Anyone ever successfully installed a debian kernel pacakge?
I've been trying to compile a specific kernel module.
So far no luck. So now I'm compiling and installing a kernel from sources.
All because I want my scanner to work in debian. Funny it used to work out of the box in other distros, but in debian it is installing some funky wrong module. Granted it is a parallel port scanner.
<rant> I have another scanner, which I just bought, but it won't work in Linux, so I need to build a M$ box so I can scan in my medium format negatives. Then I'll start working on finishing the experimental driver for the scanner. </rant>
Brian JD
I've never been able to compile a module to work with a stock debian binary kernel. I've ended up having to download the sources and compile the debian way (tm) myself. The biggest problem has been including all of the modules I need, and getting a base kernel setup. But once I had that down, I could pop in a new version of sources, and just run a script to generate my own binary debian kernel.
Some good references for compiling from source in debian are:
Sorry to reply to myself. That last link on the list probably isn't the best one to go off of.
Once I have my .config file created (going through the list takes the longest for me), I run the following script:
------- bin/kernel-compile ------- #!/bin/sh # usage: kernel-compile hostname version
ver=$2 host=$1
if [ ! $1 ] ; then host=`hostname` fi
if [ ! $2 ] ; then ver=0 fi
time nice fakeroot make-kpkg --append_to_version -`date +%Y%m%d` --revision=$host.$ver kernel_image modules_image
-------- end script -----
This nifty script adds the date (YYYYMMDD format), the hostname, and optionally a version number, because I usually only compile kernels once a month (or less often), and it usually takes several compiles before I get the kernel I like.
On Tuesday 06 September 2005 5:34 pm, Jack wrote:
All of the modules that come with stock kernels are included with the Debian kernel binaries. There should be no need to recompile. In the rare event that you need third party modules, the Debian package "module-assistant" does everything for you including setting up the build environment and installing the module.
Perhaps if you provided more info about your situation I could help you solve the issue? I know quite a bit about the Debian module autoload system, etc.
--- Jason Clinton wrote:
Maybe, all the drivers that come with "stock" kernels are included. Unfortunately for me pt_drv isn't one of those drivers that come with "stock" kernels.
There is no pt_drv on my system, so I have to do as the sane manpage instructs and build it. I know how to load modules and how to find modules. I don't compile modules just for fun anymore. I'm past that point. Also, I've discovered after hours of f***ing with the debian sources that you need to install the "kernel tree" also in order to compile a kernel or modules. What kind of stupid crap is that? You've got packages for the kernel headers, the kernel sources and the kernel tree (whatever that is supposed to be). I've pulled down the latest kernel sources from Linus and am compiling from there.
[May the debian maintainers live an interesting life - from ancient chinese curse]
Thanks, Brian JD