From: Subrata Sarkar (
Date: 05/25/92

From: (Subrata Sarkar)
Subject: Help me install LINUX, Please
Date: 25 May 1992 02:27:48 -0700

I tried installing Linux today, and ran into trouble.
I hope someone can show me the way.

0. This computer is a 386@40, with 256k cache, with Trident 8900c VGA,
   4 Meg RAM and 116 Meg disk.

1. I grabbed rootimage .95a and bootimage .96a from tsx-11.

2. I rawrote them and things worked great.

3. Next, I wanted to put it on my hard disk. This is a brand new
   computer and I don't mind destroying the existing DOS.
   When I brought up pfdisk, it showed partition 4 as the DOS
   partition. I created two new partitions 1 and 2 (these are roughly
   19 Meg and the remainder). The old partition 4 refused to go away!
   I just said "4 0 0 0" to pfdisk and got rid of it.

   I made 1 (DOS) the active partition. Presumably everything on it has
   been destroyed.

4. Some of the instructions forgot to mention this: everytime you change
   the partition table, you should power off-on.

   When I came back, all was well: pfdisk and fdisk both saw the new world
   the way I had set it up. I also used the DOS fdisk and it shows
   the partitions the way they ought to be.

   The trouble is the next step: mkfs refuses to format the Linux
   partition! And when I ask him to format the DOS partition, he
   reports I/O errors, though he does get started.

My questions:

1) How do I get Linux safely installed on the 100 Meg (/dev/hda2)?
2) How do I get a DOS onto /dev/hda1? I know how to say "format /s" but
   things look batty on c: right now. Even though I've changed the
   partition table the current DOS thinks things are like they used to
   be (i.e., it shows free space ~ 100 Meg even though it's on a
   partition of 19 Meg).
3) The instructions really don't explain too well how to setup the
   machine so it routinely boots through Linux. I might run DOS once
   in a while but mostly I want Linux.

Here is some data:

The disk is type 47 in the setup (American Megatrends Bios). It has
762 cylinders, 8 heads, 39 sectors. (pfdisk insists on thinking there are
only 760 cylinders. Does that matter??).

fdisk says:
   /dev/hda1 19948
   /dev/hda2 98748

The L function in pfdisk says:

# ID First Last Name start, length
1 6 0 127 DOSbi 39, 39897
2 128 128 760 Minix 39936, 197496

"mkfs -c /dev/hda2 98748" produces the "Usage: " message. This happens
for both cases: active partition = 1 or 2.

"mkfs -c /dev/hda1 19948" starts formatting it!
It shows 6649 inodes,
19948 blocks,
Firstdatazone = 214 (214)
Zonesize = 1024
Maxsize = 26896692

It starts talking:

2144 ...3632 ... ... ... 18672
hard disk I/O error
dev 0301, block 19948

and repeats these two lines twice.

I'm really stuck -- all help will be most appreciated.

