From: Roger D Binns (
Date: 01/14/93

From: (Roger D Binns)
Subject: Re: Annoying Linux developer habits.
Date: 14 Jan 1993 15:36:35 GMT

Dietmar Braun ( wrote:
: In article <>, (Paul Allen) writes:
: |> >I doubt that there are many people who currently use Linux and are
: |> >truly unable to print LaTeX documentation - they probably simply don't
: |> >try hard enough.
: |> Werner is absolutely right, at least in my case! If I would just try
: |> harder, I would have no problem with LaTeX documents.

Here is a solution:

Can someone who is knowledgeable about tex make a .tar.Z file that contains the
absolute minimum to turn a tex file into postscript or text.

I do not want Tex. I do not want hundreds of fonts or have to learn any
terminology. I just want a filter so I can type:

tex2ps < fred.tex >

and then delete the Tex file. This means text users can stay happy, and non
tex users can have it in ascii or postscipt for what they want.


|     Roger Binns    Brunel University - UK              |
| Do your bit to destroy the American economy by overwhelming their legal     |
| system - buy an Intel chip to run your Lotus software TODAY.                |