From: mcallist@logdis1.SM.AFLC.AF.MIL (Ron McAllister) Subject: NEED VGA HELP Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1993 21:19:36 GMT
I have a WD 90C11 w/512k mem, and a programmable clock chip. I have been told
than in 640x480 mode, the clock is 25 mhz, and in 640x400 is 28.328.
The display is 31.5khz x 60hz at 640x350 and 31.5khz x 70hz at 640x480.
I can only get Xmono to work in 640x480 mode, and (thanks to alot of folks
on this newsgroup) I can "fool" the mono driver to work saying the chip is
a et3000.
I was hoping someone could refer me to a news-digestifier whom I could
subscribe to to find out about WD developements. I do not have
UUmail and can only receive digests, so the email address of the
maintainer of the proper X news digest or the email addr of the author
of the vga256 driver would be great...
I am using X from the SLS distribution which i think is Xfree86 1.0Ya.
PLEASE I BEG YOUR MERCY! ;) I have read FAQs, ran modegen
Thanks much