From: Stephen Harris (sweh@spuddy.uucp)
Date: 04/07/92

From: sweh@spuddy.uucp (Stephen Harris)
Subject: Large disk partition
Date: 7 Apr 1992 20:22:08 GMT

Is it possible for Linux to use a disk partition greater than 64Mb ?
I have a 650Mb disk at 1283x16x63. DOS takes up the first 1023 clinders
(the most it can have), leaving me 128Mb as a second partition. But when I
try mkfs it moans for greater than 64Mb :-(

So I now have 64Mb of unused disk (and unusable! Stupid idea of BIOS boot to
have each partition starting before cylinder 1024. means my last partition
MUST be at least 128Mb).

Alternatively, could I make this into an extended partiton, with 2x64Mb
in that, or even 1x10Mb (root+tmp), 1x12Mb(swap=3xRAM),1x64 (/usr), 1x42 (think
of something!).

If so, how? I've read the begineers guide, and the FAQ (Mar 29th) mentions
hda5 as extended partition with a warning, but I couldn't find any info
on how to create this extended partition (NOTE: Dos fdisk won't do it because
it is above the 1024 cylinder limit), nor how to make this as root partition.

Help please! I am on 0.95c (yippeee! I successfully managed to get Linus's
patches to work! Well the kernel boots :-) ).

Thanks in advance.

                               Stephen Harris
               sweh@spuddy.uucp    ...!uknet!axion!spuddy!sweh

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