From: Thorsten Domsalla (
Date: 01/23/93

From: (Thorsten Domsalla)
Subject: Linux for IBM PS/2 and MCA
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1993 10:02:01 GMT

Linux works fine but not on my PS/2 model 80 A31. It's not the SCSI but the
Microchannel. I can't afford a new computer (a 8580 is veeery expensive for a
student...), thus I look for a version of Linux running on MCA machines.
Who's doing the port and what are the problems?
May I help?

    T.J. Domsalla Bohlweg 23 W-3392 Clausthal, Germany
                                         Tel.: Q +49 5323-78370
                   "Das Innere der Leberworscht
                   ist noch v"ollig unerforscht"