From: James Michael Chacon (
Date: 01/27/93

From: (James Michael Chacon)
Subject: Re: free and ps Don't Work under SLS 1.0
Date: 27 Jan 1993 19:56:15 GMT (Glenn G. Lai) writes:

>I've not seen others complain about this, but this happened to me with two sets
>of SLS files downloaded by two different people. The error messages I got are

> /# ps
> /proc must be mounted
> ps.c:read_globals:uptime: No such file or directory
> /# free
> cat: /proc/meminfo: No such file or directory
>The "/proc" directory of course doesn't exist (yet). Suggestions appreciated.


This has got to be in the FAQ its asked enough times...

Anyways, go to / and make a directory named proc.
Then add the next line to /etc/fstab:

/proc /proc proc defaults

Then reboot, and proc will be mounted correctly.
