From: Bill Riemers (
Date: 01/26/93

From: (Bill Riemers)
Subject: Re: SLS no workee.  When?
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1993 23:56:29 GMT

>>>>> On Tue, 19 Jan 1993 04:27:11 GMT, rgooch@rp.CSIRO.AU (Richard Gooch) said:
> I just got the fresh new SLS from tsx-11. It wasn't a question of
> a few bugs or the odd (but disquieting) warning message. It didn't
> work at all! The boot and root disks were fine but doinstall just
> skipped over ever other disk without installing anything.
> This is very disturbing. I spent all Sunday trying to make it work
> and trashed three machines in the process. Does anyone know what I
> should be doing? Is the old version still hanging around somewhere?

        Richard> I have an old (downloaded between 1 and 2 weeks ago) version of SLS. It worked
        Richard> for me. In fact, halfway through the installation process, I saw the first
        Richard> post about the new SLS version, and wondered if I should start again. BUT: I
        Richard> was a little suspicious of the massive reduction in disc space (9.8 MBytes
        Richard> cf. 30 MBytes), so I only downloaded it...

I've just installed this SLS version over the weekend. Other
than typical newbe problems, things went perfectly for the
full system. The only problems I found were:

  1) Several size zero files... This could have been a result of
     Apple File-Exchange

  2) The file tex-manpg.tpz on T2 has one too many letters in its

  3) For some reason my linux refused to install the T disks
     with sysinstall -disk. However, I was able to manually
     install these disks one package at a time. Maybe this
     was caused by the same thing that caused Richard's problem?

  4) There is no documentation of what the D disks are for...
