The old Toshiba finally conked out this morning, so I'm definitely in the market for a laptop if you've got one for sale.
Also interested in recommendations on new netbooks.
Microcenter often has specials on reconditioned Acer Aspire Ones for $200.
Our Kansas store has 20 of these in stock ready for pickup...if you like purple:
or one black one:
They also have this in full size if you don't mind AMD:
I have the Intel version of that. Super fast for compiling gentoo and about 4 times as that than the Acer Aspire Ones above that I also have.
The AAOs are just about indestructable and the batteries last all day. I give them out for family members. $200 each, why not? :D
On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
For netbooks don't go for any thing older than an N450 or so. Not that the N270/280, etc. is bad. It's just that the chipset revision and system design give a bunch more battery life, making them a much better value. I still get about two hours out of my originally 2.5 hour 3 cell battery in my AAO ZG5 but if it was an N450/455, etc. it'd probably be able to push out 3.5 or 4.
On 11/2/10, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
I decided I wanted something that would have all-day battery life, and MicroCenter had a deal on Acer AO532h-2268 netbooks. It's a bit sluggish in Windows7, but once I've finished spending the day doing "updates" and backups we'll see how it likes Debian. Report to follow.