Date: 01/15/93

Date:     Fri, 15 Jan 1993 06:45:12 EST
Subject:  Linux-Activists Digest #35

Linux-Activists Digest #35, Volume #4 Fri, 15 Jan 93 06:45:12 EST

  Re: efsck: bad magic number in super-block (Isaac Wong)
  (Wanted) Drhystone Reslut (W. Woody Jin)
  Re: Backspace in EMACS under X11 (Wolfgang Thiel)
  [A]: 2.3.3 (Re: [Q]: GCC 2.2.2 vs. 2.3.2?) (H.J. Lu)
  Problem booting Linux with Lilo 7.0 (H.J Lu's Rootdisk) (Sean Chan)
  Porting problem with SWI prolog. (Henk Vandecasteele)
  SLS update: minor fixes (Peter MacDonald)
  Re: HELP Linux in UK (Mark Evans)
  Re: linux and tokenring hardware and MCA hardware (Mark Evans)
  Re: A few misc questions, (Operator (Phil/Dylan))
  Re: quick q (Operator (Phil/Dylan))
  OLWM win mangr. need olhelp and olftptool (BARRY TITMARSH)
  Re: (Wanted) Drhystone Reslut (Wen-Chun Ni)
  Re: ingres03 and 0.99pl2 ? (Zeyd M. Ben-Halim)
  gzip will be used in gcc/libc distributions (H.J. Lu)
  Re: UUGETTY & Lock files... (Karl J. Vesterling)
  Linux SLS Distribution Available for Anonymous FTP (earthbound misfit, I)
  16550 support for SLS, HELP PLEASE (Vax)
  Re: [NON FAQ] A few questions. (Steve M. Robbins)