From: Ed Carp (erc@unislc.uucp)
Date: 01/26/93

From: erc@unislc.uucp (Ed Carp)
Subject: Re: uucico hangs
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1993 14:46:45 GMT

David Dave Nuttall ( wrote:

: Reports of uucico hanging seem similar to problems I've seen, although
: mine are with a PC-direct-to-Linux w/null modem cable.
: When I call Linux from UUPC, the g protocol works just fine to send
: stuff into the Linux work, but it doesn't seem to reverse from Master
: to Slave correctly, so anything queued under Linux stays there.
: It may be the version of UUPC, so I'm going to try Waffle next.
: Anyone with experience or interests in making DOS PCs talk to Linux
: when direct connected....pls post or e-mail me.

Please post which version of uucp you are using - reports like this are
basically useless unless you post which version of uucp you are using.
Mailpak-1.3? 1.4? Or did you get it directly from Which
patches have you installed (this is assuming you rolled your own from
and the stuff posted to the mailing list).

UUCP and Waffle all work fine with taylor-uucp gamma-1.04.

Ed Carp       ,       801/538-0177

"It is your resistance to 'what is' that causes your suffering." -- Buddha