From: dennisf@Miles.COM (Dennis Flaherty) Subject: Re: Patch to preset the SVGA mode Date: 13 Apr 1992 19:13:37 GMT
In article <> (Andy I. Liaw) writes:
> In article <1992Apr9.164927.11540@Miles.COM> dennisf@Miles.COM (Dennis Flaherty) writes:
> >
> >If you are tired of hitting RETURN and selecting the
> >same SVGA mode every time you boot Linux, apply this
> >patch and rebuild the kernel. It allows you to preset
> >the mode in the Makefile, so that the setup program
> >proceeds as if you had hit RETURN and your favorite number.
> Could you please also post the same thing for presetting
> the mode to VGA (or EGA)? Maybe it's trivial, but I'm
> not a C programmer and have no idea how this is done.
> Thanks!
Sure. This took some doing, and I'd appreciate some feedback.
I moved the # sign from the Makefile to boot/setup.S, so I now
use "2" instead of "\#2" in the Makefile. And now if you set
SVGA_MODE to "VGA" it will compile a kernel that boots EGA/VGA
mode, no questions asked (well, it doesn't wait for you to
answer :-,).
I've assembled all three versions; SVGA_MODE undefined prompts
you for a RETURN key and then a number, SVGA_MODE=VGA acts like
you hit another key and sets EGA/VGA mode, and SVGA_MODE=2 sets
my favorite SVGA mode. They all seem to work right for me.
Here's the revised patch:
*** Makefile Mon Apr 6 15:41:45 1992
--- Makefile Mon Apr 13 13:48:02 1992
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,56 ----
AS86 =as86 -0 -a
LD86 =ld86 -0
+ #
+ # If you want to preset the SVGA mode, uncomment the next line
+ # and set SVGA_MODE to whatever number you want. I use 2.
+ # Set it to -DSVGA_MODE=VGA if you just want the EGA/VGA mode.
+ #
AS =as
LD =ld
#LDFLAGS =-s -x -M
*** 124,130 ****
$(LD86) -s -o boot/setup boot/setup.o
boot/setup.s: boot/setup.S include/linux/config.h
! $(CPP) -traditional boot/setup.S -o boot/setup.s
boot/bootsect.s: boot/bootsect.S include/linux/config.h
$(CPP) -traditional boot/bootsect.S -o boot/bootsect.s
--- 131,137 ----
$(LD86) -s -o boot/setup boot/setup.o
boot/setup.s: boot/setup.S include/linux/config.h
! $(CPP) -traditional $(SVGA_MODE) boot/setup.S -o boot/setup.s
boot/bootsect.s: boot/bootsect.S include/linux/config.h
$(CPP) -traditional boot/bootsect.S -o boot/bootsect.s
*** boot/setup.S Mon Apr 6 13:32:48 1992
--- boot/setup.S Mon Apr 13 12:56:03 1992
*** 245,250 ****
--- 245,251 ----
mov es,ax
lea si,msg1
call prtstr
+ #ifndef SVGA_MODE
flush: in al,#0x60 ! Flush the keyboard buffer
cmp al,#0x82
jb nokey
*** 256,264 ****
--- 257,268 ----
ja nokey
cmp al,#0x9c
je svga
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(SVGA_MODE) || SVGA_MODE == VGA
mov ax,#0x5019
pop ds
+ #endif
svga: cld
lea si,idati ! Check ATI 'clues'
mov di,#0x31
*** 497,502 ****
--- 501,509 ----
call prtstr
pop si
add cl,#0x80
+ #if defined(SVGA_MODE) && SVGA_MODE != VGA
+ nonum: mov al,#SVGA_MODE ! Preset SVGA mode
+ #else
nonum: call getkey
cmp al,#0x82
jb nonum
*** 508,513 ****
--- 515,521 ----
zero: sub al,#0x0a
nozero: sub al,#0x80
dec al
+ #endif
xor ah,ah
add di,ax
inc di
-- Dennis T. Flaherty Miles, Inc. Diagnostics Division My doctor says Mylanta, but my boss says Alka-Seltzer!