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Starting: 05/20/92
Ending: 05/27/92
- Re: Simple X toolkit (05/20/92)
- Top program in ps095c distribution problems Matthew Jackson (05/20/92)
- Re: How many Linux Users are there? Al Petrofsky (05/20/92)
- Probleems with Linux-0.96 and 5.25" 360k diskette Epstein@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL (05/20/92)
- Compiling X apps with 2.11b Karl R. Buck (05/20/92)
- Re: X and Logitech mice - still not working (long) Joe Waters (05/20/92)
- Re: X installation Michael O'Reilly (05/20/92)
- Serial Port Weirdness jim wiegand (05/21/92)
- linux as only bootable partition Brian Edmonds (05/21/92)
- Problems with mcc-interim 0.95c+ shoelace and gids John Hensley (05/21/92)
- Re: X and Logitech mice - still not Working (long) The Master of Symbolic Links (05/21/92)
- Slowness and the number of pty's; Kernel 0.96 Yuan-Yin Wu (05/21/92)
- Re: ka9q documentation! where? ryan anderson (05/21/92)
- Floating point exception Paul Brant (05/21/92)
- X and Tseng Labs 4031 (ET4000AX) Jason Sydun (05/21/92)
- Re: 0.96 Image Charles Meo (05/21/92)
- 0.96a out today/tomorrow Linus Benedict Torvalds (05/21/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #202 (05/21/92)
- Re: Paradise settings David Tucker / KC4ZGO (05/21/92)
- Re: hard disk performance (05/21/92)
- How do I make my mouse work? Jacob Martin Bohn Lorensen (05/21/92)
- Recommended programming books relevant to Linux? kevin dahlhausen (05/21/92)
- Re: gcc 2.101 for 0.96 and the header files for X11R5 (05/21/92)
- Tcsh 6.02 Mika Pekka Liljeberg (05/21/92)
- Re: X video problems (STB Powergraph ERGO/Mitsubishi Diamond Scan) Robert J. McNamara (05/21/92)
- misc questions(gcc2.11, filenames, this group) Kolja Kaehler (05/21/92)
- Re: misc questions(gcc2.11, filenames, this group) Drew Eckhardt (05/21/92)
- Re: misc questions(gcc2.11, filenames, this group) Niclas B|rlin (05/25/92)
- Re: misc questions(gcc2.11, filenames, this group) Darren Senn (05/26/92)
- Re: misc questions(gcc2.11, filenames, this group) Al Clark (05/26/92)
- Re: misc questions(gcc2.11, filenames, this group) Kayvan Sylvan (05/27/92)
- TCP/IP Roger Books (05/21/92)
- boothard.S - a bootsector for hard disks Jaakko Hyvatti (05/21/92)
- MCA address/data Buses... Tony Lang (05/21/92)
- X WINDOWS (05/21/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #203 (05/21/92)
- VFS - Where can I read about it? Leon Dent (05/21/92)
- Need an entry for /etc/disktab (= shoelace) for 3.5 HD floppy Ben Lippolt (05/21/92)
- Linux Bellcore window MGR Alex C. Liu (05/21/92)
- ispell & latex (where ?) Peter Thomson (05/21/92)
- Rawrite Rick Wong (05/21/92)
- Why no search perm on banjo? Mohan Pakkurti (05/21/92)
- Question about X Eric Munson (05/21/92)
- why no search perm on banjo for X11? Mohan Pakkurti (05/21/92)
- Re: X video problems - More info with pre-0.96 cf 0.96 !! Duty Programmer (05/21/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #204 (05/22/92)
- This is for Orest again. H.J. Lu (05/22/92)
- working on FIFOs for Linux 0.96 Paul H. Hargrove (05/22/92)
- re rawrite (05/22/92)
- Help: Can't get GCC2.11 due to excessive clib file size Darren Gower (05/22/92)
- Patches for better hard disk performance Branko Lankester (05/22/92)
- Backup methods for those with DOS tape units. Michael Hamilton (05/22/92)
- Re: MFMs do a 'HD timeout' with Linux? Michael Graff (05/22/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #205 (05/22/92)
- X11 for trident Timothy Cullip (05/22/92)
- Re: GCC compiling Xwindow appl. Steve Ansell (05/22/92)
- Bus Mouse? Neal Stephenson (05/22/92)
- Re: Floppies are being trashed Kolin Hand (05/22/92)
- Games for X Steven Samuel Jr. Seiden (05/22/92)
- How fast? Thomas Strandenaes (05/22/92)
- This is for Orest H.J. Lu (05/22/92)
- Re: Error: Job lost account erased. Find new account and try again. Eugenio Sanchez (05/22/92)
- 0.96a available Linus Benedict Torvalds (05/22/92)
- (none) Joseph C. Gregorio (05/22/92)
- Anyone have info on the Diamond Speed Star 24? Daniel Linder (05/22/92)
- Looking for Samtron monitor specs Brian Edmonds (05/22/92)
- Linux doesn't boot!! Neumann, Tony (05/22/92)
- Logitech mouse, yes or no? Paul Fink (05/22/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #206 (05/22/92)
- Problem with Kermit and 0.96 Geoffrey Furnish (05/22/92)
- Kernel patch - VT100 response for \033[c Eric Youngdale (05/22/92)
- X11 version of GNU Emacs available at Rick Sladkey (05/22/92)
- New stuff at tsx-11... Michael K. Johnson (05/22/92)
- shoelace and Linux 0.96 on Adaptek 1740 David Giller (05/23/92)
- 0.96a diffs for com4 with IRQ5 port 0x238 Jaakko Hyvatti (05/23/92)
- Re: MFMs do a 'HD timeout' with Linux? (The story continues) Morgan Schweers (05/23/92)
- Re: where is /usr/bin/time Jim Burns (05/23/92)
- Fucking sgtty Michael Kraehe (05/23/92)
- Re: NOFILE value ? Jim Burns (05/23/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #207 (05/23/92)
- Help Getting Linux to Boot? Craig Burley (05/23/92)
- Re: memory hungry uncompress? Jim Burns (05/23/92)
- Re: DDJ? (was: Something else) Tony Travis (05/23/92)
- SCSI 16MB and swapping bugs solved Thomas Wuensche (05/23/92)
- new stuff at tsx-11... Michael K. Johnson (05/23/92)
- mgr (problem with mouse ) Peter Thomson (05/23/92)
- X11 and 0.96a problems William A Jones (05/23/92)
- Unable to boot 0.96a Brett J. Vickers (05/23/92)
- Installation and Updates Michael Graff (05/23/92)
- 0.96a/GCC 2.11c Matt Mosley (05/23/92)
- Porting perl to Linux Pete Chown (05/23/92)
- SLIP performance in .96a Charles Hedrick (05/23/92)
- Problem loading X11 Craig Metz (05/23/92)
- re MGR Peter Thomson (05/23/92)
- setbuf segv bug The Crouton Man (05/23/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #208 (05/23/92)
- SCSI won't swap R Michael McMahon (05/23/92)
- No More Need for Help with Booting Linux 0.96 Craig Burley (05/23/92)
- Need help with locating utilities for setting up the system. David Giller (05/23/92)
- Logitech/X Brad c Midgley (05/23/92)
- reseting cleanly Brad c Midgley (05/23/92)
- Trying to understand "General Protection Error" and Segment Fault eric.h.baller (05/23/92)
- problems with ps, pcomm95c+1 and more... RALPH WONG (05/23/92)
- segmentation faults James L. Paul (05/23/92)
- killing a getty. How? James L. Paul (05/24/92)
- Linux fdisk help Gregory R. Weiss (05/24/92)
- fseek bug in 2.11c Charles Hedrick (05/24/92)
- Linux Wish List (and some problems need fixing..) Erik Fichtner (05/24/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #209 (05/24/92)
- Re: Test version of shared libc Theodore Ts'o (05/24/92)
- Patches... Linus Benedict Torvalds (05/24/92)
- linux-0.96a.patch1 Linus Benedict Torvalds (05/24/92)
- Problem with GCC 2.11a curses.h Anthony Rumble (05/24/92)
- hypot bug? Rogier Wolff (05/24/92)
- Need help installing X R. Ramesh (05/24/92)
- Re: Logitech Bus Mouse Driver (test) available and X386 mouse problem David Tucker / KC4ZGO (05/24/92)
- Diamond Speedstar? Denise Tree (05/24/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #210 (05/24/92)
- Linux on Local Bus motherboard Thierry Priol (05/24/92)
- Using CD-ROM Shachar Fleishman (05/24/92)
- Linux 0.96a on AMD 386-40 ? Joerg Sauer (05/24/92)
- Zip 1.0 Craig Metz (05/24/92)
- Linux and Mice question Ajay Shah (05/24/92)
- Re: F***ing sgtty Michael Nolan (05/24/92)
- s3 video drivers Rick Wong (05/24/92)
- join David Bowman (05/24/92)
- xfig.2.1.4 problems Peter Williams (05/24/92)
- GCC 2.11b and C-News Steve Robbins (05/24/92)
- Logitech Bus mouse and kernel hacking: it works! but... David Giller (05/24/92)
- Floppy patches (experimental) Werner Almesberger (05/24/92)
- Stable screen now, but xinit never returns!!! HELP!! Richard Alan Brown (05/24/92)
- MGR for hercules? Thomas Dunbar (05/24/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #211 (05/24/92)
- Logitech Bus Mouse Driver Patches James Banks (05/24/92)
- X386 dies prematurely Anucha Pitak (05/24/92)
- Parse errors with GCC 2.11c Brett J. Vickers (05/24/92)
- 0.96 and 0.96a comments (and a bug report) Michael Pereckas (05/24/92)
- Trashed file system Roger Scott (05/24/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #212 (05/25/92)
- Linux X question Edward J.M. Colbert (05/25/92)
- Some X11 assistance - a checklist if it doesn't run Peter Hawkins (05/25/92)
- Where is X??? Ke-Wei Ma (05/25/92)
- Question regarding virtual consoles Alex C. Liu (05/25/92)
- index bugged in libc 2.11c Douglas E. Quale (05/25/92)
- Help: Xconfig; missing sgtty.h Sebastian Mayer (05/25/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #213 (05/25/92)
- porting screen3.2: possible kernel/library bugs? BURNS (05/25/92)
- Help me install LINUX, Please Subrata Sarkar (05/25/92)
- <sys/dir.h> bugged in libc 2.11c distribution Douglas E. Quale (05/25/92)
- Kernel panic (magic match failed) Subrata Sarkar (05/25/92)
- X11 problem (05/25/92)
- X11,X386 Anthony Rumble (05/25/92)
- Almost there... R.J.Newton (05/25/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #214 (05/25/92)
- SCSI swap success: 0.96a R Michael McMahon (05/25/92)
- ATI Ultra (was Re: Where is X???) Kevin Martin (05/25/92)
- X11 & ATI Robert Lockwood (05/25/92)
- X-11 discussion list? (05/25/92)
- Micro-Channel Version of Linux ? Tony Lang (05/25/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #215 (05/25/92)
- new ka9q ready Charles Hedrick (05/25/92)
- segmentation faults revisited James L. Paul (05/25/92)
- gcc2.11c Stephen Harris (05/25/92)
- Linux developing too fast : -) Stephen Harris (05/25/92)
- GCC 2.11c parse errors (more specifics) Brett J. Vickers (05/25/92)
- Followup: which 1 gig disk to buy? Doug Evans (05/25/92)
- Followup: Adaptec 1542B or Bustek 542B Doug Evans (05/25/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #216 (05/25/92)
- GCC -O flag (was Re: Porting perl to Linux) Partially Grown Rhododendron (05/25/92)
- PFDisk Hates Me! Jay C. Beavers (05/25/92)
- xtetris Steven Samuel Jr. Seiden (05/25/92)
- S3 Drivers for X386... status? Craig Metz (05/25/92)
- Context diffs n.h.chandler (05/25/92)
- Re: reseting cleanly (Correction - face is red) Al Clark (05/25/92)
- Bug in mkfs suspected (with proposed workaround) Ajay Shah (05/25/92)
- Man pages setup (long) Oren Kastner (05/25/92)
- ka9q updated yet again for Ethernet, etc Charles Hedrick (05/25/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #217 (05/25/92)
- bug in 0.96a Michael O'Reilly (05/25/92)
- ATTN Berk Walker David Giller (05/25/92)
- X386 Peter Williams (05/25/92)
- xtetris pixmap bug? Peter MacDonald (05/26/92)
- Re: Linux doesn't boot Kerry F. Owens (05/26/92)
- C-A-D from DOS hangs 0.96a b/c aha1542, + bash question Wayne Volkmuth (05/26/92)
- PROLOG available ??? Joerg Pommnitz (05/26/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #218 (05/26/92)
- I'm working on 'init'. Send requests. Josh Yelon (05/26/92)
- comp.sources.linux & comp.binaries.linux Alan Hourihane (05/26/92)
- Rawrite and HowToDoIt Michael Campbell (05/26/92)
- MGR and some questions Mark Stephens (05/26/92)
- Bug in Linux 0.96a with patch 1? Jaime Jofre (05/26/92)
- Problems running X as a regular user---> Help! Jaime Jofre (05/26/92)
- top crashes when running X-windows. Eric Youngdale (05/26/92)
- Re: Easy Questions, maybe? on SCSI and X Mark Pundsack (05/26/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #219 (05/26/92)
- Problem with gcc 2.1 (why do I have to flush stdout?) Budi Rahardjo (05/26/92)
- UNIX systems survey: results! Kartik Subbarao (05/26/92)
- Equipment thomas dunbar (05/26/92)
- TAR problems / fix && GCC parse problems. Mike Me (05/26/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #220 (05/26/92)
- IBM PS/2 (not clone) Disk Controller - registers needed for Linux Gregory R. Weiss (05/26/92)
- breakout lists/discussion channels (05/26/92)
- Missing Files? Derrick C. Cole (05/26/92)
- Sources of utils.... Dan Miner (05/26/92)
- 0.96a fixes everything: X, gcc, ... (05/26/92)
- shutdown procedure? Ajay Shah (05/27/92)
- xfig works in synchronous mode only - why? Henning Spruth (05/27/92)
- When do we escape 64 Meg partitions? Ajay Shah (05/27/92)
- Success story on Linux troubleshooting (or how to get questions answered) Ajay Shah (05/27/92)
- vt100 scrolling windows in linux? Ian McCloghrie (05/27/92)
- What files to grab ? Kuo-Chun Su (05/27/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #221 (05/27/92)
- Console refresh ? Michael Kraehe (05/27/92)
- Keyboard lights (Was: 0.96 and 0.96a comments (and a bug report)) Johan Myreen (05/27/92)
- longer filenames dilemma Gregor Schmid (05/27/92)
- X11-binaries FIGUEIVEDO, CARLOS (05/27/92)
- top, linux 0.96 etc.. Richard Harry (05/27/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #222 (05/27/92)
- Need help with internal modem JAMES LEWIS NANCE (05/27/92)
- QIC-02 tape driver H.H. Bergman (05/27/92)
- Need Help Printing Robert Lockwood (05/27/92)
- Will linux run DOS applications?? George Grimes (05/27/92)
- X cannot find any screens... Tim Bunnell (05/27/92)
- IPC Robert Lockwood (05/27/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #223 (05/27/92)
- e-mail of a copy of FAQ Pratip Mukherjee (05/27/92)
- X11: olvwm dies with SHIFT-L-DRAG on title bar David Giller (05/27/92)
- Mailing list channels r b willmersdorf (05/27/92)
- Latest X version ? r b willmersdorf (05/27/92)
- Re: IBM PS/2 ESDI driver (a warning) Hansruedi Heeb (05/27/92)
- Simple help mounting a floppy needed Bill Dueber (05/27/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #224 (05/27/92)
- X386 latests Linux work. Kayvan Sylvan (05/27/92)
- Has anyone ported xload?? Doug Mayfield (05/27/92)
- README PLEASE: Re: top, linux 0.96 etc.. H.J. Lu (05/27/92)
- 0.96a and SCSI drive problem Kevin C. Dorff (05/27/92)
- making a swap file Edward J.M. Colbert (05/27/92)
- MGR for Linux (beta) Alex C. Liu (05/27/92)
- make 0.96 w/gcc-2.11c blows David.L. (05/27/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #225 (05/27/92)
Last message date: 05/27/92
Archived on: 01/26/01 CST
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