On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Billy Crook billycrook@gmail.com wrote:
That said, if you need a sql driven filesystem, try fuse-mysqls: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqlfs/ http://www.linux.com/feature/127055?theme=print
Storing its data in mysql, you can use mysql's native high availability clustering to keep multiple instances on multiple machines in sync, at all times, without scripts, inotify, or a SAN. Just don't count on any degree of performance.
with SQLite being PD and modular, with the SQL layer cleanly abstracted from the storage, it seems like using its storage for a FS would be worthwhile for someone without anything bettter to do. And the FTS3 searchable indexing system; that in a file system would let you have a distro-specific grep that screamed, for instance. What was reiser4 supposed to deliver? If the future of file systems is blurring of file systems or databases, it seems like sloshing code in both directions is a SMOP.