From: Jeng-feng Yang (
Date: 01/17/93

From: (Jeng-feng Yang)
Subject: How to upgrade?
Date: 17 Jan 1993 22:01:11 GMT

Hi netlanders,

I downloaded and installed the Linux 98pl5. Everything went fine, thanks to
all the people who contribut to Linux and make it available free.

Sometimes, I read this group and found out that there are newer versions of
almost everthing. Too bad, I don't know how to upgrade my system. I am not
a UNIX expert, Linux is the first UNIX administration experience I ever had.

Here are two simple questions:

1. How do I upgrade my linux downloaded from SLS?
        Do I need to download all the disks in SLS? Or how can I tell what
        are the disks I will need? What to do (step by step), after I have
        all the disks necessary?

2. How do I upgrade packages such as GCC and Xwindows?

3. How to make a whole disk a Linux partition?
        I understand that Linux with minix fs supports partitions smaller than
        sixty some mega bytes. Is exfs now stable enough to be put to work?

Thanks in advance.

David Fang