From: kbj@po.CWRU.Edu (Kevin B. Jacobs) Subject: Re: SLS won't install disks a3 and up; why not? Date: 22 Jan 1993 22:52:45 GMT
In a previous article, buchanan@rintintin.Colorado.EDU (BUCHANAN TIMOTHY E) says:
>There really does seem to be something wrong w/ the SLS sysinstall, perhaps
>because of the new compress format? I don't know, but here is what happens-
>doinstall asks for diska2 and installs bin,faq, and shlibs. Then it asks for
>disks a3 and so on. It takes no install action on each, simply asking for the
>next disk. The boot disk it creates at the end will not work. Afterwards,
>commands such as ls won't work either.
This happend to me, so I installed my disks manually. I had my disks on my
hard drive, so I mounted it manually, copied all the a? disks to my linux
partition and wrote a short script to un-tpz and tar them. I then ran
the script and ran the syssetup with the paramters in the
doinstall script.
Here is something like what I had to do:
mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt /* I have my SLS on my dos partition */
mount /dev/sda1 /root /* my linux drive */
cd /root
cp /mnt/linux/a/* . /* copy all the SLS a series files */
/* from my hard drive */
[then you have to gunzip and untar all the .tpz files]
look in the doinstall script for the correct parameters for calling
syssetup, since I don't remember them off hand. Also make sure to
call the script or your logins won't work.
I'm not sure why SLS is screwing up, but its part of sysinstall.
Hope I helped a little,
Kevin Jacobs
-- --- Camber - Kevin --- | If the red slayer think he slays, E-Mail: | Or if the slain think he is slain, | They know not what the subtle ways quote by: Ralf Waldo Emerson | I keep, and pass, and turn again.