From: (Dylan Smith) Subject: Re: DDJ? (was: Something else) Date: 27 May 1992 13:00:34 GMT
In article <> (Tony Travis) writes:
>Personal Computer World has shown a great deal of interest in the
>technically competent/hobbyist readership that exists in the UK. I
>have read it since 1978 and I think it would be an ideal place to
>publish articles about Linux (there is a regular Unix section).
I did mail the person who writes the UNIX section in the days of 0.12 (his
mail address is Unfortunately, he didn't seem at all
interested at the time and wrote me a very hostile reply (he dosen't seem
to like free software for some reason, and tends only to write about
commercial stuff). However, in the current edition of Personal Computer
World, he did give Linux a reasonable mention, so I suppose I can let
him off ;-)