You mean wait 3 months before YOU start this argument all over again. You want some salient arguments, how about this:
I also use Outlook at work, and the mailing list is delivered to my work address. Now in order to bottom post, like you demand that I do and have it be legible, I have to turn on prefixes in the Email Options. We have a group policy that requires all messages be spell checked before they are sent. This policy prevents me from disabling it locally. Whenever Outlook is set to Prefix mode, spell check insists on checking the entire message. Now many people do no use proper spelling, or bother spell checking their emails. I find it extremely annoying having to spell check someone else's message along with mine on every reply that I send. If I leave my Email Options on "Include Original Text", Outlook will only spell check my reply and not the entire email. So it is a big hassle for me to go into Options, turn on Prefixes, Bottom-Reply to a KLUG post, go back into Option turn off prefixes just to make YOU happy. My happiness is more important to me than yours, I'm sorry to say...
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Jason Clinton Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 9:33 AM To: Frank Wiles Cc: Subject: Re: test
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 09:25 -0600, Frank Wiles wrote:
Ok this is really getting ridiculous people. I was hoping that KCLUG would eventually pick back up and improve the signal to stupid ratio, but it obviously hasn't.
Instead of attacking the discussion how 'bout making some salient arguements? Or I guess we could just all throw up our hands and wait another 3 or so months until we have this flame war all over again. Let's fix it.
Jason, this post is what finally did it for me. Some tips for your future, it's probably not wise to cuss at the community you have such a vested interest in and for something as silly as mailing list posting formats.
Read that again, it's at a person, not the community as a whole. It accurately and succinctly conveys my frustration.
There are some really important and useful things to be upset and passionate about in the real world, maybe you should take up one of those as your crusade instead?
I have a ton of crusades on my plate. Any one of these is no reason to disregard others. Especially if less that 24 hours of heated email exchange could make a difference...
Your "concerned participation" is driving people away. I'm leaving and I would wager I won't be the only one.
I imagined that it might have that effect. It has before. But then again, anyone leaving this list is making the *same* argument that I am: signal to noise ratio is getting to low. Lets fix it. Don't walk away.
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 10:04 -0600, Jeremy Fowler wrote:
You mean wait 3 months before YOU start this argument all over again. You want some salient arguments, how about this:
I also use Outlook at work, and the mailing list is delivered to my work address. Now in order to bottom post, like you demand that I do and have it be legible, I have to turn on prefixes in the Email Options.
God damn it, man! If you are going to post a reply to a thread it just *MIGHT* help to read the first *three* times I said that this *IS NOT* about top vs. bottom posting. Speaking of being lazy... absolutely amazing.