01/14/93)
- Pt 5/6: SLS 99.2 problems James H. Cloos Jr. (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #29 (01/14/93)
- LINUX AND OS/2 (01/14/93)
- Re: LILO 0.7 can't boot DOS (?) Stephen Tweedie (01/14/93)
- PROBLEM: 0.99.3 + keyboard interrupts???? Scott D. Heavner (01/14/93)
- Re: olvwm Udo Christ (01/14/93)
- Re: Installation Linux - how ? Ranfry (01/14/93)
- Emacs .emacs init file Dean S. Cromack (01/14/93)
- Help needed with getting X running (S3, Stealth) Nicholas Y. Pang (01/14/93)
- What and where is SIGBUS? Dan Newcombe (01/14/93)
- dvi preview without X? Chujen Lin (01/14/93)
- DOS emulator RP Chamberlin (01/14/93)
- InterViews for Linux?. Dean Jansa (01/14/93)
- New SLS problems Guangying Li (01/14/93)
- Re: Help! problem with new SLS. Vince Skahan (01/14/93)
- Mouse Button Down Event not recognized by X386?? John Ngai (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #30 (01/14/93)
- X and VESA Loacl Bus Ramzi Al-Majid (01/14/93)
- proc Matt Mosley (01/14/93)
- X and VESA Local Bus Ramzi Al-Majid (01/14/93)
- Creeping featursm (Was: Re: ANNOUNCE: linux-0.99 patchlevel 3) Johan Myreen (01/14/93)
- [Q]: Interprocess Communication and Linux Rick Lippens (01/14/93)
- X386 and Math co-processor David Megginson (01/14/93)
- Re: FAQ me baby! David Slack (01/14/93)
- [Q]: GCC 2.2.2 vs. 2.3.2? bUrd uPh daAr n0rtH (01/14/93)
- Where is libsoft.a/libhard.a in new SLS? Dan Newcombe (01/14/93)
- Re: using a Bernoulli Box with Linux (01/14/93)
- Re: Local bus ARIT ISMAIL (01/14/93)
- libm.a missing from SLS 1.0 (gcc2.3.3) Kuo-Chen Chang (01/14/93)
- XView3L2 Problem Martin Boehnke (01/14/93)
- HELP W/Xwindows!? (01/14/93)
- Making ACM (01/14/93)
- 0.99pl2 ignores mcopy Harald Schulze (01/14/93)
- Linux extfs info wanted... S.E.P. Brown (01/14/93)
- ANNOUCEMENT: New imake uploaded to tsx and sunsite James Michael Chacon (01/14/93)
- nfs question Olav Schettler (01/14/93)
- xfree86 & ms-mouse Matt Mosley (01/14/93)
- X w/ STB Evolution VGA Whopper (01/14/93)
- remote login Brian Quandt (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #31 (01/14/93)
- SLS Greg Naber (01/14/93)
- X11perf-and-THANKS Ron McAllister (01/14/93)
- Re: HELP Linux in UK Tony Travis (01/14/93)
- Have you bought a laptop to run Linux or Coherent recently? dx (01/14/93)
- HELP: XView3L2 Problem Dennis Robinson (01/14/93)
- Re: SCSI with .98pl4 Doug Warner (01/14/93)
- Colorado or IOmega tape backup w/ linux? Gary Kahn (01/14/93)
- GAS: invalid 386 opcode Dan Newcombe (01/14/93)
- Re: A few misc questions, Operator (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #32 (01/14/93)
- [Ammendment]: Interprocess Communication and Linux Rick Lippens (01/14/93)
- Anyone else have a problem compiling xv? Ken Corey - Operator (01/14/93)
- [SOLUTION] X-11 and Emacs's cursor keys Makis Maroulis (01/14/93)
- term 99n Edward Deering Boykin (01/14/93)
- Re: quick q Operator (01/14/93)
- efsck: bad magic number in super-block Isaac Wong (01/14/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #33 (01/14/93)
- (Wanted) Drhystone Reslut W. Woody Jin (01/15/93)
- SLS update: minor fixes Peter MacDonald (01/15/93)
- [A]: 2.3.3 (Re: [Q]: GCC 2.2.2 vs. 2.3.2?) H.J. Lu (01/15/93)
- Re: Cnews? Vince Skahan (01/15/93)
- Re: SLS update: missing make Vince Skahan (01/15/93)
- Re: uncompres programs Vince Skahan (01/15/93)
- SLS 0.99.2 : proc-ps/free Karsten M. Winkovics (01/15/93)
- Unable to handle kernel paging request... The Wyvern (01/15/93)
- Problem booting Linux with Lilo 7.0 (H.J Lu's Rootdisk) Sean Chan (01/15/93)
- SLS update: gcc 2.3.3, l Andy Tainter (01/15/93)
- Need 3c501 driver Andy Tainter (01/15/93)
- Re: UUGETTY & Lock files... Karl J. Vesterling (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #34 (01/15/93)
- gzip will be used in gcc/libc distributions H.J. Lu (01/15/93)
- Porting problem with SWI prolog. Henk Vandecasteele (01/15/93)
- OLWM win mangr. need olhelp and olftptool BARRY TITMARSH (01/15/93)
- xdm - only a bad joke ? Frank Luthe (01/15/93)
- Linux SLS Distribution Available for Anonymous FTP earthbound misfit, I (01/15/93)
- Re: Repost of swapper/scsi(?) boot problem 0.98.5, 0.99.2 Gert Doering (01/15/93)
- Re: XS3 0.1 and Logitech Series 9 / xdvi Jens-S. Voeckler (01/15/93)
- 16550 support for SLS, HELP PLEASE Vax (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #35 (01/15/93)
- compressed filesystem query Paul Hatchman (01/15/93)
- andreas reimann - I've lost your e-mail address (01/15/93)
- Kernel/system calls? Philip Perucci (01/15/93)
- Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Karl Buck (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Mark Evans (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 James Carpenter (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Linus Torvalds (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Philip Perucci (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 James Michael Chacon (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 William T. O Connell (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Theodore Ts'o (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Philip Perucci (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Mark Henderson (01/16/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 AA Acero (01/15/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 William T. O Connell (01/16/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Chip Salzenberg (01/17/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 James Michael Chacon (01/18/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Dennis Flaherty (01/18/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Risto Kankkunen (01/18/93)
- Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3 Chip Salzenberg (01/19/93)
- Seyon error? kevin fisher U (01/15/93)
- Wierd X problem kevin fisher U (01/15/93)
- What happened to /usr/local Sunando Sen (01/15/93)
- Linux and Terminals... HELP Karsten M. Winkovics (01/15/93)
- Re: PSROFF on Linux, anyone? Pim Zandbergen (01/15/93)
- [Q]: how to create* including rpc? Harald Koenig (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #36 (01/15/93)
- Future FSs for linux? Deviasse Robert N. (01/15/93)
- SCSI Autodetect? Static table? (Was: ST01/02 and Syquest 5110) Gert Doering (01/15/93)
- Installation Ingres03 (01/15/93)
- Dos Emulator Dwight Francis (01/15/93)
- HELP with X Shane Andrew Holder (01/15/93)
- Re: dos emulator: increasing the drive C size Roger D Binns (01/15/93)
- smalltalk on SLS (was Re: SLS update: missing make) James C. Tsiao (01/15/93)
- Linux(SLS) installation Nan He (01/15/93)
- Re: WOW! It works!!! Niklas JRM Schmidt (01/15/93)
- SCSI again (SLS .99pl2) (was Re: SCSI with .98pl4) Eric Jeschke (01/15/93)
- Use COM2 and COM4 at same time: sometimes? James Carpenter (01/15/93)
- Whither SLIP? Joe Panico (01/15/93)
- Help with X. Guangying Li (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #37 (01/15/93)
- Disk A5 Ranfry (01/15/93)
- Installation Linux - how Randy Edwards (01/15/93)
- Reminder: about c.o.l.a Matt Welsh (01/15/93)
- [WANTED]: Pointers to writing device drivers (01/15/93)
- Re: short filenames and nn newsreader Jeff Randall (01/15/93)
- [QUERY] Gravis Ultrasound driver Brian Edmonds (01/15/93)
- Does TERM099n work under Linux? James Carpenter (01/15/93)
- Encripted documentatio{2} John Will (01/15/93)
- Encripted documentation John Will (01/15/93)
- Re: Size of Linux sources F.C. Floberg (01/15/93)
- fork: Try again --- HELP [NON-FAQ] David W. Bourgoyne (01/15/93)
- trouble compiling kernel 0.99.pl2-55 Markus J{ntti STA (01/15/93)
- X-windows & aliases Jim Corbett (01/15/93)
- How to get Linux going Jim Hepworth (01/15/93)
- UN: Jim Hepworth (01/15/93)
- LILO won't boot!? John Ngai (01/15/93)
- I'm having really horrible difficulties installing linux (01/15/93)
- Cross-compilation sparc->386 Kellom{ki Pertti (01/15/93)
- DPT SCSI Driver ? Jan den Ouden (01/15/93)
- HELP tcp/ip on ne2000 card. Shane Andrew Holder (01/15/93)
- compiling for X11 under Linux 0.99.2 Matt Mosley (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #38 (01/15/93)
- Installing SLS .99 from hard drive John Scherer (01/15/93)
- To all site FTP admins who use the "mirror" program"..... Theodore Ts'o (01/15/93)
- Zeos 486 Adaptec 1520 scsi support Ronald Pikkert (01/15/93)
- Re: WANTED: shared memory access Andrew J. Cosgriff ! (01/15/93)
- Problems compiling PBBS James Carpenter (01/15/93)
- Problems with Space.c memory settings (01/15/93)
- Case of the dancing leds M. Saggaf (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #39 (01/15/93)
- INGRES BROKEN BY 0.99, STANDBY... Zeyd M. Ben-Halim (01/15/93)
- "0.99pl3 Makefile?" Philip Perucci (01/15/93)
- More SLS 99.2 problems-Client logins/menu Bob Ribbeck (01/15/93)
- Openlook question kevin fisher U (01/15/93)
- Parallel Port Sound? Dan Newcombe (01/15/93)
- [Q] High speed serial: Linux doesn't see my internal modem bUrd uPh daAr n0rtH (01/15/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #40 (01/15/93)
- okay, how do I create shared libraries? Bradley E. Smith (01/15/93)
- SLS.98pl5 questions FRANK NEEDHAM (01/15/93)
- Cpu monitor Byron (01/15/93)
- gcc2.2.1 problem Jack Pergal (01/15/93)
- Sun CD ROM under Linux 0.99.2 with AHA-1542B Clarence Wilkerson (01/15/93)
- /lib/cpp Bradley E. Smith (01/15/93)
- BBS Package for Linux Gary Pfeffer (01/15/93)
- Linux in Japan Shinichiro S Seto (01/15/93)
- lilo and os/2 boot manager Greg Gerard (01/15/93)
- Looking for BigMouth voicemail driver or docs... Ed Carp (01/15/93)
- 0.99.3 chokes under heavy disk activity? Jean-Francois Panisset (01/15/93)
- SCSI tape mt? Philip Perucci (01/15/93)
- problem installing SLS .993 Peter William Wieland (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #41 (01/16/93)
- GhostScript Printing Rob Prior (01/16/93)
- Re: Zmodem for 0.99? Christopher Fraser (01/16/93)
- corrupt floppy data anyone? Arthur Tateishi (01/16/93)
- [Q] Removing Lilo!! Jojie R. T. (01/16/93)
- SLS 0.99-2 feedback (long) Vince Skahan (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #42 (01/16/93)
- What is -O6 option in gcc ? W. Woody Jin (01/16/93)
- Re: Help: XS3 with Fahrenheit VA Ka-Cheong Poon (01/16/93)
- Re: Encripted documentati John Will (01/16/93)
- Re: DOS Emulator? (01/16/93)
- 0.99p3 SCSI problem Ulf Bartelt (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #43 (01/16/93)
- How to copy and paste with X-windows? Anto Daryanto (01/16/93)
- SLIP mailing list? Joe Panico (01/16/93)
- sount ki in 99.2 and 99.3?? Edward Deering Boykin (01/16/93)
- Diamond Stealth and X Windows Ramzi Al-Majid (01/16/93)
- [SLS] make gives Error 139 while building kernel Stephen Heilbronner (01/16/93)
- Re: X - SCREEN BLANK, Ctrl-Alt-Tab no work, Ctrl-Alt-Del nowork. Kevin Blaine Fluet (01/16/93)
- SLS, why don't you use g Randy Edwards (01/16/93)
- LINUX on CD-ROM Ralph Bergmann (01/16/93)
- Disable Ctrl-Alt-Del? Philip Perucci (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #44 (01/16/93)
- compatibility list Christian Rasmussen (01/16/93)
- Need help with additional serial ports David Willmore (01/16/93)
- Re: minicom problem in SLS ARIT ISMAIL (01/16/93)
- SLS 0.99.2 mount problems Maurizio Codogno (01/16/93)
- 3 questions: Xcoral 1.6, Seyon 1.8 and gcc headerfiles Duperval Laurent (01/16/93)
- Missing stuff: pstat, tset, NIS? Larry Augustin (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #45 (01/16/93)
- Re: 386+387 at 40 MHz vs 486 at 33 MHz Vincent Poy (01/16/93)
- Problem compiling .99p3 with new SLS. clay ward (01/16/93)
- which gdb (Re: INGRES BROKEN BY 0.99, STANDBY...) H.J. Lu (01/16/93)
- Does linux need hd to be Daryl Jurbala (01/16/93)
- Config question :) (oh no Daryl Jurbala (01/16/93)
- [Q] Cnews/trn question. Edmund Wong (01/16/93)
- weird error at login Edward Deering Boykin (01/16/93)
- Re: Pentium P5 (586) vs. i486 upgradable socke Dennis Robinson (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #46 (01/16/93)
- Turning on a T4400C modem David Fox (01/16/93)
- XVeiw3L2 problem Dennis Robinson (01/16/93)
- CMOS Setting Question Chien-Ping Lu (01/16/93)
- X-Tree for UNIX (why does utree coredump) Ulf Bartelt (01/16/93)
- Linux on Two Hard Drive System Eugene Kim (01/16/93)
- Help Wanted - S3/Local Bus SVGA CHARLES DEE RICE (01/16/93)
- crypt() source code used in linux Amine chouicha (01/16/93)
- Lilo .8 can't find boot sector (01/16/93)
- Dos emulation Marty Leisner (01/16/93)
- best zmodem for use with Seyon Edward Deering Boykin (01/16/93)
- SLIP for PC, Linux, or AmigaDOS: Where and how? Michael 'Moose' Dinn (01/16/93)
- Some newbies questions on shell, lpr and X Jason Ting (01/16/93)
- Xconsole, xterm -C -- problems Rob Coleman (01/16/93)
- PostGres? (was Re: INGRES BROKEN BY 0.99, STANDBY... Uri Blumenthal,35-016,8621267, (01/16/93)
- Safety Belt / SLS Norman Hamer (01/16/93)
- Re: What is NFS server latest version? H Thomas Bogendoerfer (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #47 (01/16/93)
- page table corrupted in SLS 0.98ps/0.99 David Fox (01/16/93)
- Major seagate bugfix. Eric Youngdale (01/16/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #48 (01/16/93)
- Compiling X Window progs to use shared libs - help PETER E REISSNER (01/16/93)
- [Q] Again the demand for a DESKJET PRINTCAP File Alexander Keiblinger (01/16/93)
- Booting into Twilight Zone... strangeness C. Armour-Kidson (01/16/93)
- SLS 0.99-2 more feedback and questions Vince Skahan (01/16/93)
- ATI and Xconfig (request for) gene choi (01/16/93)
- Linux on a Gateway 486/33? Anyone? Francisco X DeJesus (01/17/93)
- Mouse in X configuration question. Jason R. Wessel (01/17/93)
- Newbie Questions Thayne Forbes (01/17/93)
- Re: [Q]: How do I print postscript and tex files to an epson LQ550 printer?? David Fox (01/17/93)
- [Q]GCC233 questions:GCC 222d? Ching-Hsiang Chen (01/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #49 (01/17/93)
- TRN Odd Behavior (01/17/93)
- Xwindows Default Font Size Rob Prior (01/17/93)
- Why one should use Linux rather than SCO? (01/17/93)
- Gzip Greg Naber (01/17/93)
- shadow xdm & xlock, where? Mark B. Alston (01/17/93)
- Re:tcp/ip on ne2000 Joongbin Kang (01/17/93)
- Problems with Compress Byron (01/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #50 (01/17/93)
- HD: write_init errors... Help! Screwtape (01/17/93)
- 099pl2 kernel compiling problem Ralf Stephan (01/17/93)
- Suggested hardware for linux? Lucky Knuckles (01/17/93)
- Linux 0.99pl2 and IBM Valuepoint L. Jack Wilson (01/17/93)
- mounting DOS drives Jonathan R. Nitschke (01/17/93)
- parallel operating? Steven J. (01/17/93)
- Emacs and X and arrow keyss Douglas W. F. Acheson (01/17/93)
- Linux News #11 ascii Denise Tree (01/17/93)
- Linux News #11 tex Denise Tree (01/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #51 (01/17/93)
- How to upgrade? Jeng-feng Yang (01/17/93)
- How to install OS/2 without trashing Linux partitions? Chien-Ping Lu (01/17/93)
- GCC problem Android (01/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #52 (01/17/93)
- application list Heiko Gerstung (01/17/93)
- Re: Serial Ports in .99-3 Steve Wormley (01/17/93)
- Re: Lilo 0.7 printing only "LI" John Scherer (01/17/93)
- Western Digital 90Cxx Xconfig.. DeGrant, Kenneth L (01/17/93)
- Question on X, lpr, and etc WONG YUI WAH GILBERT (01/17/93)
- Problem recompiling linux .99.pl2-55 John Scherer (01/17/93)
- TAPE & CDROM STARTUP! Toni Moreno (01/17/93)
- Re: tcp/ip on ne2000 Michael Will (01/17/93)
- [Q]X program compilation under GCC 2.3.3 Ching-Hsiang Chen (01/17/93)
- help with mkfs -c Louis Erickson (01/17/93)
- Keyboard question Greg Bentley (01/17/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #53 (01/17/93)
- GCC doesn't look in /include for '<>' included files (01/17/93)
- SLS help Peter Clark (01/17/93)
- HELP: shell-init: Permission denied Bill Jones (01/17/93)
- Can't get crond to work.. Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy (01/17/93)
- GDXBBS core dumping Paul Lahaie (01/17/93)
- X-Windows only under root account!? Brett nmi Grimes (01/17/93)
- Upgrading SLS with new libs Joseph R. Pannon (01/17/93)
- Problem with PS... Nathaniel Muller (01/17/93)
- Ext FS Timeout? (was Re: 0.99.3 chokes under heavy disk activity?) Craig Burley (01/18/93)
- olvwm, olwm, Problems to run Christian Huebner (01/18/93)
- To Maintainers of *fsck... Craig Burley (01/18/93)
- Networking with net-src-0.2 Shayne Noel Smith 2245702 (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #54 (01/18/93)
- Compudyne 486DX notebook: trackball problems (01/18/93)
- Help with dumb terminal connection keith eric hellman (01/18/93)
- [Q]: Pointers to tape drive drivers Darren Weibler (01/18/93)
- I need paradise Xconfig!!! marco valentini (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #55 (01/18/93)
- help! LILO can't load msdos Joongbin Kang (01/18/93)
- Need help on Bibtex from T disks Android (01/18/93)
- Re: Client/Server Coding Perry Hutchison (01/18/93)
- Fair Price for Linux ? Matthew Roderick - KID01 (01/18/93)
- Re: Linux v. Coherent: Comments Tim Smith (01/18/93)
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Newer version of imake uploaded Julio Sanchez (01/18/93)
- Can't start mono X windows Greg Hilton (01/18/93)
- SCSI-Driver for AIC-6260 Adaptec controller chip Rainer Menes (01/18/93)
- Can't cut and paste in X with SLS Help. Mr. A.N.D. Cheong (01/18/93)
- Floppy Tape Driver Max Southall (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #56 (01/18/93)
- SLS 1.0, where is ??? URGENT! Safuat Hamdy (01/18/93)
- Where's newsletr.tex? Denise Tree (01/18/93)
- problem with swapping Nils-Henner Krueger (01/18/93)
- Motif for Linux ? Marc Holz (01/18/93)
- Swapping on a file considered harmful (was Re: 0.99.3 chokes under heavy disk activity?) Dennis Flaherty (01/18/93)
- SLS Problems ..... Ian Daniel (01/18/93)
- UUCP and Linux 09..p2 Thomas Neugebauer (01/18/93)
- Re: ANNOUNCE: NEW BINARIES UPLOADED! william E Davidsen (01/18/93)
- directory empties on SLS !!!! massimo rossi (01/18/93)
- Linux & BusTek BT-542 Roberto Totaro (01/18/93)
- Re: FDFLUSH [and fsync too] Stephen Tweedie (01/18/93)
- linux installation Nan He (01/18/93)
- OpenWIndows problems and X questions Markus Wenzel (01/18/93)
- SLS with SCSI Mark Rollins (01/18/93)
- Help with SLS Duncan Cameron (01/18/93)
- ANNOUNCE: lfs-0.6 test release. Qi Xia (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #57 (01/18/93)
- Choosing a SCSI adapter Rich Braun (01/18/93)
- SLS bug fix: boot and root disk Peter MacDonald (01/18/93)
- 0.99p3 kernel panic Brian E. Gallew (01/18/93)
- SLS Problems cont. Ian Daniel (01/18/93)
- SLS no workee. When? CHRISTIAN D. ARMOUR (01/18/93)
- Re: compression programs David Boyce (01/18/93)
- Tar to handle gzip / Apology Beaker (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #58 (01/18/93)
- YASUD is it safe ? BARRY TITMARSH (01/18/93)
- Re: gzip vs compress for archive stuff's Theodore Ts'o (01/18/93)
- [Q] problem with scsi-DAT Tape Juergen Geinitz (01/18/93)
- X Windows mouse not responding and Timezone problem JJ Lay (01/18/93)
- Help wanted !!! ATI Wonder 512k & NEC 3fg Stefano Curtarolo 288004/IL (01/18/93)
- Sony Interface CDU-31A CDROM Driver available Corey Minyard (01/18/93)
- Questions about latest SLS Brian Mcbee (01/18/93)
- problems with Ghostscript Brian Mcbee (01/18/93)
- DTC SCSI support?? Mark 'Henry' Komarinski (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #59 (01/18/93)
- New service Default Account (01/18/93)
- Problems with xmkmf Dan Newcombe (01/18/93)
- Need help with UUCP Steven King, Software Archaeologist (01/18/93)
- InterViews 3.1 ??? Kevin Martin (01/18/93)
- Where is "newsletr.*"? (was Re: Linux News #11 tex) Uri Blumenthal (01/18/93)
- lilo .8 QuickInst BROKEN? Barry Kranz (01/18/93)
- lfs 0.6 Qi Xia (01/18/93)
- "at" for linux? Robert Chen (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #60 (01/18/93)
- SLS latest update (1/18 disks) Peter Clark (01/18/93)
- A solution for HP deskjet printing problem (not very clever..) Markku Rissanen (01/18/93)
- nfsd bug ?? Martin Rosenbauer (01/18/93)
- SLS installed - ALMOST! ST21519@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU (01/18/93)
- sigset Dan Newcombe (01/18/93)
- WD7000FASST, linux, DOS Mark E. Towfiq (01/18/93)
- ACM Flight Sim DHALIWAL BIKRAM SINGH (01/18/93)
- dvi driver for linux?? Android (01/18/93)
- ??? SLS 0.99 Kernel File System Tran (01/18/93)
- How to print .dvi on Deskjet Android (01/18/93)
- (none) (01/18/93)
- X color server for STB Evolution / Cirrus GD5400 card Brian Kapitan (01/18/93)
- MudOS and Linux (01/18/93)
- [ANNOUNCE] Some small but useful kernel patches Andreas Mengel (01/18/93)
- a universal set of fs commands? Larry Butler (01/18/93)
- uucp addressing Blue Whale (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #61 (01/18/93)
- SLS: the doc and source series Peter MacDonald (01/18/93)
- Dosemulator: played hitchhiker, but ansi fails Michael Will (01/18/93)
- Booting linux from dos?? Mike Christiansen (01/18/93)
- [Q] Compressed Filesystem? Interest? Cory West (01/18/93)
- Is it just me? (or is a1-a2 from sunsite messed?) (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #62 (01/18/93)
- xdm - where ? Rafal Kustra (01/18/93)
- fork.c:190 forbidden register was spilled Nick Anderson (01/18/93)
- Abolutely novice LIUNXer needs some first level help Georg Edelmann (01/18/93)
- Linux FAQ Files Dwight Francis (01/18/93)
- X on the Trident 8900 Rafal Kustra (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #63 (01/18/93)
- TRIDENT-8900 series problems with XWindows. Marc Trottier (01/18/93)
- TRIDENT-8900 series problem with XWindows Marc Trottier (01/18/93)
- FidoNet software Bruce Guenter (01/18/93)
- /usr/include/linux directory and manual page directories??? Nikos Mouat (01/18/93)
- SLS 1.0 getty/login problem with modem Jonathan Magid (01/18/93)
- INN, Anyone? (How do I send news batches via NNTP???) Charles Fee (01/18/93)
- Linux .99 wont boot on my machine Brian Stempien (01/18/93)
- sz and kermit Bela Lugosi (01/18/93)
- Linux using HPFS Derek Glidden (01/18/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #64 (01/18/93)
- Hello Newboy here!!! Warning!! Scott Wolfe (01/18/93)
- Installing Linux & DOS Hard drive Partition Jon Nials (01/18/93)
- is there a linux extended partition (not filesytem) fdisk Drew Eckhardt (01/19/93)
- SUCCESS w/ LILO .8 (was Re: Lilo 0.7 printing only "LI") Arthur Tateishi (01/19/93)
- Anybody out there done TCP with a StarLan? Scott V Buresh (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #65 (01/19/93)
- SLS bug: a4 updates Peter MacDonald (01/19/93)
- mprotect syscall or function: Anybody heard of it ? Carl Michael Skoog (01/19/93)
- [Q]: Remote printing? Stefano Ianigro (01/19/93)
- Ramdisk memory allocation: Need/Can it be turned off? Wim van Dorst (01/19/93)
- Interviews 3.1 & make Basic the Root of Insight (01/19/93)
- Lilo trashed my HD - my fault though! Scott Dunn (01/19/93)
- I want gcc 2.2.2 back. Kevin Blaine Fluet (01/19/93)
- Hints on saving your configuration. Romano Giannetti (01/19/93)
- Problem printing TeX output with Ghostscript on DJ500 Thomas Koenig (01/19/93)
- char set switching, how? Zeyd M. Ben-Halim (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #66 (01/19/93)
- File table overflow bug ? Ian Jackson (01/19/93)
- xdm blues... Enners (01/19/93)
- OCCAM availability Zachi Friedman (01/19/93)
- Flooating point Problems Stephen Pierce (01/19/93)
- re: Linux user group meeting/forming? David Fox (01/19/93)
- crond + crontab Arne Marschall (01/19/93)
- elvis.1.6: bug + fix Mark Ramaer (01/19/93)
- X ,Paradise & DELL D50 works they? marco valentini (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #67 (01/19/93)
- packet radio software required. (01/19/93)
- Re: lfs 0.6 --> "xfs" Rick Miller (01/19/93)
- Problems with `minicom' and Dos-emulation Michael Tiede (01/19/93)
- 8 bit GIDs ??? Richard Gooch (01/19/93)
- TK for Linux Mark Andrew Hale (01/19/93)
- Linux & TCPIP & Xircom Iain.Lea@anl433.uucp (01/19/93)
- Problems with Dos DISK Tony Kidson (01/19/93)
- NE2000 Drive[r for Linux ] Robert Hahner (01/19/93)
- SLIP with ka9q: ftp,telnet work fine outwards, not inwards Sidney F. Thomas (01/19/93)
- New Linux file system? [Re: lfs 0.6] Stephen Tweedie (01/19/93)
- HDL under Linux? Stefan Dreyer (01/19/93)
- Problem with Sound Driver 0.5 Savio Lam (01/19/93)
- Re: Variable-length device major/minor (was Re: SCSI Autodetect?) Chip Salzenberg (01/19/93)
- new seagate patches John E. Stump (01/19/93)
- X for EGA?? Neal Becker (01/19/93)
- [WANTED] shlib41.taz for idraw Anto Daryanto (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #68 (01/19/93)
- bootsys3: terminals don't work Hendrik G. Seliger (01/19/93)
- Keydefinition of emacs under Xwindows Stefan Hoening (01/19/93)
- Byte order problems in X David Fox (01/19/93)
- Hunter Goatley's fine NEWSLETTER_FORMAT.TEX macros Dominic Richens (01/19/93)
- How does it malloc so much? David Fox (01/19/93)
- psdatabase St.John-Olcaytoe (01/19/93)
- v.32 Modem and uugetty... (01/19/93)
- F Domain SCSI driver problems (turbo mode problems) Pete Ikusz (01/19/93)
- Linux file systems Qi Xia (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #69 (01/19/93)
- Re: Fair Price for Linux, or, Here We Go Again Elmar Folba (01/19/93)
- Sondblaster under Unix Manu S. Kumar (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #70 (01/19/93)
- lfs 0.6 question Bruce (01/19/93)
- LPMud software James A. Buckner (01/19/93)
- Above & Linux Erik Proper (01/19/93)
- Library upgrade? John Will (01/19/93)
- Info: Mounting extended file systems Gerry George (01/19/93)
- SLS distribution Peter Clark (01/19/93)
- Network problems with telnetd and ftpd (01/19/93)
- binary compat SCO UNIX/Destiny?, Thanks Philip Rhoades (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #71 (01/19/93)
- SLS release on tsx-11 Francisco X DeJesus (01/19/93)
- SLIP...many questions answered slip admin (01/19/93)
- JED 0.80 ready (EMACS/EDT editor) John E. Davis (01/19/93)
- max pid Klaus Guhr (01/19/93)
- Can't run mconv from within rc. Ron McAllister (01/19/93)
- Wanted Info on NETSTAT BARRY TITMARSH (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #72 (01/19/93)
- Re: Linux-Activists Digest #70 Cliff Cyphers (01/19/93)
- Digiboard under Linux? Craig T Manske (01/19/93)
- ftpd won't get meta everything! (01/19/93)
- Good news-bad news w/telnet-ftp. Jason Gorden (01/19/93)
- Info on Adaptec 1520/22 programming needed! (repost) Mike Ivans (01/19/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #73 (01/19/93)
- bye steve (01/19/93)
- LILO 0.8 Jim Kaufman (01/19/93)
- Problem installing Linux .99p2 Mark Ferraretto (01/19/93)
- linux vs Xenix/Unix (01/20/93)
- inews? Edmund Wong (01/20/93)
- 2nd WD8013 Olaf H.P. Mittelstaedt (01/20/93)
- Bernoulli/SyQuest Chris Bugosh (01/20/93)
- Several interesting questions. Dennis Robinson (01/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #74 (01/20/93)
- How many MB to run XFree? Marco Colombo (01/20/93)
- installation problem Peter Kihara (01/20/93)
- An annoying problem with X386.S3, Swap device. Dae-Kyun Yoon (01/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #75 (01/20/93)
- Multiplexing terminal Rob Kooper (01/20/93)
- quotas ? Kai Jaatinen (01/20/93)
- Linux Frequently Asked Questions 1/4 [monthly posted] (01/20/93)
- Linux Frequently Asked Questions 2/4 [monthly posted] (01/20/93)
- Linux Frequently Asked Questions 3/4 [monthly posted] (01/20/93)
- Linux Frequently Asked Questions 4/4 [monthly posted] (01/20/93)
- Linux on Amiga-PC-Bridgeboard ? Niels Knoop (01/20/93)
- TIMEX 1.91 works under LINUX Harald Tveit Alvestrand (01/20/93)
- This newsgroup should be DEAD by now! Kristian Ejvind (01/20/93)
- Re: TRIDENT-8900 [and 9000] series problem with XWindows Richard B Munn (01/20/93)
- alt.os.linux Andreas Neubacher (01/20/93)
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Amiga FFS filesystem available for Linux H.Boehme U.Kunitz (01/20/93)
- Calendar Manager for Open Look Richard B Munn (01/20/93)
- Xconfig with X386mono Dean S. Cromack (01/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #76 (01/20/93)
- Linux 0.99.3 kernal, What's it fix? Byron (01/20/93)
- Just got latest SLS - where's ps? Neal Becker (01/20/93)
- Bug in kernel code for 99.3 ? KÏhne (01/20/93)
- Tiga-Graphics an Linux ?? Markus Kohler (01/20/93)
- NEED : Info on SCSI-drivers Bjorn Adalsteinsson (01/20/93)
- Too Many Problems w/ New SLS Release Chet Creacy (01/20/93)
- Fixed UUCP problems, need help with new user logins Steven King, Software Archaeologist (01/20/93)
- Re: SCSI Autodetect? Static table? (Was: Craig Anderson (01/20/93)
- SCSI Help (I'm getting closer) Eric Jeschke (01/20/93)
- Shadow Memory Libedinsky Fernando (01/20/93)
- Can Linux 'do' Macintosh disks? Rick Miller, Linux Device Registrar (01/20/93)
- Emacs meta key in SLS Libedinsky Fernando (01/20/93)
- SCSI support Eric CELEYRETTE (01/20/93)
- message for Kevin R. Sanders (01/20/93)
- Xmono and Trident 8900C Andrew Beers (01/20/93)
- ada for linux anyone ???? where ??? Darek Dabrowski (01/20/93)
- Xconfig file (01/20/93)
- mkefs -c broken? Neal Becker (01/20/93)
- KA9Q - Command to Receive Binary Files? James MacLean (01/20/93)
- What's "job control requires tty" telling me? Rick Miller (01/20/93)
- Linx/3com Anyone have a 3com driver (01/20/93)
- How to unpack .tpz file in SLS packages? Dahai Li (01/20/93)
- Re: [Q] Compressed Filesystem? Interest? James S. Vera (01/20/93)
- Is the SLS on tsx-11 *ready* yet? Rick Miller (01/20/93)
- Is there any demand for intro to linux files? Mad Dog (01/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #77 (01/20/93)
- fsck options --- what are they ???? help please. Ron McAllister (01/20/93)
- mount ??? donald.f.dodier (01/20/93)
- status of ne2000 driver Dirk Gajewski (01/20/93)
- Tcl/tk (01/20/93)
- Re: install question (quick) (01/20/93)
- Re: See Me? (01/20/93)
- doinstall/tar problems Steven Hessing (01/20/93)
- ANNOUNCE: xfs-0.6.diff against 0.99.3 (was lfs) Qi Xia (01/20/93)
- Is it safe!?! two. BARRY TITMARSH (01/20/93)
- Changing video modes after boot time Jeff Tranter (01/20/93)
- SLS: Additional problem & questions. Andrew Scott Koransky (01/20/93)
- How do you print TeX outputs to a DJ500? Android (01/20/93)
- Re: Universal fs commands keith eric hellman (01/20/93)
- partitioning the disk Joel Ratsaby (01/20/93)
- ST-225 HD problems with Linux Brian K. Teravskis (01/20/93)
- Problem with Serial line handler? Pete Sridharan (01/20/93)
- TVTWM >>>>>???? dlaij@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU (01/20/93)
- SLIP question Bruce (01/20/93)
- serial I/O in kernel used in new SLS Marc G Fournier (01/20/93)
- SLS: how do we know we've caught up ? Vince Skahan (01/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #78 (01/20/93)
- Linux-Activists Digest #79 (01/20/93)
Last message date: 01/20/93
Archived on: 01/26/01 CST
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