Sorry if this seems redundant .- my files from the last attempt went up in electrons when Starband crashed- /me learned lesson and has offline backups of mail NOW - and we have new members since the last time I tried this - SO consider the rest of this as both second attempt and to the newcomer's a new project - thanks in advance !
Recently I attempted to organize collecting about 4- 6 systems for a not-for-profit daycare center . The person involved with it is a close friend of my family AND this is an opportunity to get the little ones exposed <infected> with Open Source systems in their mundane lives . Thinking of having the Penguin familiar to preschoolers ! SO any one wishing to transfer about half to 3/4 of a Geo Metro load of workable for preschoolers if we load Linux on it stuff ? Call me voice at 816-632-5710 or leave mail to coordinate this - I'd love to make this a xmas gift!
An installfest may be premature ? concept is making these boxes be appliance operator Linux- Xandros seems a bit heavy footed or any suggestions ? The desired result is a " plug it in and use it " experience .
MANY of the staff at this daycare have ZERO windows learning to unlearn so we have "fresh meat"
Can we make anything of this project ?
I have about 10 older boxes (PI-166's, If I remember right), complete with keyboards, mice, & monitors, you're welcome to if they would be used. They are from US Dept of Labor, I accepted them as pay for some work I did for a non-profit org.
They would work, give me a call either at my office number below, or my cell # @ 816-695-4897
Oren Beck wrote:
I wonder if one of those roll-your-own style liveCD distros would be appropriate here. Maybe ram availability would be an issue with some older machines, but it seems like it would uncomplicate things a bit. I could see it being a little more predictable for the new-to-computers types. You could design a slax, or a knoppix (or whatever) to boot with the right user, with the right software loaded etc etc. And upgrades to their software would be as simple as sending them a new batch of cd's. Anyway, just an idea.
my reccommendation is to take Steve's matching systems and do a LTSP cluster.
Matt Graham wrote:
YES! that would be a perfect project- if only our group has the skills to pull it off . The skeletal outline I derived from your concept can strip down to a basic core cd . That core cd having on it the "LiveOS" and the most used applications . I am hopeful that each machine will have enough hd space to store localuser files . What would make this a dragonslaying project is if the userdata could be stored in a "webmail" account or a usb keychain drive -automounted of course .
The user experience being a goal of "no matter what goes wrong -reboot." And all that could be lost is the one unsaved session at worst.
NOW the LongView could be using either a multisession or rw+ multisession to make a "finished" project self booting and independent of ANY off disc information .
You might want to consider putting debian-junior on the pcs. It is gesred for children, from what I understand.
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