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Starting: 02/27/93
Ending: 02/28/93
- *** THe f%$#*@ mouse not working ***
- /proc will not mount (unknown error 26240)
- [!FAQ] LILO with DOS -- how?
- [Q] good 386 programming book (protected mode, etc.)
- Anyone ported SML/NJ?
- BUG with passwd?
- Buggy scandir in Libc4.3 (was: Problem with aXe loading files)
- Compiling X apps with shared libs)
- Database Software
- df and nfs-mounted ext-fs
- does Linux support ESDI controller Adaptec 2322A?
- Downloading news via modem for reading locally
- email & cnews
- Error mounting DOS partition
- Experiences with Xfree ver . 1.2
- EXTFS is slow?? Which FS to use then??
- ftp-mailserver for linux
- GCC Problem (Shared library)
- german keyboard
- Hardware question, KFC 17" and Diamond Speedstar 24x
- Help installing linux SLS on a 486 with 2 hard drives
- Help with inittab file
- How do I safely back out of Libc4.3 ?
- How to NFS export to ANY machine...
- I'm sorry (for the BUG in passwd)
- KA9Q ftp problem
- Kernel panic from MSDOS fs
- latest version of linux
- lib43 causes core dumps and logouts
- libsspkg.a missing from xview?
- Linux 1.0 on CD-ROM?
- Linux early users survey - results.
- Linux-Activists Digest #385
- Linux-Activists Digest #386
- Linux-Activists Digest #387
- Linux-Activists Digest #388
- Linux-Activists Digest #389
- Linux-Activists Digest #390
- Linux-Activists Digest #391
- Linux-Activists Digest #392
- Linux-Activists Digest #393
- Lucid Emacs binaries uploaded
- Maxtor hard drives
- Missing files in MGR
- Multi-user-board under Linux
- Need programming help..
- New patches to the serial driver in 0.99pl6.....
- New version of UltraStor driver with scatter/gather
- NEW: Patch to implement ^T process status feature
- NNTP news, what do i need?
- Old WANGTEK streamer
- Peter MacDonald...
- poeigl-1.11/login under PL5
- porting ?
- Porting MH-6.8 to Linux....
- Problems with IPC ( Beta )
- Problems with TCP/IP.
- Problems with video & X
- prolog for linux?
- Segate ST02 problems
- Slip connection
- SLS problems
- SLS X series vs. XFree distribution
- SLS, LILO & OS/2
- stop me before I hurt myself...
- suspend/resume operation on T2200SX
- telnetting and stuff
- Thought: compressed libc ?
- Tricks and traps with ptys?
- Unsharable Shared Libraries.
- Vesa Local Bus
- What would people think of binary-only software on Linux?
- Work on Videoblaster card any ?
- X11 crash report
- x3270
- Xarchie
- Xconfig for ATI Ultra
- XFree1.2 and 8514/A ?
- Xfree386 1.2 w/hga2 blank text mode
- Xfree86 1.2 clients & XS3
Last message date: 02/28/93
Archived on: 01/26/01 CST
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