From: Alexander Vonk (alex@disnet.uucp)
Date: 01/27/93

From: alex@disnet.uucp (Alexander Vonk)
Subject: Re: Linux 0.99pl4
Date: 27 Jan 1993 08:21:57 GMT

Hendrik G. Seliger ( writes:

> (Johann Miranda) writes:
>: 2) How to configure sendmail daemon?

>I'm using smail. There is one in the latest SLS-release with smtp-support
>compiled in. To keep the daemon running, put an entry like
>"/usr/bin/smail -bd -q1h" into your brc-file. This starts a daemon
>litening for any smtp-calls and also updating via query every 1 hour.
But first, cd /usr/local/lib/smail, read the README.linux and then
edit the files config and paths. Yesterday, I installed it at home
for the first time. Costed some 15 minutes, including testing via uucp.
It ended up with the following config and paths (from memory and untouched
source here at the company):
--- config ---
--- paths ---
disnet disnet!%s disnet!%s
hisight %s %s

>: 3) How to configure tcp/ip properly?

>A good start would really be the net-FAQ. The main problem is probably
>to get a name-server running (which I didn't have to do, cause I'm
>just using someone else's.
An even faster start would be to read the README in /etc/inet, ignoring
the instructions (:-)) and follow the instructions at the end of the
hosts file. Before rebooting, you might consider adding the smail daemon
to your /etc/rc.local file, as Hendrik described under 2 (I didn't do
that, yet).

Yesterday, we installed the SLS Linux on an old system here at IDE.
After we recompiled the kernel (we had a ethernetcard on a non-standard
address) and configured tcp/ip, we had it hooking up to the network
without any problem. Costed about 5 hours in total, including a 1.5 hour
kernel compilation. I've installed Interactive, SCO, AIX (the old one)
several times, but this is really *amazing*.

The only things that were somewhat difficult to set up, were UUCP and
news, but that's basically because I didn't have a BNU example at
hand and no experience with Cnews. But even that costed me some three
hours in total.

Three cheers for Peter McDonald, Linus Torvalds and all other Linux
enthusiasts who put it all together.

Alexander Vonk aka alex@disnet.uucp aka disnet!hisight!
(The man, his work and his play ground)