From: (Karsten M. Winkovics) Subject: Linux and Terminals... HELP Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 13:13:36 CET
Hello, LinuxErs!
I've got some trouble trying to connect my old Ampex to the Linux Box.
This worked quite easily with 386BSD (slow, though, soft handshaking
probs >9600) and great with Linux 0.98.1.
Having installed 98.5, I experienced an ever-respawning getty.
Same story now with 0.99.2 :(
What I did is: use the existent gettydefs entry 9600 and install a line in
/etc/inittab, changing the already present one for ttys0...
It might be that this Terminal keeps CTS up all the time, can I confuigure
the port to use XO[n,ff] only and if, how to do it?
I'm now using the news 0.99.2. SLS, where at least the port names have changed.
Serial driver is the compiled-in tytso-alpha-serial.
Thanks for any assistance