From: Andrew Scott Koransky (
Date: 01/23/93

From: (Andrew Scott Koransky)
Subject: NON-FAQ - date: CST instead of GMT?
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1993 06:08:26 GMT

This question was asked recently, but was left unanswered/misunderstood:

I am having problems with date returning my time in CST vs GMT. For
example, if the correct time is 23:00 CST: I would try typing:
date -s "23:00 CST" and then date outputs: Sun Jan 24 05:00:00 GMT 1993, the
time correctly specified as GMT, but I can't get date to output "23:00
CST". Is there a way to do this, or do I just have to live with seeing
either the time in GMT or the local time specified as GMT?

| Andrew Koransky        |College address:   |  "Incompetence is the key to  |
| 6235 River Chase Circle|6515 Wydown        |   adventure."                 |
| Atlanta, GA  30328     |Box 3547           |              -Unknown         |
|  ( |St. Louis, MO 63105|                               |