From: Theodore Ts'o (tytso@ATHENA.MIT.EDU)
Date: 04/08/92

From: tytso@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Theodore Ts'o)
Subject: Re: Binaries vs. Sources  (was: (none))
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 04:37:26 GMT

   From: (Adam Thompson)
   Date: 9 Apr 92 00:43:52 GMT

   *** Now. What the F*** do I _need_ to get a reasonable Linux system up and
   running ? The last time I tried to actually figure it out, (back at 0.12)
   I just FTP'ed the whole directory. Untarred the whole bundle. Hoped
   everything fell into place when I unTar'ed from "/".

   Although you (Theodore) probably have a biased view, I think even you have
   to admit that the binaries directory is a bit ... cluttered?

Yes, it is a bit cluttered, but what's essential to one person will be
trash to another. I consider mtools essential; other people consider it
a complete waste of time. Who's to say? Furthermore, I don't have time
to pass judgement on each file and determine whether it's essential or
not. Sometimes I don't even have a chance to make sure the binary is
working before I install it in the directory.

However, Alan Clegg has been working on the ABC release, which should
fix a lot of these complaints people have been having. It will not
necessarily contain the latest stuff, but it will contain something
that's stable. Unfortunately, he's been busy with work, and so it will
be a while before it will be released. Patience!

I will repeat the wry comment which someone else has made. If "we" did
all the work that had been proposed be done by "we", Linux would be
ahead of BSD 4.4 by now. :-)

                                                        - Ted