From: Greg Lee (lee@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu)
Date: 04/08/92

From: lee@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee)
Subject: Re: Non-destructive repartitioning (was Re: What is linux?)
Date: 9 Apr 1992 02:58:28 GMT

In article <> (Anthony Frey) writes:
}... I'm running DOS 5.0 and Norton for DOS 5.0 and the Norton optimizer reports the
}very last few clusters of the hard disk as being unmovable and owned by a file
}called 'image.idx'. I believe this has something to do with an extra copy of
}the DOS 5.0 boot image.

The Norton utility 'image', presumably called in your autoexec.bat file,
creates the image.idx file to help you reconstruct msdos disk structure in
case it becomes corrupted. Just delete it.