Besides the norrmal surfing/email, etc type stuff, I mostly use the computer to listen to my music (rather then swapping cd's). So I have been looking at the Low Power gOS motherboard (like in the Walmart gOS pc), as a low power music/backup system.
Since it is low power, and my plan is to leave it on, I have been wanting to make it my NAS/Backup box, but I need to find either a SATA (preferable), or PATA, pci raid card. Any suggestions?
Thanks Randal
On 1/8/08, wrote:
Besides the norrmal surfing/email, etc type stuff, I mostly use the computer to listen to my music (rather then swapping cd's). So I have been looking at the Low Power gOS motherboard (like in the Walmart gOS pc), as a low power music/backup system.
Since it is low power, and my plan is to leave it on, I have been wanting to make it my NAS/Backup box, but I need to find either a SATA (preferable), or PATA, pci raid card. Any suggestions?
I've had good luck w/ 3-Ware for Linux RAID, and the twcli script is a breeze to get checks going in Nagios. Also note that Linux software RAID is also really good for this kind of stuff.
On Tuesday 08 January 2008 05:40:45 pm wrote:
Since it is low power, and my plan is to leave it on, I have been wanting to make it my NAS/Backup box, but I need to find either a SATA (preferable), or PATA, pci raid card. Any suggestions?
As discussed before on this list and on IRC, true hardware RAID is not cheap. A good RAID controller will cost several hundred dollars. The "ATA Raid" controllers are only capable of RAID 0 or 1, and are really not worth spending money for, they rely as heavily on the CPU as pure software RAID does.