KC LUG members are welcome to join us for another Novell Users Intl. meeting - we hope you can make it!
============================================ NUI Kansas City Meeting - Kick off 2008.
When: Wednesday, January 16th. 11:30am to 1:00pm (Pizza will be served) Where: Olathe Medical Center - The Doctors Building room 302. - 20333 West 151st Street, Olathe, KS. 66061 (Exit 215 on I-35) Why: Kick off new NUI Kansas City meeting in 2008 RSVP: Email alexm@kiscc.com
Come join us for our first meeting of 2008. A lot of changes have happened at Novell and the dust is still settling. Also, a brand-new NUI organization is now in place with more support for our local group.
- Changes at Novell and how it effects you - New NUI organization outline - NUI officers - Brainshare 2008 plans - Future speakers/vendors for NUI meetings ============================================
-- Alex Monteiro Business Development Manager KIS Computer Center - Kansas City o. 816-373-9900 (vmail ext. 7554) f. 816-373-9912 m. 650-279-1909
www.kiscc.com - alexm@kiscc.com
On Tuesday 08 January 2008 03:49:27 pm Alex Monteiro wrote:
KC LUG members are welcome to join us for another Novell Users Intl. meeting - we hope you can make it!
I anticipate that the entire Intl. community will be present, or at least well represented. Where did you find the 1995 calendar?