From: Mark Evans (
Date: 01/15/93

From: (Mark Evans)
Subject: Re: Makefile, serial problems with 0.99.3
Date: 15 Jan 1993 12:33:02 GMT

Karl Buck ( wrote:
: 1. Doing a "make config", "make dep" and "make" only seems to compile
: ./init/main.c. A "make all" instead of just "make" compiles until it
: comes back with the message "do not know how to make
: ./tools/version.h". Well I can do a "make ./tools/version.h" and then
: a "make all" and everything compiles. Anyone else run into this?

using "make Image" does the job.
looks like Linus has edited the Makefile
: 2. Going from pl2 to pl3 I can suddenly no longer use Seyon or Kermit.
: Seyon does not come back with any messages and Kermit gives the error
: message "Cannot read character: I/O error".
: Anyone else having these problems?
: --
: Karl Buck
: USGMRL 913.776.2745