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Starting: 04/06/92
Ending: 04/14/92
- Re: Linux Drivers and Kernel question. Duty Programmer (04/06/92)
- Re: Beginner's Guide: Installation Jim Winstead Jr. (04/06/92)
- Taylor-uucp 1.03 beta - porting status Ed Carp (04/06/92)
- Problem with tar (?) Rob Coleman (04/06/92)
- Linux patches now available from David J. Hughes (04/06/92)
- Help: Straighten Me Out on SCSI Controller Cards (Host Adapter?) Bob Davis (04/06/92)
- Binaries considered harmful Paul Allen (04/07/92)
- Re: Second 0.95a alpha-patch Hongjiu Lu -- Graduate Student (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #35 (04/07/92)
- we need a new gdb (I think) Charles Hedrick (04/07/92)
- Re: Has anyone thought about threads? Drew Eckhardt (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #36 (04/07/92)
- Job Ctrl && $$->programmers (How?) David Buckley (04/07/92)
- New version of diskbackup Damiano Bolla (04/07/92)
- Sorry Linus Jon Tombs (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #37 (04/07/92)
- HELP! Problems with rootimage. Timo Jaakko Sillanp{{ (04/07/92)
- FS questions Matthew Francey (04/07/92)
- gcc-2.1 header files Joseph Knapka (04/07/92)
- Linux & Ultra 12F ESDI? Keith L. Fries (04/07/92)
- Help!! Brian Olsen (04/07/92)
- BootAny help needed!! (04/07/92)
- Byte Unix Benchmarks. Jon Tombs (04/07/92)
- GCC V2.x now available from tsx-11 Theodore Ts'o (04/07/92)
- __ctype undefined symbol error Joseph Knapka (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #38 (04/07/92)
- Re: vile 3.13 + gcc 2.1 anyone? Paul Fox (04/07/92)
- Re: problem compiling kernel... Haohui Wang (04/07/92)
- dvilj2p thomas dunbar (04/07/92)
- You're Linux FTP site admin? Ari Lemmke (04/07/92)
- bash ? David.L. (04/07/92)
- (none) Paul Allen (04/07/92)
- Re: bash ? And Root disk software. Kevin Cummings (04/07/92)
- FAQ: gcc 2.1 and kernel Hongjiu Lu -- Graduate Student (04/07/92)
- Re: Since I haven't seen an FAQ... Bill Flowers (04/07/92)
- Large disk partition Stephen Harris (04/07/92)
- Re: Beginner's Guide: Installation (Possible errors?) Clifford A Adams (04/07/92)
- mtools (mcopy) problems Michael K. Johnson (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #39 (04/07/92)
- IMPORTANT: gcc 2.1, libc.a 2.1a and Linux Michael K. Johnson (04/07/92)
- libtermcap.a bugs? Britt Park (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #40 (04/07/92)
- Digests thomas dunbar (04/07/92)
- problems compiling kernel -- fatal signal 6 gary a moyer (04/07/92)
- shoelace -- errors at boot from partition gary a moyer (04/07/92)
- modem login, and .95c (04/07/92)
- fixes for header files for gcc 2.1 and kernel Hongjiu Lu -- Graduate Student (04/07/92)
- RE:Scott's HD timeout problems tim (04/07/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #41 (04/07/92)
- gcc 2.1 woes System test (04/07/92)
- Relative speed of Linux Networking Research (04/08/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #42 (04/08/92)
- linux-0.95c known bugs Linus Benedict Torvalds (04/08/92)
- <assert.h> in gcc2.1 Joseph Knapka (04/08/92)
- Re: Beginner's Guide: Installation (Possible errors?) I Reid (04/08/92)
- Shoelace booting problems Todd Radel (04/08/92)
- problem caught gary a moyer (04/08/92)
- Read rawritten files from floppy? Matthew S Neiger (04/08/92)
- Newuser help? Ryan Mitchell (04/08/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #43 (04/08/92)
- lots o problems, many to choose from Herbert M. Zinn (04/08/92)
- Applying patches cm445a17 (04/08/92)
- Re: Non-destructive repartitioning (was Re: What is linux?) Anthony Frey (04/08/92)
- Unfortunate, but true.... Alan B Clegg (04/08/92)
- Re: ksh in linux thomas dunbar (04/08/92)
- PS/2 Systems and Linux. was: What is linux? Steve McCalla (04/08/92)
- floppies Help ! P Thomson (04/08/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #44 (04/08/92)
- Is Linux real-time ? Maad Al-Dabbagh (04/08/92)
- wheres the device for ltp1? gary a moyer (04/08/92)
- uucp porting status report - 04/08/92 Ed Carp (04/08/92)
- Re: Job Ctrl && $$->programmers (How....) tim (04/08/92)
- stuff at Michael K. Johnson (04/08/92)
- HELP! Problems with rootimage. (UPDATE) Timo Jaakko Sillanp{{ (04/08/92)
- Re: Binaries vs. Sources (was: (none)) Adam Thompson (04/08/92)
- modems and terminals(getty) (04/08/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #45 (04/08/92)
- Seagate SCSI *almost* working... Brian Mcbee (04/08/92)
- Re: alt.os.linux ? Carpenter, Scot M. (04/09/92)
- Re: documentation for shoelace A. V. Le Blanc (04/09/92)
- backup problems stephen.p.hill (04/09/92)
- FAQ, next release Marc CORSINI (04/09/92)
- No more mail Arthur Recktenwald (04/09/92)
- Re: HELP! Trying to build gcc-2.1 on a VIRGIN system... Juergen Henke (04/09/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #46 (04/09/92)
- Bash 1.12 thomas dunbar (04/09/92)
- Patch to preset the SVGA mode Dennis Flaherty (04/09/92)
- Unsubscribe David Fenyes (04/09/92)
- Re: ksh in linux? A. V. Le Blanc (04/09/92)
- Wish list... Todd Radel (04/09/92)
- Re: modem login (04/09/92)
- Another bug? [was Re: linux-0.95c known bugs] Joel M. Hoffman (04/09/92)
- New things at tsx-11 Michael K. Johnson (04/09/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #47 (04/09/92)
- Getting started Doug Evans (04/09/92)
- Writing a device driver Joseph Knapka (04/09/92)
- Function of Rawrite? Matthew S Neiger (04/09/92)
- taylor-uucp 1.03 (final) uploaded to tsx-11... Ed Carp (04/09/92)
- Where are expr and mkdir binaries? Karl R. Buck (04/09/92)
- Re: Compilers Rick Kelly (04/09/92)
- 0.95a S3679988 (04/09/92)
- WD8003 ethernet driver for linux Ross Biro (04/09/92)
- getty/modem switch program- any takers? (04/09/92)
- More hard drive questions.... Scott R. Grabowski (04/09/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #48 (04/10/92)
- Where are the sources for xcomm/xc ? Daniel A. Martin (04/10/92)
- Re: Swapfile vs. Swap partition Ed Carp (04/10/92)
- Problems with serial port drivers?? Ed Carp (04/10/92)
- New interim release of Linux-0.95c A. V. Le Blanc (04/10/92)
- bootimage Chris Taylor (04/10/92)
- kermit5a Farhan H Garib (04/10/92)
- big archives Alfred Terwindt (04/10/92)
- Compress/Uncompress (Were ?) P Thomson (04/10/92)
- binaries package uploaded... Chuck Boyer (04/10/92)
- boot 0.95c+ and lp thomas dunbar (04/10/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #49 (04/10/92)
- Re: wanting to install Linux. 2 Questions. A. V. Le Blanc (04/10/92)
- kernel building problems System test (04/10/92)
- Linux SCSI support Drew Eckhardt (04/10/92)
- new stuff at tsx-11 Michael K. Johnson (04/10/92)
- Meta-Question Chet Murthy (04/10/92)
- Re: Another bug? Linus Benedict Torvalds (04/10/92)
- Compiling 0.95c+ Dale Ulan (04/10/92)
- (no subject) (04/10/92)
- got root95c+, now need device driver for lp0... gary a moyer (04/10/92)
- Re: Linux-Activists Digest #41 Scott Beckstead (04/10/92)
- Modems and com port access William A Jones (04/10/92)
- Custom setups: RFD I Reid (04/10/92)
- kermit5A.tar.Z Michael K. Johnson (04/10/92)
- How to FORMAT a floppy in Linux? M. Saggaf (04/11/92)
- smail 3.1.25 david nugent (04/11/92)
- What is LINUX? T. Kendelbacher OT133 (04/11/92)
- Which graphics card for a new Linux machine? Janne Himanka (04/11/92)
- Re: Scheme, Lisp for Linux? Peter Orbaek (04/11/92)
- Make dies under gcc2.1 Joseph Knapka (04/11/92)
- IBM PS/2 Model 70 erik vanriper (04/11/92)
- Local Bus support? Jean Liddle (04/11/92)
- a bug in strtod.c Hongjiu Lu -- Graduate Student (04/11/92)
- 0.95c+ bootimage on tsx-11, will there be a rootimage? Michael Nolan (04/11/92)
- Where is expr? Will Clark (04/11/92)
- Re: kermit5A.tar.Z ; shared libs tim (04/11/92)
- Problems compiling 0.95c+ Stephen Harris (04/11/92)
- User's Guide project Joseph Knapka (04/11/92)
- ABC release questions Eric_Munson (04/11/92)
- First small success in using Linux as transputer host Michael Haardt (04/11/92)
- GNU m4 and chess work, awk, mawk and sort don't. Michael Haardt (04/11/92)
- Keyboard dies when I hit Caps-Lock (+SCSI) Niels Skov Olsen (04/11/92)
- uudecode problems (anyone else?) (04/11/92)
- compiling kernel .95c+ Michael K. Johnson (04/11/92)
- Remote dumb terminal loses char's with kermit Joel M. Hoffman (04/11/92)
- more on uudecode problems.... (04/11/92)
- Results of my attempt at nondestructive repartitioning Ben Rudiak-Gould (04/11/92)
- A couple of simple previously answered (but missed) questions Terry Dawson (04/12/92)
- Needed: a guide to setting up swap space. Clifford A Adams (04/12/92)
- Partitioning Warning! Niagara U. Courtesy Account (04/12/92)
- request mail (04/12/92)
- swap ? P Thomson (04/12/92)
- news programs E Elu (04/12/92)
- Re: compile kernel with gcc2.1 Rik Faith (04/12/92)
- 0.95a --> 0.95c+: advantages? Jiansheng Zhao (04/12/92)
- Modems and 0.95c+ William A Jones (04/12/92)
- Fidonet Distribution Greg Naber (04/12/92)
- swapping continued ? P Thomson (04/12/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #56 (04/12/92)
- Linux will be beta until can handle compress Epstein@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL (04/12/92)
- Gcc 2.1: 3 questions (+ an observation) I Reid (04/12/92)
- How to extend file names beyond 14 characters ? MEI in Osaka (04/12/92)
- gcc 2.1 problem: parse error before '(' Wayne Whitney (04/12/92)
- Help needed with OS topic Greg Martin (04/12/92)
- passwd program? Blake McBride (04/12/92)
- HD timeout under 0.95c+ - what is the problem? Paul Nulsen (04/12/92)
- Parse error Rob Coleman (04/12/92)
- Re: Linux-Activists Digest #56 Scott Beckstead (04/13/92)
- Does Linux support QIC (Wangtek) tapes yet ? Yaacov Fenster (04/13/92)
- expr & sort Chris Taylor (04/13/92)
- tar files on floppy. Lars Lindner (04/13/92)
- GCC2.1 Denise Tree (04/13/92)
- linux 0.95c+ keymap thomas dunbar (04/13/92)
- problems with tcsetattr A. V. Le Blanc (04/13/92)
- better graphics for Nethack Douglas E. Quale (04/13/92)
- Re: problem with chmod/ls -l A. V. Le Blanc (04/13/92)
- stuff at tsx-11. Michael K. Johnson (04/13/92)
- Help Removing Bad Directory David Engel (04/13/92)
- Questions from a beginner... Chris P. Sullivan (04/13/92)
- what does linux rhyme with? Paul Fox (04/13/92)
- Just plain questions Brian Olsen (04/13/92)
- Disk full question Mike Roberts (04/13/92)
- What about running Linux from DOS ? Fabien Coutant (04/13/92)
- gcc2.1 and gnulib? Mika Matti Jalava (04/13/92)
- Info source files thomas dunbar (04/13/92)
- New project: S3 Acc. video support for Linux. Steven Kraft (04/13/92)
- CTL-ALT-DEL wipes CMOS? (04/13/92)
- [ New version of ps uploaded] Michael K. Johnson (04/13/92)
- Arrow keys and emacs Demian A. Johnston (04/13/92)
- all kinds of questions Greenup (04/13/92)
- .95c+ and GCC2.1 kernel compiles, MAN? Bowen Goletz (04/13/92)
- System Architecture Philippe Backouche (04/13/92)
- Patching Bootimage disks Rainer Kirsch (04/13/92)
- When will "Linux 1.0" come to the world ? mr79 (04/13/92)
- Bad blocks (Help Please !) P Thomson (04/13/92)
- Losing Characters Rob Coleman (04/13/92)
- Where to get a hold of Linux Brian Chojnowski (04/13/92)
- /usr/root/.emacs sample thomas dunbar (04/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #57 (04/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #58 (04/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #59 (04/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #60 (04/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #61 (04/13/92)
- Linux-Activists Digest #62 (04/13/92)
Last message date: 04/14/92
Archived on: 01/26/01 CST
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