From: Ed Carp (erc@unislc.uucp)
Date: 01/19/93

From: erc@unislc.uucp (Ed Carp)
Subject: Re: Need help with UUCP
Date: 19 Jan 1993 08:34:37 GMT

Steven King, Software Archaeologist ( wrote:

: Hi there. I've just installed SLS on my system at home and I'm trying
: to convert my BBS from Waffle to Linux. I'm a Linux newbie, but I've
: been using (not administrating) Unix systems for years and I know the
: rudiments of UUCP from running Waffle. Gear your answers
: accordingly... :-)

Well, waffle just kinda gives you the basics...

: First off, is there a reference I can look at to help me with this?
: I've looked through the FAQ, the META-FAQ and the NET FAQ. None of them
: really seemed to do more than mention that Linux is capable of UUCP.
: Great, I knew that.

First, get "Managing UUCP and USENET" from O'Reilley. It's truly the best
on the market. Then print out the documentation that comes with taylor uucp.
Then read it. :)

: My current problem is trying to get uugetty and uucico to play nicely
: together on the same serial port. I can successfully run each program
: individually (I can run uugetty and get a login prompt, or run uucico
: and poll my mail host), but not both at the same time. If I've got
: uugetty enabled on that port then I can't dial out. How do I resolve
: this? I assume I have to somehow disable uugetty while I run uucico,
: but how?

You don't - the uugetty software is supposed to work with uucp if configured

Ed Carp       ,       801/538-0177
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