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The only issue with that is it's like having too many hands in the kitchen with no Chef to supervise. Many of the projects are poorly managed, noone can put their foot down on things like terrible performance and memory usage that makes people who are used to embedded systems have knightmares.
It's great to have a lot of collaboration on projects and all of the community contributing. When it comes to leading a well defined project, timelines, and tuning, thats where things fall off now. In order to vastly improve Linux in the years to come the major project will likely undergo change to better manage things.
Another thing that could be mentioned is many of the projects attempt to play catch-up with MS Windows. I'd like to see more innovation inside projects that isn't trying to mimic Windows which would be less feature immitation driven. That way you could focus on writting good software instead of mimicing features, and falling behind of what MS does. They have plenty of money and very good coders to add features and make it work. Can the open source movement truely compete without being more organized?
Just some thoughts on development I have seen. Any others have experiences they could share in that realm?