From: Jim Burns (gt0178a@prism.gatech.EDU)
Date: 05/27/92

From: gt0178a@prism.gatech.EDU (Jim Burns)
Subject: Re: Problem with gcc 2.1 (why do I have to flush stdout?)
Date: 27 May 1992 13:17:01 GMT

in article <>, (GEC-Marconi Research Centre) says:

> *** someone else replied:

> | Welcome to ANSI C. ANSI C says that you can't rely on printf() flushing
> | your output. Lots of people are getting bitten my this with the new
> | IBM compiler for OS/2 also.

On most systems, tty i/o is line-buffered, so you need to have a \n in your
format, BUT output also gets flushed by the next input, as in his scanf.
This is a tty driver/line discipline thing, not necessarily ANSI.

BURNS,JIM (returned student)
Georgia Institute of Technology, 30178 Georgia Tech Station,
Atlanta Georgia, 30332            | Internet:
uucp:     ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt0178a